Restaurant work most common first job: Survey


According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Kraft Foodservice Canada, 22 per cent of people surveyed say their first employment was in a restaurant.

According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Kraft Foodservice Canada, 22 per cent of people surveyed say their first employment was in a restaurant.

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Restaurant employment is the most popular answer among Canadians when asked what their first job was, according to a survey released recently.

The poll, commissioned by Kraft Foodservice Canada and carried out by Ipsos, had 22 per cent of people saying their first employment was in a restaurant. The next most common answers were: retail cited by 16 per cent; manufacturing by 11 per cent; delivering newspapers by eight per cent; and six per cent cited something related to agriculture.

The category of restaurants in this survey included full-service food establishments, fast-food outlets, cafeterias, coffee shops, and bars and pubs.

The survey results, which were announced by the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CFRA), showed 45 per cent have a connection to the restaurant industry in that they are or at one time were employed in it, they have a family member in this business, or they or a family member work in a business dependent on the restaurant sector.

The association said there are 81,000 restaurants, bars and caterers in Canada, accounting for four per cent of all economic activity in the country and employing more than a million people.

In the survey, seven in 10 agreed that restaurants are important to the overall economy, and three-quarters said working in one at a young age is helpful in developing skills that will come into play later in life.

"This is the first study of its kind in Canada, providing us with a fascinating glimpse into how the restaurant industry is perceived by Canadians," said CFRA president Garth Whyte. "It is important for policy-makers to understand that Canadians have a strong connection to the restaurant industry and value its contribution to jobs and the economy, and first-time jobs in particular."

The survey also showed restaurants are a big part of Canadians' social lives. It was the top answer of respondents when asked what they prefer doing on outings with friends or family, cited by 28 per cent of respondents. The other popular answers were: outdoor activities chosen by 23 per cent; going to a movie by 12 per cent; shopping by 12 per cent; and concerts or other events by nine per cent.

The results were based on an online survey of 1,028 Canadians taken in late August. The results are considered representative of the population within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Kraft Foodservice Canada, 22 per cent of people surveyed say their first employment was in a restaurant.

According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by Kraft Foodservice Canada, 22 per cent of people surveyed say their first employment was in a restaurant.

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