EZ's Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Demo Impressions (Bullet Points)January 18, 2012 by


*Faeblades are AWESOME!

*Environment is beautiful and unique looking

*Todd Mcfarlane creature designs are truly awesome

*Being able to make a blonde character actually look blonde

*Fighting mechanics are cool and fast paced

* Weapon designs and armor designs are really cool and unique for the most part

*Environment seems very large and more open than I thought it'd be

*Tons of Loot!

*Being able to smash boxes and other wooden things and being rewarded for it

*Being able to separate your better items with crappy items with a junk option and being able to sell all junk to vendors



*Many glitches such as heads disappearing, weird environment glitches that look like portals to a crazy world, and alot of this seems caused by skipping through dialogue which is stupid as I don't want to read the same dialogue again if i've heard it once before.

*Camera is odd but not terrible. Sometimes it works really well while other times it doesn't know what to do while in battles...

*Character creation could use more options for height, weight, and more modification of facial features

*Borrows from MANY RPG games and alot of the style of it seems VERY familiar

*Although it feels like a huge game looking at the map it doesn't really look all that big. Hopefully there's  tons of dungeons hidden throughout.

*No Co-Op....Seriously, when are we going to get a massive world to play in together with this kind of scope



Honestly I enjoyed the demo immensely. I don't see this game winning any GOTY rewards but much like say Borderlands it'll find a huge following of people that really enjoy it. I found the combat really fun and stylish and I LOVED the artsyle of everything. I mainly just want to see the rest of this world. It's beautiful! I will probably buy!

Also, I sincerely hope Todd Mcfarlane put some kind of Spawn armor in the game. PLEASE! lol

What I Would Want An Xbox Handheld To Be Like....January 16, 2012 by

As many probably know i'm more of a handheld gamer. I have put more hours into my DS and PSP than probably even my Gamecube but there's one other system I play ALOT of and that's the Xbox 360. So what if Microsoft finally stepped up to the plate to take on Nintendo along with SONY? What would their system be like? Would it try to be innovative like the DS and Vita or would it just be a gamer's machine? What if instead of the Xbox 720 Microsoft announced their next generation system would be a dedicated handheld? My thoughts but first some concept images I found on the internet.

Probably one of my favorite designs. I love the grips and the overall sexyiness of it.

Basically the PSP 360 right? Nice design in terms of style but the one analog is lame.


The SNES Controller of Handhelds? The Zune Xbox Handheld? Whatever this is it looks uncomfortable....

More true to the original Xbox 360 controller design. I love it however the screen size could be toned down a bit.

Those are not my concepts but they are what got me thinking. I know Microsoft has tried their hand in smartphones and MP3 players but I think it's finally time to create a dedicated handheld. I have always said it'd be awesome to play Halo on a Handheld and I have actually done that on PSP on a pretty well made mod of the Quake engine called Revamped (Look it up on Youtube).  However it has glitches, no dual analog, and the graphics are not very satisfying.

I'm not saying Halo is the only reason I want a Microsoft Handheld. Actually I wouldn't even want that on this system but the possiblities and integration with the Xbox 360 or 720 would be awesome! Think about Halo Waypoint on an Xbox Handheld. Not only do you have stats, videos, and achievement progress to look at but why not throw in Forge Mode, Game Types, and Spartan customization as well? Being able to create on the go is a great concept that needs to be used more. SONY has done it with Little Big Planet and Modnation but the integration with the home console isn't what i'd like it to be.

Then we have the potential for new and exciting franchises from Microsoft. ilo Milo is a series that is perfect for handhelds as proven by the Windows Phone version. I want more of that! Not just that game series but of that kind of innovation. The customization aspect should be a key concept of this design in my opinion. The ads for this system's main commercial should say at the end "Online - Create - Share - Game - Anywhere".

Do I like touch screen controls? Not really...The DS only had a a few great games that required the touch screen and even then I preferred buttons to most of them. One game I loved was Metroid Prime Hunters and although the stylus control hurt like a bitch it was VERY precise and worked great. That's why I want this handhled to have PSVita-like controls. Not particularly the back touch screen but atleast a front one along with the traditional Xbox 360 set-up. Having this is almost essential for fluid creation on the system.

