Warning and advice for young entrepreneurs


It's time 'to lose the suits' if students want to be entrepreneurs

Startups might be a great place for young people who have an aversion to white collars and ties, but they're not the kind of job for someone who is only interested in getting rich quick. Before opting to go the route of the entrepreneur, it's important to know yourself and what you want to get out of the experience.

Startups might be a great place for young people who have an aversion to white collars and ties, but they're not the kind of job for someone who is only interested in getting rich quick. Before opting to go the route of the entrepreneur, it's important to know yourself and what you want to get out of the experience.

Photograph by: Thinkstock, working.com

While most of their classmates were still at home in bed sleeping off Friday evening's festivities, on a recent Saturday morning a group of about 150 business students quietly filed into an auditorium at the MaRS Discovery District in downtown Toronto.

Clad in their finest business suits, they settled in, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Mark Ruddock and Daniel Debow, the first speakers of the morning at the National Business and Technology Conference (NBTC '11).

As the two successful entrepreneurs took to the stage, they posed a question to the assembled bright-eyed students.

How many of them had ever dreamed of founding a startup and becoming entrepreneurs themselves?

About 75 per cent of the students in the room raised their hands.

"You're going to have to lose the suits," Ruddock said with a laugh.

The two Toronto-based entrepreneurs offered some sage wisdom and a dash cautionary advice for the students in attendance.

And when entrepreneurs like Ruddock and Debow take the stage to offer advice, students listen.

Twice Ruddock led successful exits of venture-backed startups. After founding the financial software startup Inea Corp., he oversaw the sale of the business to the Cartesis Group.

Recently, he helped Toronto-based mobile software firm Vigo Inc. grow to be a popular app makers on the BlackBerry platform before the company was sold to Research In Motion Ltd. in March of last year.

As for Debow, as co-chief executive of Toronto's Rypple -a startup that specializes in software that enables employees to offer feedback in the workplace -he has helped the company secure more than $13 million in venture financing while selling software to giants of the technology world, including Cisco Systems Inc. and The Mozilla Foundation.

Startups might be a great place for young people who have an aversion to white collars and ties.

But they're not the kind of job for someone who is only interested in getting rich quickly, Debow said.

Before opting to go the route of the entrepreneur, he said it's important to know yourself and what you want to get out of the experience.

"Know what you like to do, know why you're interested and why you care about doing it," he said.

"A startup is an extremely bad idea if you want to make a lot of money. Really. It's terrible.

"Most people fail, most companies don't have huge exits, and if what you want to do is become a zillionaire, then a startup is a bad place for you."

Now that the economic downturn has subsided, venture-capital firms and investors are once again looking for early-stage companies to bankroll in the hopes of riding the next wave of innovation.

"When it's raining, go get a bucket," Debow said.

"Right now is a time when people want to start making early-stage investments," he added.

Perhaps no other industry holds a bigger potential upside for startups than the technology space, Ruddock said.

Thanks to the falling costs of founding a tech startup, the proliferation of new mobile computing devices -and the application storefronts that allow for the inexpensive distribution of software -and the rise of the social graph and the real-time nature of the web, technology startups are taking on big companies and winning.

"Davids slay Goliaths all the time," Ruddock said. "Especially in a time of disruption like we have right now. This is one of the most interesting times to be building a startup in and around the technology space."

For Ruddock, the mindset one needs to be a successful entrepreneur can be summed up with a quote from The Lord of the Rings. "Almost certain death. Slim chance of success. What are we waiting for?"

"We are the idiots that start every day with the 'What are we waiting for?' " he said.

"Running and building a startup is at times the most difficult thing you'll ever have to do, but commensurately, it's one of the most rewarding things you'll ever have a chance to experience."

Startups might be a great place for young people who have an aversion to white collars and ties, but they're not the kind of job for someone who is only interested in getting rich quick. Before opting to go the route of the entrepreneur, it's important to know yourself and what you want to get out of the experience.

Startups might be a great place for young people who have an aversion to white collars and ties, but they're not the kind of job for someone who is only interested in getting rich quick. Before opting to go the route of the entrepreneur, it's important to know yourself and what you want to get out of the experience.

Photograph by: Thinkstock, working.com