Before you scream "WHERE IS [INSERT GAME], IGN?!" Keep in mind that this list was last updated in August 2010. We take out Top 25 recommendations very seriously, so we like to let time pass before updating with more recent games -- we like to let our opinions simmer. So, until we update with new stuff, enjoy this list and debate it in the comments.

What's up, everyone? It's time to blow the dust off a classic. Of course, I'm talking about the list of the top 25 PlayStation 3 games. We've taken the previous lists, torn them up, and buried them at sea. This time around, we've got a brand new crew voting on what the greatest games on the platform are, and we think you'll be pleasantly surprised… or hate our guts.

The Selection Comittee

I can still remember when I refused to buy a PlayStation 3. It sounds crazy now as it's my console of choice, houses all my digital photos and music, and is on each and every day, but there was a time when the system cost way too much and didn't have a lot of great games. Those days are done. I've been covering the system for 3.5 years now, and I've watched it blossom into a machine that truly has something for everyone. There are blockbusters like Uncharted, artistic experiments like Flower, and well-done party games like Buzz!. The PS3 is dependable, jam-packed with awesome games, and something I couldn't imagine not sitting down to use every night – whether it's chatting with friends, playing NCAA Football, or watching a movie. When I wasn't looking, Sony's dream of the PS3 becoming the entertainment hub of the home came true in my living room.

Recently, I've been trying to branch out into as many systems as possible, but I will always identity myself as a "PlayStation guy." I was a PSone kid back in the day and I followed the brand all through the PlayStation 2 era and right up into the PS3 and PSP. My sincere investment in the PlayStation family started with Final Fantasy VII and I never looked back -- even when the Xbox nuts rubbed Halo all over my face. Today, my PS3 library dwarfs my other game collections and contains some of the best titles this generation. I'm more than happy to help Greg and Co. select the best of the best for Sony's console. Sony for life, ya' hear?

It's true that when I was growing up in the mid and late 1980s and into the 1990s, I was a bona fide Nintendo fanboy. And deep down within me, I'm not sure that will ever go away. But that fandom has certainly been eclipsed over the last fifteen years by the greatness that is PlayStation. PSX, PS2 and now PS3 have proven to be the finest systems of their respective generation, and PlayStation 3 has especially cemented itself in my life as my go-to gaming console. Its model of free online gaming is novel, it – by far – has the highest quantity of quality exclusives, and hell, it's a Blu-ray player to boot! Bow down before PlayStation 3. You cannot resist it.

25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | The Last List

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