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Ask Amy

Ask Amy

Sister puts the 'worse' in wedding vow - May 16, 2011 - Dear Amy: I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I've been with for more than five years.

Around Town

Around Town

Bulls-Heat not only show in town - May 15, 2011 - The Bulls and Heat are in the national spotlight during the Eastern Conference finals at the United Center.

Matt Bowen

Matt Bowen

Waiting for name to be called on draft day nerve-wracking - April 24, 2011 - The dynamic of the NFL draft goes much deeper than first-round picks walking across the stage in three-piece suits (bought by their agents) to shake the commissioner's hand.

Barbara Brotman

Barbara Brotman

To a degree, a sense of grad-ification takes hold - May 16, 2011 - IOWA CITY, Iowa — All around us, parents deployed cellphones as locators.

George Will

George Will

It's the Obama way or else - January 29, 2010 - WASHINGTON — Barack Obama tiptoed Wednesday night along the seam that bifurcates the Democratic Party's brain. The seam separates that brain's John Quincy Adams lobe from its Sigmund Freud lobe.

Dennis Byrne

Dennis Byrne

The rules are for Father Pfleger too - May 10, 2011 - You'd think that they weren't on the same side.

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

A strike against economic sanity - May 15, 2011 - In 1977, Boeing was the target of a strike by the International Association of Machinists, which represents its workers in Puget Sound, Wash., and Portland, Ore. The aircraft manufacturer had another strike in 1989. In 1995, workers returned to the picket lines. In 2005, they went on strike for 69...

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks

Wheaton Academy coach Scott Marksberry returning to college ranks - May 10, 2011 - Wheaton Academy's Scott Marksberry became the latest area coach to announce that he won't return in 2012. The 31-year-old has been named head women's soccer coach at John Brown University in Arkansas.

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum

Campaign of misinformation - April 15, 2011 - In the ongoing rancor surrounding federal funding of Planned Parenthood, misinformation has a starring role. There have been, of course, predictable gusts of hot air from pundits like Bill O'Reilly, who asserted last month that "nobody's life is affected by Planned Parenthood," and Brian...

Don Dziedzina

Don Dziedzina

Winds stir up catches on Heidecke Lake - May 6, 2011 - The recent lousy weather has made fishing tough.

Leah Eskin

Leah Eskin

The pop-up stop - May 15, 2011 - Out to dinner recently, a popover popped onto my plate. I hadn't been expecting a popover. I hadn't ordered a popover. Yet there it was, like one of those online pop-ups, obscuring the bread plate. I did the logical thing: I lunged for it.

Ilyce Glink

Ilyce Glink

Book delves into Madoff's 'magic,' malevolent moves - May 10, 2011 - So what's it like to look into the face of evil? That's the question everyone is asking Diana B. Henriques, a New York Times financial reporter and the author of a new book, "The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust."

Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg

Duck, it's The Donald running for president! - April 20, 2011 - At this point, there's at least one thing you can't blame Donald Trump for: being Donald Trump.

Teddy Greenstein

Teddy Greenstein

18 holes with boxer David Diaz - May 14, 2011 - David Diaz stepped to the first tee looking as comfortable as Phil Mickelson would in a boxing ring.

David Haugh

David Haugh

Barkley defends calling Bulls best defensive team he has seen - May 16, 2011 - When Charles Barkley declared on TNT after Game 1 that the Bulls were the best defensive team he had seen, my internal debate began.

Melissa Harris

Melissa Harris

Nonprofit leader Leslie Bluhm grows into more public role with garden project included in Emanuel's inaugural - May 15, 2011 - Leslie Bluhm leads one of Chicago's most successful nonprofits, one that organizes more than 35,000 volunteer opportunities every year, including the creation of community gardens at 12 sites this weekend as part of Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel's inaugural.

Philip Hersh

Philip Hersh

Davis-White win first U.S. dance title - April 30, 2011 - Turns out my prediction after January's U.S. Championships that ice dance would give Team USA its lone medal at the World Figure Skating Championships was wrong.

Jon Hilkevitch

Jon Hilkevitch

New CTA president's first goal: Fix finances - May 15, 2011 - Forrest Claypool's ride to work on the Brown Line will be different Monday, his first day on the job as president of the Chicago Transit Authority.

