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May 19, 2011

A local pup's accidental half-marathon run

Everyone knows that dogs love to run around. But most dogs don't like to run like Dozer.

The three-year-old Goldendoodle was a last-minute entry into last weekend's Maryland Half Marathon. His parents didn't even know he was running!

According to Karen E. Warmkessel, a spokeswoman for the University of Maryland Medical Center, Dozer escaped an invisible fence, lured by the thousands of racers running past his home, which sits near the Mile Five mark. The race benefitted the hospital's Greenebaum Cancer center.

Dozer joined the pack. Runners reported seeing him at several points along the route. The pup crossed the finish mark with other runners -- clocking in at 2 hours and 14 minutes!
Dozer’s owner, meanwhile, had no idea what happened to him and began a frantic search. The dog finally made it home -- but not until Monday morning. His feet were muddy and he was limping a bit. But according to a vet -- where his parents took him just in case -- he's just fine.

Meanwhile, Dozer now has his own runner’s page at the race website, where people can make donations in his name. He's already received quite a few. Here's what the pup writes on the site:

"Wow...I just finished my very first Half Marathon! I was sitting in front of my house on Sunday morning when a bunch of runners came running by. They looked like they were having such fun so i decided to join them. I forgot to tell my Mom that I was leaving and she was really upset!

Everyone was really nice to me so I just kept running passing first a sign that said Mile 3 then Mile 4 and so on until I saw this big sign that said Finish and everyone stopped running. Along the way i heard people talking about raising money for Cancer Research and I heard stories about people's loved ones. I was moved to take action so I set up this page to help out.

I had to walk all the way home after the race and Mom didn't find me at home until the next morning.....boy was I sore!! I overheard my Mom talking to the people who put the race on and they are coming over to give me a medal! Now I am resting and looking back on the great journey. Please help by donating to my page."

Posted by Jill Rosen at 9:47 AM | | Comments (12)
Categories: Dogs, dogs, dogs


That was just awesome.

Sweet story, but it highlights a major problem with this invisible fences people use. I hope his people will reconsider and get him a real fence.

way too cool ! :)

aaaawwww that sooo cute..

Michelle, Way to take something negative out of the story....!!! Good job!!!

Yet another reason to love dogs. How cute!

I was so worried about this dog during the race. I saw him at so many mile markers. I even handed him off to a biker to see if she could call his owner. I am SOOO happy he's back home and safe! Way to go Dozer! I hope you are being doted on!

Why shouldn't I take something "negative" out of the story. While the story ended well (the dog did not get hurt and the owners are using the story to raise money for much-needed research), it could have ended up horribly, with the dog dead from being hit by a car.

People trust these invisible "fences" to safely keep their dogs secure in their yard. But they fail time and time again. This dog is lucky. Others have not been.

My experience is that People/Owners Fail, not the dog or the fence. Have heard many times the owners stop using the collar because dog doesn't leave the yard (for a while). That's like taking the stop signs out of the ground because every stops (today).

He was running with us. We must have met him early in the run. Glad to hear he finished, and made it home safe. He was just zig zagging along, having a great time.

Me encantó el relato!!!!,espero que ésa mascota sea bien cuidada,es un ejemplo para todos nosotros.¡Felicitaciones! y gracias por compartir esta experiencia tan interesante.

Unfortunately I have heard of fences failing many times. Dogs who are determined and excited will blow right through them, deal with the pain and keep going (they won't, however, come back in!). Sometimes the collar fails (batteries die). Sometimes the fence fails (power outage). Not to mention all the other issues (aggression fallout from frustration and pain, other people and creatures able to get into the yard, etc.). They're dangerous and this story highlights just one more reason they should be off the market.

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About Jill Rosen
Jill Rosen is a reporter at The Baltimore Sun. During her nearly 20 years in journalism, she has covered news and features — including a surprising number of stories that involved animals. There were the dog Christmas carolers in State College, Pa. There were the hounds who toured with a production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The story of a preschool teacher at Baltimore’s Father Kolbe School who had to replace her class guinea pig, who died over the winter holiday. A harrowing tale of what it was like to make homemade pet food ...

Though her clean freak of a mother refused to allow her to get a dog, she has had a number of pets through the years, including goldfish named Bob and Fingle, a betta fish named Ichabod, a wild rat terrier named Wendel, who she shared with a roommate, and, currently, sweet, sweet kitties named Leo Sesame and Milo Pumpkin and a little rescued pup named Teddy Bean. She, Leo, Pumpkin and Teddy Bean live in Baltimore.

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