


In L.A. Noire, you ask questions first, shoot later

Aaron Staton is used to being in front of cameras. But it wasn’t until the actor best known as ad account executive Ken Cosgrove on "Mad Men" starred in the video game L.A. Noire that he acted in front of 32 of them.




Video games make you eat more: study

A Canadian-led study suggests video-game use is not just a rampant and sedentary replacement for physical exertion, but actually compels players to eat more — even when they are not hungry

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Angry Birds

Angry Birds tops mobile pecking order

The mega-popular "Angry Birds" did not hatch perfectly formed.

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Video Games Live

Video game concerts play to larger crowds

Is video game music a legitimate form of art?

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Nintendo to launch new Wii in 2012 to arrest profit fall

Nintendo Co. Ltd. will launch a successor to its aging Wii game console in 2012 as it bets on a new games platform to win back users lured away by rivals Microsoft and Sony.

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Microsoft Xbox LIVE alert after PlayStation hack

Microsoft has warned users of its Xbox Live online gaming service of possible attempts to steal personal data after the Sony PlayStation Network was hacked.

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Hackers have stolen names, addresses and possibly credit-card details from 77 million PlayStation Network users.

Sony to brief media on data theft

Sony Corp's No. 2, Kazuo Hirai, to brief media about a huge security breach of its PlayStation Network — the first time an executive of the Japanese electronics giant will publicly address the case.

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