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Way too much drama for a short play about a small town - May 13, 2011 - Early in the new play "Freedom, NY," a production of Teatro Vista, we see a recent Mexican immigrant to the titular upstate New York town start digging a body-size hole in his yard. This guy, you immediately think to yourself, is digging a grave.

Greg Kot

Greg Kot

Rise Against brings political punk to mainstream - May 12, 2011 - Joe Principe, cofounder of Rise Against — one of the most successful punk bands ever out of Chicago — had his now-I-can-die-with-a-smile moment recently. He and the band were on tour in Washington, D.C., and dropped in on the offices of Dischord Records, home to Minor Threat and...

David Sobolewski

David Sobolewski

'We had bigger goals' - March 21, 2011 - Obviously, the Benet team and community had an extremely rough time with the unexpected end to the season.

Dean Richards

Dean Richards

Depp: Jack, 'Pirates' may set sail again - May 13, 2011 - LOS ANGELES — Worldwide, the three "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies have made more than $2.7 billion.

Daneen Skube

Daneen Skube

Naked honesty not best corporate policy - May 9, 2011 - Q. I have a coworker who believes honesty is the best policy, and he is also a regular bull in a china shop. He is smart, competent and uniformly disliked because he seems to compulsively tell the truth. I like him, he makes my job easier, and I'd like to help him succeed. Is there anything I...

Gregory Karp

Gregory Karp

A little loyalty pays off - May 13, 2011 - A lack of loyalty can cost you in numerous ways. One is the $205 you didn't claim last year.

John Kass

John Kass

Kass: It's about what's in a child's heart, not what's Botoxed in her face - May 15, 2011 - I'm sure there are many mothers in America who will defend those kiddie beauty pageants for their little girls, and I have no doubt that some will argue, reasonably, that such pageants help teach their young daughters poise and charm and other important skills.

Julia Keller

Julia Keller

Depicting addiction - May 13, 2011 - In novels and songs, in movies and plays and TV shows, addiction to drugs and alcohol is a frequent theme. Steve Earle's new novel "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive" (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) is the latest, but here are some previous standouts in the fictional depiction of addiction in a...

Rick Kogan

Rick Kogan

On the outside of art - May 2, 2011 - Some but hardly all sculptures look sad in the rain and one recent drizzly afternoon we were staring at some sad ones outside the Merchandise Mart.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Demagoguery 101: The Obama touch - May 16, 2011 - "I'm going to do my part to lead a constructive and civil debate on these issues."

Gail MarksJarvis

Gail MarksJarvis

Elmo puts kids on right street to financial literacy - May 13, 2011 - Do you want your child to end up being good with money?

Dan McNeil

Dan McNeil

Rose is MVP, but he sure is dull - May 12, 2011 - I don't envy Derrick Rose for having to stare down the barrels of microphones every day.

Nina Metz

Nina Metz

Filmmaker taps neighbors for indie inspiration - May 13, 2011 - "I say this with all my heart, and some people don't believe me because making an independent film is one of the craziest things you can do as a human being — which I know now — but I never had any intentions of being a filmmaker."

Clarence Page

Clarence Page

An un-Common culture war - May 15, 2011 - How delighted the Chicago-based rapper Common must be to find that someone still views him as controversial.

Robert Pagliarini

Robert Pagliarini

When surviving is not enough - May 9, 2011 - Six years ago, Mark and Sarah were on a cruise ship touring the South Pacific when a violent tropical storm damaged the ship's hull. Several passengers were knocked overboard and into the dark churning waters nearly 50 feet below. Mark and Sarah were two of the passengers who plunged into the cold...

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Obama birther issue: Remember when we were reasonably sane? - May 2, 2011 - NEW YORK — If you really, really dislike Barack Obama, his long-form birth certificate, finally proffered in exasperation, is quite simply a counterfeit.

Mark Pearlstein

Mark Pearlstein

Building lacks insurance after bank takes over - May 13, 2011 - Q. My wife and I own a condominium in a 40-unit building. The original developer went into foreclosure, and the bank assumed control of the 38 unsold units. There is no active condominium association in place.

Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips

Malick's cosmic film debuts — at last — to boos, cheers - May 16, 2011 - You know why the Cannes Film Festival is like nowhere else in the cosmos for movie lovers?

Leonard Pitts

Leonard Pitts

There's always room for hate and ignorance - February 25, 2011 - Suggested things to say when a woman is sexually assaulted: Is there anything I can do? I am so sorry this happened. I am with you.

Janet Portman

Janet Portman

Relative learns a painful lesson in co-signing lease - May 13, 2011 - Q. I agreed to co-sign a lease for my nephew. He lost his job, fell behind on the rent and eventually left the rental. But he owes two months' rent, and the landlord has demanded that I pay up. He's threatening to garnish my wages or attach my bank account. Can he do this?

Mary Ellen Podmolik

Mary Ellen Podmolik

Condo conversion law provides added protection - May 13, 2011 - Given that it happened on the same day of Mayor Richard Daley's last City Council meeting, the passage of a condominium conversion ordinance this month didn't generate many headlines.

Dan Pompei

Dan Pompei

Bears must make contingency plans - May 14, 2011 - The draft is done, but the Bears are not.

Howard Reich

Howard Reich

A jazz nexus takes shape in San Francisco - May 16, 2011 - SAN FRANCISCO – The auto repair shops at the corner of Franklin and Fell Streets, near the Civic Center district, don't look quite as glamorous as the symphony hall and opera house nearby.

Phil Rogers

Phil Rogers

Royals accelerate plan to compete for playoffs - May 14, 2011 - How wide open has the American League Central become?

Phil Rosenthal

Phil Rosenthal

In news broadcasting, the son also rises - May 11, 2011 - Maybe it's the spectacle of the royal wedding — all that money and attention lavished on a young man and his bride simply because of the family business into which he was born — that left a bad taste in people's mouths.

Ameet Sachdev

Ameet Sachdev

Courts see fit to certify window class-action suit - May 10, 2011 - See a photo of the Palla windows referred to in the suit here.

Mary Schmich

Mary Schmich

Rhyme, reason for Daley's goodbye - May 15, 2011 - And now it's goodbye

Dawn Turner Trice

Dawn Turner Trice

A long life, lived in tandem - May 16, 2011 - Growing old is not for the faint of heart. But maybe it's a bit easier when you grow old with someone who has known you nearly all your life.

Mary Umberger

Mary Umberger

Survey reveals consumer confusion on mortgages - May 13, 2011 - You'd think that with the word "foreclosure" an unwelcome part of our daily vocabulary, consumers would have learned a thing or two about how mortgages work.

Phil Vettel

Phil Vettel

Finally, Melman lands in the spotlight - May 12, 2011 - A couple of months ago, I called Richard Melman, asking for his reaction to being nominated for the James Beard Foundation's award for outstanding restaurateur.

John von Rhein

John von Rhein

Philharmonic season ends with music director Rachleff in firm command - May 16, 2011 - The Chicago Philharmonic has battled its way back from a crippling deficit and cash-flow problems that threatened its existence a couple of seasons ago. The orchestra remains in fine corporate fettle, artistically speaking, as proved by the strength and confidence of its playing at its 21st season...

Ellen Warren

Ellen Warren

Taking clothes shopping to new heights - May 13, 2011 - For the first time ever, I felt the same way my friend Kristin Samuelson usually does when she goes shopping.

Bob Weber

Bob Weber

Answer sheds more light - May 13, 2011 - Q-Regarding the answer for the guy who couldn't read the speedometer in bright sun. I don't usually expect humor in your answers. Personally, I'd leave that to the Click & Clack guys; however, in either case, I would still prefer an answer of some sort. In this case you might have suggested...

Jen Weigel

Jen Weigel

Do you help those in need? - May 16, 2011 - It happens every day: You're walking down the street and someone holding a map and looking baffled stops you and asks for directions. What do you do? Do you stop to help those in need or do you turn your head and walk the other way?

Jon Yates

Jon Yates

Problem: Confusion over gift certificate stymies cancer group - May 15, 2011 - Tasha Huebner had just turned 40 in 2008 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Eric Zorn

Eric Zorn

Emanuel makes no little list of promises - May 15, 2011 - Typically, politicians stop making promises to voters and begin lowering expectations the moment the polls close on Election Day.

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