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National Postsecondary Student Aid Study  National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS)

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open  Data Products

2007-08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08) Restricted-Use Data File
NCES Number: 2010171   Release Date: November 6, 2009  

2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08): Undergraduate Data Analysis System
NCES Number: 2009167   Release Date: April 15, 2009  

2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Graduate Data Analysis System
NCES Number: 2009168   Release Date: April 15, 2009  

2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Undergraduate Data Analysis System
NCES Number: 2005164   Release Date: February 11, 2005  

2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Graduate Data Analysis System
NCES Number: 2005165   Release Date: February 11, 2005  

CD-ROM: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study Data Analysis System (DAS) B&B;:2000/01
NCES Number: 2003173   Release Date: November 14, 2003  

CD-ROM: Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Second Follow-up Data Analysis System (DAS) BPS:96/01
NCES Number: 2003159   Release Date: March 13, 2003  

CD-ROM: Electronic Codebooks for Windows 95/98
NCES Number: 2000193   Release Date: May 29, 2000  

CD-ROM: NPSAS: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: 1995-96
NCES Number: 98074   Release Date: July 24, 1998  

CD-ROM: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study First Follow-up DAS
NCES Number: 96147   Release Date: September 30, 1996  

CD-ROM: Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Second Followup (BPS:90/94) Public Use Data Analysis System
NCES Number: 96151   Release Date: July 22, 1996  

CD-ROM: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: 1992-93 Data Analysis System Public Use File
NCES Number: 95365   Release Date: December 4, 1995  

CD-ROM: NPSAS:87 and Electronic Codebook
NCES Number: 95820   Release Date: October 6, 1995  

CD-ROM: Beginning Postsecondary Students First Follow-up (BPS:90/92) Data Analysis System
NCES Number: 95367   Release Date: December 9, 1994  

Data File: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: FY 1989-90
NCES Number: 92371   Release Date: October 30, 1991  

open  Reports

Digest of Education Statistics, 2010
NCES Number: 2011015   Release Date: April 5, 2011  

Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups
NCES Number: 2010015   Release Date: July 14, 2010  

Digest of Education Statistics, 2009
NCES Number: 2010013   Release Date: April 7, 2010  

Digest of Education Statistics, 2008
NCES Number: 2009020   Release Date: March 18, 2009  

Digest of Education Statistics, 2007
NCES Number: 2008022   Release Date: March 25, 2008  

Trends in Undergraduate Borrowing II: Federal Student Loans in 1995-96, 1999-2000, and 2003-04
NCES Number: 2008179rev   Release Date: March 18, 2008  

Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities
NCES Number: 2007039   Release Date: September 12, 2007  

Differential Characteristics of 2-Year Postsecondary Institutions
NCES Number: 2007164rev   Release Date: August 10, 2007  

Part-Time Undergraduates in Postsecondary Education: 2003–04
NCES Number: 2007165   Release Date: June 27, 2007  

Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 2003–04, With a Special Analysis of the Net Price of Attendance and Federal Education Tax Benefits
NCES Number: 2006186   Release Date: August 23, 2006  

Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 2003-04, With a Special Analysis of Community College Students
NCES Number: 2006184   Release Date: June 21, 2006  

Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education, 2003–04: Profiles of Students in Selected Degree Programs and Part-Time Students
NCES Number: 2006185   Release Date: May 30, 2006  

Independent Undergraduates: 1999-2000
NCES Number: 2005151   Release Date: October 21, 2005  

Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 6 Issue 3
NCES Number: 2005612   Release Date: July 26, 2005  

Waiting to Attend College: Undergraduates Who Delay Their Postsecondary Enrollment
NCES Number: 2005152   Release Date: June 16, 2005  

Estimating Undergraduate Enrollment in Postsecondary Education Using National Center for Education Statistics Data
NCES Number: 2005063   Release Date: March 3, 2005  

Gender Differences in Participation and Completion of Undergraduate Education and How They Have Changed Over Time
NCES Number: 2005169   Release Date: February 25, 2005  

A Decade of Undergraduate Student Aid: 1989-90 to 1999-2000
NCES Number: 2004158   Release Date: September 13, 2004  

Paying for College: Changes Between 1990 and 2000 for Full-Time Dependent Undergraduates
NCES Number: 2004075   Release Date: June 1, 2004  