Xbox Live Indie Games are pretty awesome on Xbox 360. Many indie developers develop for it and while it's not the greatest system in the world and there's alot of limitations it's a great way to get a great idea out and why not allow creation of these games on the portable its self? Having a great touch screen is a great substitute for mouse navigation on a PC and would allow easy access to options. However this would require PC-Like features such as downloadable programs and texture uploads which i'm all for. The more PC-Like Microsoft's consoles get the better in my opinion. Just don't make it too complicated please!? I'm slow sometimes....

Rare's old franchises could also be revived on this thing. Banjo Kazooie, Conker, or Killer Instinct? YES PLEASE! This would allow Microsoft to test if there's still a market for these series and would help get them back on the full fledged consoles. Not saying to make half-assed games for this thing but just to use it so your not pouring millions into a console game only for it to sell horribly. A Microsoft handheld needs to happen for this reason alone. Allowing Microsoft to take chances without costs being too high if a game fails. This could even allow for Microsoft to take more chances on hiring developers for first party games.

One thing that needs to for sure happen is allow Xbox Live Arcade Games to ALL be playable on this thing. If you bought one then this device should let you transfer it onto the system and play it anywhere. Should there be exclusive handheld arcade titles? Sure, but don't split the audience too much. The consoles could have exclusive Kinect games and this handheld could have a few of it's own Arcade titles.

Should it have cheap games like the App store? I think so but don't allow the creation of copyrighted-like material like Mole Karts on there. It's a shame people make money off stuff like this....

The graphics need to be Xbox 360 level or better. Seeing as how the Vita is almost as powerful as the Ps3 in some aspects this needs to be a priority. Besides, how can all the Arcade titles be on it any other way?

What if it had Free 3G Online Gaming? Is this even possible? Sure it is but there's also a price so to speak. Xbox Live Gold subscribers get access to 3G anywhere with no extra fees. Basically it'd make for a perfect reason to own both the next console and the handheld. I think that this model would convince alot more people that Xbox Live Gold is worth it and would give more incentive for people to buy this handheld. Every handheld model should have 3G or some form of it built in so you could be online at ALL times.

A great battery is something that neither the PSVita or the 3DS can claim they have. But wouldn't it be amazing to have an always online device with a battery that lasted 10-15 hours and even with all the settings at max? If Microsoft could create a battery to use with this thing that got that kind of usage and managed to keep the system affordable I'd sell my Xbox 360 and all it's games for this thing. Ok, maybe not that far but it'd be amazing nonetheless.


Ok so these are things I'd want on an Xbox handheld. Everything that's highlighted is obviously the main point of the paragraph if you didn't catch on lol I just always thought it'd be awesome to have a three-way war between Microsoft, SONY, and Nintendo in the handheld race. It's something we have never seen before and it'd make for some GREAT games and great innovations in handhelds. Plus what better way to take attention from Apple's and the various other rising smartphones than to create yet another dedicated handheld. Though I don't ever see Microsoft doing this since they are trying to make a great smartphone service with Windows Phone and their better at making software than they are hardware. I think it'd be very interesting though and some of those concepts up there like the first one sure are SEXY!

What would you want out of an Xbox Handheld?

Why I'm glad to own a 3DS!January 13, 2012 by

First I'm going to start off with games that are currently out that I want to either own or tried out. So far I have played Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. Mario Kart 7 is obviously my favorite title of the bunch seeing as how i'm a huge fan of the series. Anyway, here are games I want to play or try out. You can comment and tell me about them from experience if you've played them and tell me if they are worth it as well. That'd be much appreciated! :D Also if you don't care about these four games just skip to the next part.

Dead or Alive Demensions - I love this series and if  Mario Kart 7 hadn't released yet I would have bought this game first. Although I feel to much extensive time playing this would severely mess with the 3DS's buttons I still want to play it. It looks alot like DOA 4 on Xbox 360 which I loved and seems like it has a ton of content.

Star Fox 64 3D - I honestly don't like this series very much. I was more a fan of the Star Wars Rogue Squadron series but nonetheless if I found this game for 20 dollars or less i'd buy it in a heartbeat. I'm sure I could get into it if I really sat down and played my own copy and the multiplayer even though limited looks really fun as well.

