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Hate crime charge

Do you agree with the decision to charge the defendant accused of beating a transgender woman in Baltimore County with a hate crime?

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  • Not sure

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More commentary

Freedom Ride revisited: Looking forward, but seeing the past in a mirror

Freedom Ride revisited: Looking forward, but seeing the past in a mirror

We are on the 2011 Student Freedom Riders bus rolling toward Augusta, Ga., watching "The Murder of Emmett Till," a PBS documentary on the savage 1955 lynching of a black boy in the nothing town of Money, Miss. On the old newsreel footage, white person after white person spews the grotesque bigotry...

End the chattel system for student-athletes

Last week, longtime University of Maryland basketball coach Gary Williams announced his retirement, and very quickly Maryland announced that Texas A&M; Coach Mark Turgeon will replace him. No one doubts that during contract negotiations, Turgeon had lawyers advising and representing him.

Inner Harbor's poverty zone

Inner Harbor's poverty zone

Imagine being told your employer is closing its doors for good in two days, but you'll get paid for the next 60 days. Then imagine discovering that your paycheck for those 60 days is cut nearly in half.

WIC cuts: Balancing the budget on the backs of babies

WIC cuts: Balancing the budget on the backs of babies

Congress' recent efforts to balance the federal budget give new meaning to "women and children first." The $500 million cut to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) that President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans agreed to as part of last month'...

Time to tell Pakistan: Game over

Time to tell Pakistan: Game over

The search for Osama bin Laden lasted more than 10 years, through three U.S. presidencies. Under President Bill Clinton in the mid-1990s, our intelligence agencies began their relentless pursuit of bin Laden. The death of almost 3,000 innocent men, women and children on Sept. 11, 2001, intensified...

Northeast Baltimore shines despite problems

Northeast Baltimore shines despite problems

The life I experience as a 30-year resident and homeowner in Northeast Baltimore is quite different from the picture painted recently in The Sun. I've worked in community development for 16 years and know the Northeast Baltimore neighborhoods well. I have seen them evolve from quasi-suburban...

The only grownup on the bus

Dan Rodricks: The only grownup on the bus

The way Maurice McClain tells it, he was driving to his ex-wife's house in the Gwynn Oak area of Baltimore County on Friday afternoon and, approaching that destination, noticed a boy who appeared to be walking home from school. The boy appeared to be about 10 years old, alone and upset. He looked...

U.S. should encourage regime change in Syria

U.S. should encourage regime change in Syria

As the wave of revolution continues to sweep through the Arab world, the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad could be its next victim. While many in the United States and Israel appear hesitant to support Syria's anti-regime forces — basing their thinking on the old maxim that the devil you know...

In defense of religious moderation

In defense of religious moderation

Whether it's the U.S. president ordering the killing of an Islamist extremist in Pakistan, a Long Island congressman scheduling hearings on the radicalization of Islam in America, or mullahs in Afghanistan exhorting mobs to violence in response to a Florida preacher burning a copy of the Quran, it's...

Bin Laden's death: A 7th-grader's view

Bin Laden's death: A 7th-grader's view

Osama Bin Laden's death reminds me of a middle school essay competition I participated in last fall. It was titled: If you could choose to go back in time and witness any historic event, which event would it be and why?

Trash incineration isn't renewable energy

Trash incineration isn't renewable energy

A growing coalition of environmentalists, public health advocates and sustainable businesses including renewable energy companies and composters are urging Gov. Martin O'Malley to veto legislation that would qualify trash incineration as a "Tier 1" renewable energy source on par with solar and...

Inner Harbor is for Baltimoreans, too

Inner Harbor is for Baltimoreans, too

I live about three-quarters of a mile from the Inner Harbor and have for close to seven years now, but I would not say it's one of my favorite places to frequent on a Friday night — or any other night. Sure, the harbor offers great waterfront views and a number of upscale restaurants, but most...

What's killing Baltimore? Health Department on a quest to find out

What's killing Baltimore? Health Department on a quest to find out

Fourteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven.

Thor's nuclear-powered hammer

Dan Rodricks: Thor's nuclear-powered hammer

Thor, the Marvel Comics superhero, hammered his way into movie theaters over the weekend, saving the world, winning Natalie Portman and grossing about $66 million. Kenneth Branagh's "Thor" is based on Stan Lee's Thor, which is based on the Thor of Norse mythology — god of thunder and protector...

Md. Dream Act forces 'cooling out' of poor, minority kids in community college

Maryland now has a hard-fought "Dream Act" that offers undocumented-immigrant young people in-state tuition for post-high school education — but with many limitations, including that these "dreamers" must enroll first in Maryland community colleges.

Bin Laden's image: Looking into the face of evil

Bin Laden's image: Looking into the face of evil

Osama bin Laden once argued that the U.S., in its "Global War on Terror," was "like the one who plows and sows the sea: he harvests nothing but failure." Bin Laden made this assertion in his video titled "The Solution," which was released Sept. 7, 2007, in advance of the sixth anniversary of Sept....

'Bridges' — a poem for spring

Dan Rodricks: 'Bridges' — a poem for spring

(The following is inspired by "Birches," with apologies to Robert Frost.)

For Mother's Day, a little creative help

Today is Mother's Day, and millions of kids across the country will spend time celebrating that irreplaceable figure in their lives. Many of these mothers, despite surmounting challenges, manage to support and serve as the backbone of their families.

Bin Laden 'bounce' helps, but Obama should remember 1992

Bin Laden 'bounce' helps, but Obama should remember 1992

Killing Osama bin Laden is a strange way to start a presidential campaign season, but that's where we are.