The Condition of Education in Brief 2004
NCES Number: 2004076   Release Date: June 1, 2004  

Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 5 Issue 3
NCES Number: 2004609   Release Date: April 22, 2004  

Work First, Study Second: Adult Undergraduates Who Combine Employment and Postsecondary Enrollment
NCES Number: 2003167   Release Date: August 12, 2003  

Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 5 Issue 1
NCES Number: 2003607   Release Date: July 11, 2003  

Community College Students: Goals, Academic Preparation, and Outcomes
NCES Number: 2003164   Release Date: June 25, 2003  

How Families of Low- and Middle-Income Undergraduates Pay for College: Full-Time Dependent Students in 1999–2000
NCES Number: 2003162   Release Date: June 16, 2003  

What Colleges Contribute: Institutional Aid to Full-Time Undergraduates Attending 4-Year Colleges and Universities
NCES Number: 2003157   Release Date: April 30, 2003  

Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 4 Issue 4
NCES Number: 2003605   Release Date: April 2, 2003  

Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 4 Issue 3
NCES Number: 2003604   Release Date: January 13, 2003  

Characteristics of Undergraduate Borrowers: 1999–2000
NCES Number: 2003155   Release Date: January 6, 2003  

A Profile of Participation in Distance Education: 1999-2000
NCES Number: 2003154   Release Date: October 17, 2002  

What Students Pay for College: Changes in Net Price of College Attendance Between 1992-93 and 1999-2000
NCES Number: 2002174   Release Date: September 30, 2002  

Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 4 Issue 2
NCES Number: 2002609   Release Date: September 26, 2002  

Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education, 1999-2000: Profiles of Students in Selected Degree Programs and Their Use of Assistantships
NCES Number: 2002166   Release Date: June 20, 2002  

Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 1999-2000
NCES Number: 2002167   Release Date: June 20, 2002  

Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Institutions: 1999–2000
NCES Number: 2002168   Release Date: June 20, 2002  

Middle Income Undergraduates: Where They Enroll and How They Pay for Their Education
NCES Number: 2001155   Release Date: July 2, 2001  

Undergraduates Enrolled with Higher Sticker Prices
NCES Number: 2001171   Release Date: March 23, 2001  

Low-Income Students: Who They Are and How They Pay for Their Education.
NCES Number: 2000169   Release Date: March 7, 2000  

Trends in Undergraduate Borrowing: Federal Student Loans in 1989–90, 1992–93, and 1995–96
NCES Number: 2000151   Release Date: January 27, 2000  

Vocational Education in the United States: Toward the Year 2000
NCES Number: 2000029   Release Date: January 24, 2000  

Students at Private, For-Profit Institutions
NCES Number: 2000175   Release Date: December 8, 1999  

Employer Aid for Postsecondary Education
NCES Number: 1999181   Release Date: July 20, 1999  

State Aid For Undergraduates in Postsecondary Education
NCES Number: 1999186   Release Date: May 17, 1999  

Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education: A Profile of Preparation, Participation, and Outcomes
NCES Number: 1999187   Release Date: May 17, 1999  

Stopouts or Stayouts? Undergraduates Who Leave College in Their First Year
NCES Number: 1999087   Release Date: December 3, 1998  

Descriptive Summary of 1995-96 Beginning Postsecondary Students: With Profiles of Students Entering 2- to 4- Year Institutions
NCES Number: 1999030   Release Date: December 1, 1998  

Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 1995-96, With an Essay on Student Loans
NCES Number: 98076   Release Date: November 24, 1998  

Choosing a Postsecondary Institution
NCES Number: 98080   Release Date: November 17, 1998  

Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1995-96: With an essay on: Undergraduates Who Work
NCES Number: 98084   Release Date: May 14, 1998  

Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education, 1995-96: With Profiles of Students in Selected Degree Programs
NCES Number: 98083   Release Date: April 23, 1998  

Postsecondary Financing Strategies: How Undergraduates Combine Work, Borrowing, and Attendance
NCES Number: 98088   Release Date: March 10, 1998  

Institutional Aid: 1992-93
NCES Number: 98104   Release Date: September 30, 1997  

Nontraditional Undergraduates: Trends in Enrollment from 1986 to 1992 and Persistence and Attainment Among 1989-90 Beginning Postsecondary Students
NCES Number: 97578   Release Date: December 5, 1996  

