If Harold Camping's prediction is true, don't worry about your Sun Sentinel subscription payment being overdue.

Saturday is May 21, 2011, which makes it Judgment Day, according to Camping, co-founder of Family Radio, a network of Christian radio stations.

To help you plan your day, Camping predicts that earthquakes will rock the world at 6 p.m. Saturday – just a few minutes before the Preakness Stakes, the middle jewel of horse racing's Triple Crown. The rapture will transport believers into the heavens – while nonbelievers will suffer until the Earth perishes for good on Oct. 21.

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While Camping's followers have made their plans, so have at least 494,000 Facebook users. They've joined a page called "Post-Rapture Looting," which says: "When everyone is gone and god's not looking, we need to pick up some sweet stereo equipment and maybe some new furniture for the mansion we're going to squat in."

There are, of course, plenty of reasons to be skeptical, which is the theme of Saturday night's "Rapture Party" in the tiki bar at the Lauderdale Beach Hotel (4660 N. Ocean Drive, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea). We wonder, for instance, why He would ruin the Saturday night planned at Fort Lauderdale's unloved Riverfront, where the lovely Pamela Anderson is scheduled to sprinkle good cheer. Plus, the Band in Heaven is, suspiciously, not down to play a gig for Him upstairs Saturday night: They're booked at Respectable Street in West Palm Beach. Just saying.

But do check for updates on SunSentinel.com. Yes, we have it on good authority that there is free Wi-Fi in heaven. Not sure about the other place.

Staff Writer Ben Crandell contributed to this report.