About these blogs



The Edmonton Journal links to selected local blogs as part of an overall desire to cover our community in the best and most comprehensive way possible. The blogs linked here cover various aspects of Edmonton and the surrounding area. The opinions expressed in these blogs do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Journal, nor does The Journal exercise any control over the content of these blogs.

The blogs listed here have been chosen because we feel they are interesting, relevant, active and appealing to a broader audience. We can't link to every local blog, but we are always looking for suggestions. If you know of a local blog that should be on this list, please contact website@edmontonjournal.com.

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Project Kare search

Project Kare conducts search in river valley

A search is underway near the Edmonton Queen riverboat launch in Edmonton’s river valley, after a specialized provincial task force received information that there may be potential evidence in the area.

1 hour ago
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