A Descriptive Summary of 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients: 1 Year Later, With an Essay on Time to Degree
NCES Number: 96158   Release Date: August 30, 1996  

Descriptive Summary of 1989-90 Beginning Postsecondary Students: 5 Years Later With an Essay on Postsecondary Persistence and Attainment
NCES Number: 96155   Release Date: May 20, 1996  

How Low Income Undergraduates Finance Postsecondary Education: 1992-93
NCES Number: 96161   Release Date: April 30, 1996  

Student Financing of Undergraduate Education, 1992-93 With an Essay on the Costs of Undergraduate Education Before and After Student Financial Aid
NCES Number: 95202   Release Date: November 30, 1995  

Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education, 1992-93
NCES Number: 96235   Release Date: November 20, 1995  

Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1992-93
NCES Number: 96237   Release Date: October 31, 1995  

Profile of Part-Time Undergraduates in Postsecondary Education: 1989-90
NCES Number: 95173   Release Date: July 26, 1995  

Packaging of Undergraduate Student Financial Aid: 1989-90
NCES Number: 95313   Release Date: July 24, 1995  

Minority Undergraduate Participation in Postsecondary Education
NCES Number: 95166   Release Date: June 6, 1995  

Profile of Older Undergraduates: 1989-90
NCES Number: 95167   Release Date: May 30, 1995  

Characteristics of Students Who Borrow to Finance Their Postsecondary Education
NCES Number: 95310   Release Date: December 14, 1994  

Undergraduates Who Work While Enrolled in Postsecondary Education: 1989-90
NCES Number: 94311   Release Date: September 12, 1994  

Changes in Undergraduate Student Financial Aid: Fall 1986 to Fall 1989
NCES Number: 93157   Release Date: August 25, 1993  

Financing Undergraduate Education: 1990
NCES Number: 93201   Release Date: June 9, 1993  

Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education
NCES Number: 93076   Release Date: March 15, 1993  

Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1989-90
NCES Number: 93091   Release Date: March 1, 1993  

Students in Less-Than-4-Year Institutions
NCES Number: 92206   Release Date: November 12, 1992  

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1987: Parental Financial Support for Undergraduate Education
NCES Number: 92390   Release Date: May 18, 1992  

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: Estimates of Student Financial Aid, 1989-90
NCES Number: 92003   Release Date: October 30, 1991  

Undergraduate Financial Aid Awards: A Report of the 1987 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
NCES Number: 90332   Release Date: September 15, 1990  

Profile of American (U.S.) Students
NCES Number: 90353   Release Date: September 14, 1990  

open  Shorter Publications

The Expansion of Private Loans in Postsecondary Education
NCES Number: 2012184   Release Date: October 11, 2011  

Borrowing at the Maximum: Undergraduate Stafford Loan Borrowers in 2007–08
NCES Number: 2012161   Release Date: October 6, 2011  

Learning at a Distance: Undergraduate Enrollment in Distance Education Courses and Degree Programs
NCES Number: 2012154   Release Date: October 5, 2011  

Military Service Members and Veterans: A Profile of Those Enrolled in Undergraduate and Graduate Education in 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011163   Release Date: September 20, 2011  

Graduate and First-Professional Students: Who They Are and How They Pay for Their Education: 2007-08
NCES Number: 2011174   Release Date: July 26, 2011  

Trends in the Receipt of Pell Grants: Selected Years, 1995–96 to 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011155   Release Date: February 24, 2011  

Trends in Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: Selected Years, 1995–96 to 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011218   Release Date: January 12, 2011  

Trends in Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education: Selected Years 1995–96 to 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011217   Release Date: January 10, 2011  

What Is the Price of College? Total, Net, and Out-of-Pocket Prices in 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011175   Release Date: December 20, 2010  

Web Tables—Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education: 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011172   Release Date: October 26, 2010  

Web Tables—Profile of Graduate and First-Professional Students: Trends from Selected Years, 1995–96 to 2007–08
NCES Number: 2011219   Release Date: October 20, 2010  

Web Tables—Trends in Graduate Borrowing: Selected Years, 1995-96 to 2007-08
NCES Number: 2010180   Release Date: October 4, 2010  

Web Tables—Profile of Students in Graduate and First-Professional Education: 2007–08
NCES Number: 2010177   Release Date: September 22, 2010  