Pilotwings Resort - I have played this game at Wal-Mart before and I though it was a nice game for what it was. Reason I put it on here is because it's really cheap now. The 3D effect is really nice and it just looks like a really fun a peaceful game to sit down and occasionally play.

Resident Evil Mercenaries - Another series i'm not particularly fond of nut nonetheless this game looks like a really fun pick up and play game that's perfect for a handheld. The online co-op is one of the main reason's for me eyeing this game. If any of you have it I'd love to know if it's worth it for say around 30 dollars?

My Most Anticipated 3DS Games

Besides Mario Kart 7 these next games i'm talking about are the main reasons I decided to get a 3DS. If none of these games interest you then you just might not be a gamer after all ;) Lots of variety here and quality titles that have me extremely excited to own a 3DS.

Heroes of Ruin - The 3DS is getting a dungeon crawler akin to Diablo or Phantasy Star with an estimated 80,000 total pieces of loot, drop in drop out co-op, voice chat over the internet, and randomly generated dungeons. From the sound of it I would have already pre-ordered it but then I read the level cap is 30 which is kind of disappointing but nonetheless it'll likely be a great dungeon crawl and despite the level cap the rest of in intrigues me greatly.

Animal Crossing 3DS -  A game series I have a secret love for. Problem is so does my step mother and sisters. So anytime I get one of these games they get taken over like a hooker. Even then this game looks to be a huge step up from the series. Animals that are more realistic in size compared to smaller ones and new economy features and online features that are super impressive for a handheld game. Tom Nook isn't the boss anymore, you are, so prepare to run your town!

Resident Evil Revelations - Seriously if there's any doubts about the 3DS being an impressive graphical handheld this game will put those doubts to rest. The character models look like their ripped straight from the Xbox 360 and the lighting and textures are impressive as well. Honestly, this game along with Mario Kart where the sole reason for my purchase. I expected this game to release sooner but it's right around the corner so I can't wait. It's going back to it's roots with a darker setting and more scary tone with the addition of the refined camera and controls in RE4 and RE5. Plus the online raid mode with MMO-Like leveling and loot gathering I might be playing this for the rest of the year. The 3D effect is bound to make the game scarier as well.

Fantasy Life - It's being made by the makers of Mother 3 (Earthbound 3) Brownie Brown along with Level 5 the company that helped Square Enix make Dragon Quest 9. I don't know too much about it but it sounds like the Harvest Moon Rune Factory games where you go adventuring  in an RPG world or choose to do everyday things. It honestly is the game I would make if I made games. You can be a salesmen, a blacksmith, or even a hunter. It's your choice! The online features are bound to be awesome with likely an MMO-Like town hub with the ability to team up. If it doesn't have online that'll be disappointing but o-well I guess.

Super Smash Bros. 3D - How fitting right? SSB Zero? lol Anyway Nintendo has confirmed this will come out for 3DS though it likely won't be till the Wii U get's it's own version. I think that both systems will get exclusive characters. Hopefully the 3DS version gets exclusive handheld characters like Professor Layton or Golden Sun characters. Issac Vs. Marth? Hell Yes! Anyway this is bound to be the premiere game for 3DS when it's finished and will likely have a great revamped online service. I don't care about that however. I just hope this game has as much replayability as the other Smash games and as much content.

Monster Hunter 4 - I have a love hate relationship with this series. I love the concept more than possibly any game and the monster designs are amazing. Thing is the PSP which is what I played them on had horrible controls. The 3DS is getting an attachment that'll fix this and also has the touch screen for camera control. I can't wait to try this one out as it looks great in the trailer I saw.

Games That Look Good but I Don't Know Yet

Luigi's Mansion 2

Kid Icarus Uprising

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D - Have the HD Collection

Rayman Origins - Have this on Xbox 360

Online Features

The thing that has impressed me the most are the online features of the 3DS. It constantly updates with Spotpass which is a great feature. Recently they added the ability to join online games of friends though I think it only works with Mario Kart 7 so far...not sure...and Swapnote is an addictive message system that even has unlockables. The only thing that sucks is that the wireless features drain the battery which isn't amazing to begin with but it's not like you have to leave it on all day anyway. Also, unlike the DSi which was a big turd of failed potential the 3DS seems to actually be getting useful updates and i'm glad Nintendo is supporting their handheld this time. I hope to see 3D Netflix movies soon as well as Youtube 3D.