A boost for Obama, a bust for Pakistan

A boost for Obama, a bust for Pakistan

Only in America would a president respond to the public celebrating over the killing of Osama bin Laden with the sports cliche he used: "We don't need to spike the football."

The problem with wind: It doesn't get us close to zero carbon

The problem with wind: It doesn't get us close to zero carbon

The Maryland legislature has deferred a decision on offshore wind pending a "summer study." Here are questions that businessmen and prudent investors would typically ask before making a large, long-term commitment: How much will it cost? What are the benefits? Where is the plan to get to low...

Drug courts work — I've seen it

Drug courts work — I've seen it

As the judge in charge of the Baltimore City District Court Drug Court for the past 17 years, and the current chairperson of the state's Judicial Conference Commission on Problem Solving Courts, I am disturbed by recent articles in this paper and elsewhere attacking drug courts as ineffective,...

Paul Ryan's Medicaid block grants: good for Maryland

Paul Ryan's Medicaid block grants: good for Maryland

Shortly after House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin unveiled his plan to convert federal Medicaid funding to a block grant — which has since passed the House — Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and 16 other governors issued a letter to congressional leaders to say they...

Bin Laden death: Call it execution, not 'justice'

Dan Rodricks: Bin Laden death: Call it execution, not 'justice'

President Barack Obama, who takes an Osama bin Laden victory lap at Ground Zero today, ought to just come out and say the plan was to kill the guy all along. Stop with all the who-struck-John about what happened during the "firefight" inside bin Laden's lair in Pakistan — whether the world's...


Walking at Western commencement

Walking at Western commencement

Baltimore school officials were wise to suspend the rule stating that only Western High School students accepted at four-year colleges could participate in this year's graduation ceremonies. Given that some Western students' college application efforts were botched by the school's failure to send...

Why hate crimes matter

Why hate crimes matter

The attack on a transgender woman in a Rosedale McDonald's has led to widespread condemnation of her assailants and bewilderment at the inaction of bystanders — including a (now former) McDonald's employee who videotaped the whole incident. But the question of whether the attack should result...

The Tubman Park

The Tubman Park

Few historical figures are deserving of greater public recognition and tribute than Maryland's own Harriet Tubman. Although typically mentioned in history books as a conductor of the Underground Railroad, the many accomplishments over her long life — and her connection to her native state &#...

Loopholes for the little guy

Loopholes for the little guy

Maryland law allows small political contributions to be bundled together and reported as "lump sums" in disclosure reports, and to hear defenders of the practice talk about it, the tactic is merely the campaign finance loophole for the little guy. The fat cats have their limited liability...

New water meters: worth the cost

New water meters: worth the cost

Anybody who has ever tried to figure out a Baltimore water bill likely had a simple reaction to news last week that the city's Department of Public Works was going to improve billing procedures and upgrade its water meters: It's about time.

Playing chicken with the economy

Playing chicken with the economy

If you thought last month's battle over a budget deal was scary, just wait for what could be coming this summer as the nation creeps closer to reaching its self-imposed limit on government-issued debt.

Blame the ICC, failed leadership for massive toll increase

Blame the ICC, failed leadership for massive toll increase

When the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (now properly known as the William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge) opened in 1952, motorists paid $2.80 for a round-trip. Had that Opening Day toll been tied to inflation, the same commute would cost $23.61 today.

Better health by 2015

Better health by 2015

Baltimore City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot unveiled an ambitious initiative this week aimed at improving the overall health of Baltimore citizens by 2015. It sets practical goals for reducing the most serious health risks and acknowledges that achieving them will take the combined efforts of...

Downsizing juvenile jail

Downsizing juvenile jail

Baltimore needs a better way to handle juveniles who are charged as adults. The current system of housing them in a wing of the city's detention center is dangerous and inefficient. But a new report from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency confirms what youth activists have been saying for...

Washington's pig roast

Washington's pig roast

Even the staunchest admirers of corporate CEOs — you know, the star-struck junior executives who buy the ghost-written biographies and how-to-manage books — will have to admit that there's something downright cathartic about seeing oil company executives grilled by a congressional...

Alonso's new administrators

Alonso's new administrators

Baltimore City schools CEO Andrés Alonso says he's not concerned about the "optics" of hiring 16 new highly paid headquarters staff at a time when school budgets are shrinking and the system is shedding hundreds of "excess" teachers and other personnel through buyouts.

A sour oyster stew

A sour oyster stew

Maryland is heavily invested in restoring the Chesapeake Bay's oyster population, as well it should be. The tasty bivalves are not only prized by epicures and the watermen who harvest them but also by all those who care about the bay's health because, as filter feeders, oysters remove excess...

Keep those food trucks rolling

Keep those food trucks rolling

The lunchtime drama that played out Wednesday in downtown Baltimore offered fresh evidence that the city needs to get its act together regarding food trucks.

An F in scholarship

An F in scholarship

Put yourself in the shoes of honor student Lindsay Michocki, the C. Milton Wright High School senior who found out she lost a $3,000 scholarship last week. That was just four days after committing herself to the University of Maryland in order that she might take advantage of that state-funded...

Zero tolerance? Zero common sense

Zero tolerance? Zero common sense

Talbot County residents are no doubt sleeping easier after the school system used a policy of zero tolerance for deadly weapons to crack down on two high school lacrosse players who were caught with a small penknife and a lighter used to repair their sticks. However, we feel it important to warn...