Web Tables—Profile of Undergraduate Students 2007-08
NCES Number: 2010205   Release Date: September 7, 2010  

Web Tables—Profile of Undergraduate Students: Trends from Selected Years, 1995–96 to 2007–08
NCES Number: 2010220   Release Date: September 7, 2010  

Web Tables—Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 2007–08
NCES Number: 2010162   Release Date: August 17, 2010  

Web Tables—Trends in Undergraduate Stafford Loan Borrowing: 1989–90 to 2007–08
NCES Number: 2010183   Release Date: August 10, 2010  

Undergraduate Financial Aid Estimates for Six States: 2007-08
NCES Number: 2010181rev   Release Date: November 5, 2009  

Students Who Study Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in Postsecondary Education
NCES Number: 2009161   Release Date: July 29, 2009  

Web Tables: Undergraduate Financial Aid Estimates by Type of Institution in 2007–08
NCES Number: 2009201   Release Date: June 4, 2009  

Issue Tables: A Profile of Military Servicemembers and Veterans Enrolled in Postsecondary Education in 2007-08
NCES Number: 2009182   Release Date: May 11, 2009  

2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08): Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2007–08
NCES Number: 2009166   Release Date: April 14, 2009  

2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Undergraduate Financial Aid Estimates for 12 States: 2003–04
NCES Number: 2006158   Release Date: October 24, 2006  

2003-04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04) Undergraduate Financial Aid Estimates for 2003-04 by Type of Institution
NCES Number: 2005163   Release Date: June 24, 2005  

2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2003-04
NCES Number: 2005158   Release Date: February 28, 2005  

Undergraduate Enrollments in Academic, Career, and Vocational Education
NCES Number: 2004018   Release Date: February 17, 2004  

Congressionally Mandated Studies of College Costs and Prices
NCES Number: 2003171   Release Date: September 30, 2003  

Findings from the Condition of Education 2002: Nontraditional Undergraduates
NCES Number: 2002012   Release Date: September 5, 2002  

Findings from the Condition of Education 2001: Students Whose Parents Did Not Go to College
NCES Number: 2001126   Release Date: February 13, 2002  

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: Student Financial Aid Estimates for 1999-2000
NCES Number: 2001209   Release Date: July 27, 2001  

Postsecondary Students with Disabilities: Enrollment, Services, and Persistence
NCES Number: 2000092   Release Date: June 13, 2000  

College Access and Affordability
NCES Number: 1999108   Release Date: March 8, 1999  

Undergraduates Who Work: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 1996
NCES Number: 98137   Release Date: July 9, 1998  

Graduate and First-Professional Students: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 1996
NCES Number: 98139   Release Date: July 9, 1998  

NPSAS: Student Financial Aid Estimates for 1995-96
NCES Number: 97570   Release Date: August 19, 1997  

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1995-96: Student Financial Aid Estimates for Federal Aid Recipients, 1995-96
NCES Number: 97937   Release Date: October 15, 1996  

Findings from The Condition of Education 1995: Number 6 - The Cost of Higher Education
NCES Number: 96769   Release Date: May 30, 1996  

Net Cost of Attending Postsecondary Education (Indicator of the Month)
NCES Number: 95786   Release Date: June 27, 1995  

Electronic E.D. TAB: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: Estimates of Student Financial Aid: 1992-93
NCES Number: 95746   Release Date: June 12, 1995  

E.D. TAB: Characteristics of Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) Recipients
NCES Number: 90349   Release Date: July 5, 1990  

open  Technical/Methodological

2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:08) Full-scale Methodology Report
NCES Number: 2011188   Release Date: December 8, 2010  

2004 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04) Full-scale Methodology Report
NCES Number: 2006180   Release Date: July 18, 2006  

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study 1999-2000 [NPSAS:2000] Methodology Report
NCES Number: 2002152   Release Date: June 6, 2002  

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1995-96 (NPSAS:96) Methodology Report
NCES Number: 98073   Release Date: October 14, 1997  

Methodology Report for the 1993 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
NCES Number: 95211   Release Date: November 6, 1995  

Quality of Responses, National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: 1987
NCES Number: 93446   Release Date: April 16, 1993  

Methodology Report for the 1990 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
NCES Number: 92080   Release Date: May 21, 1992  

Methodology Report for the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1987
NCES Number: 90309   Release Date: April 6, 1990