The 3D Effect

Unlike some people I've talked to the 3D impresses me greatly. Not since HD graphics have I looked at a screen and went...wow. It only hurt my eyes on max 3D and now it doesn't bother me at all. If it hurts your eyes you just need to let your eyes adjust to it because they are not used to looking at two images at once. Super Mario 3D Land is probably the finest example so far of how 3D can change the gameplay. IMO if you prefer playing that game without 3D you are a loser LOL kidding but still that's pretty lame dude.

While I understand why some people prefer the Vita or a Smartphone as they all have their advantages I am extremely happy with my 3DS purchase and can't wait for these future games to come out and see what Nintendo does with it's updates to the 3DS.

The Response I Got Emailing Nintendo About The Mario Kart Rip - Off "Mole Kart"January 12, 2012 by

This isn't the blog I was typing earlier but I just thought it'd be interesting to show what they said. Honestly though I don't know what they mean by "Relevant Departments" lol

What I Said -

"I found an Iphone app that is clearly a blatant rip-off of Mario Kart and thought Nintendo should know about it. I wanted to know if this infringes on any copyrights? I don't think this should be allowed to be sold on the App Store for Iphone. It's quite frankly insulting. Here is the link;"

The Nintendo Response -


 Thank you for taking the time to write to us.  I can certainly understand your thoughts on this matter and want you to know how much we appreciate you sending them in.  I also want to assure you that your e-mail will be added to our records and made available to the relevant departments here at Nintendo.


 Owen Allen

Nintendo of America Inc."

Conclusion So what I gather is that maybe they are looking into it now and keeping my email as reference. I don't know but regardless it felt good sending that in. I just couldn't help but feel angry from watching that video. It's just such a low attempt at getting some quick bucks off suckers who want Mario Kart on an Iphone.


So I wasn't even paying attention to the video but it appears Nintendo took it off the site LOL

Why Mario Kart 7's Online is a HUGE Disappointment...January 11, 2012 by

So I enjoyed Mario Kart DS's online because it was Nintendo's first online experience and I could forgive it for it's problems like hackers and lag on occasion but we are in a next generation of handhelds and Mario Kart 7's online is full of issues. The thing with online gaming is that unless it's on a dedicated server you are relying on other's connections to make the gaming experience good. It's a flawed system and why it still exists is beyond me.  Don't get me started on the Maka Wuhu glitch which Nintendo seems to not care about fixing...

Ok so I started playing online and noticed "My" character never lags yet others around me have just the slightest bit of lag and it messes up the ENTIRE FLOW of the game. For instance, I get a star, ram people, yet it doesn't hit them. Or I get a red turtle shell and it trails behind them for a whole minute and never hits them. This is a HUGE issue for me! If I am getting hit by items and I can't hit others with items then what's the point in getting an item at all? It just makes me so angry that everyone seems to easily be able to hit me while I have to try and determine how the lag is going so I can "Maybe" get a lucky hit in. Point is the game is already somewhat luck based but when even the tiniest bit of lag messes me up it becomes completely luck based....

Don't say it's my internet connection because I play right near my my wireless router and our Xbox 360 never has any issues. It's a flawed online system and the fact that I can only race worldwide is a huge issue. Why can't I race local people or better yet "only" people in the United States? Mario Kart DS gave me that option...but here I must join a community for that making VR build up pointless. So the only way to get VR is to race in laggy wordwide races? No thank you!

All it took was one race to put me over the edge. Items wouldn't hit people, everyone's items seemed to hit me, and I have even had races where I would get first or second but it'd say I got third or fourth. That is obviously lag and I know it's difficult to make a dedicated online system work good on wireless connections but alot of the issues could be avoided with some better online options such as local or national races. Worldwide only? STUPID!

Anyway, i'll race in communities mostly after having nothing but horrible experiences with worldwide. I'll also likely race for 20,000 coins before I ever consider racing for 10,000 VR. It's a shame to because I had hoped after all the praise MK7's online would be awesome but it seems that praise came from the communities option which is no doubt awesome and I hope to see in the 3DS Super Smash Bros. but with more options.

Have any of you had a horrible experience with Worldwide?
