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Posts Tagged ‘Ed Miliband’

April 29th, 2011 13:55

Our politicians will have to learn from the joyous ease of this remarkable day

There is no point even attempting the world-weary cynicism of the Westminster village. Today is proving to be a triumph for the Royal family, for the affectionate, warm-hearted masses that have turned... Read More

April 29th, 2011 11:28

Miriam Clegg looked dressed to sing All that Jazz

Arriba! Whatever it was Miriam Clegg was wearing – and it wasn’t entirely clear – it made her the highlight of the political guests at Westminster Abbey. It was part Spanish flamenco, part Roxie... Read More

April 27th, 2011 12:49

Calm down Cameron, it's time to rise above the heckling

David Cameron’s Easter break appears to have done him a power of good. He was on punchy form at PMQs today, albeit against a below par Ed Miliband. The Labour leader went first on the new growth... Read More

April 21st, 2011 22:18

It’s taken decades, but Labour has seen the light on Europe

By nature, inclination and history, Labour is the most powerfully anti-European of all our big political parties. Labour was viscerally opposed to membership of the Common Market, as the European Unio... Read More

April 20th, 2011 14:48

Ed Balls thinks he might be seen as a new 'Blair'

Bizarrely, Ed Balls apparently believes it necessary to deny that he is “the Blair to his [Ed Miliband’s) Brown”.  Who on earth would accuse him of that? If anything, he is the N... Read More

April 18th, 2011 11:55

The Ed Miliband/Vince Cable novelty act may struggle to impress the voters

Ed Miliband has adopted a rather sniffy approach to the AV referendum campaign, agreeing to share a Yes platform with the Liberal Democrats this morning only if the LibDem was NOT Nick Clegg. So Vince... Read More

April 6th, 2011 17:01

Ed Miliband needs a new scriptwriter, fast

Labour has a party broadcast tonight, the first of the local government campaign. It will concentrate on Ed Miliband, who remains something of an unknown quantity, even within his own party. So how wi... Read More

April 4th, 2011 14:52

David Miliband's clever little tax avoidance scheme

There a cracking story in Andrew Pierce’s column in the Daily Mail this morning (hat tip Guido Fawkes) about a tax avoidance scheme apparently set up by David Miliband. In order to minimise the ... Read More

April 4th, 2011 12:56

Tom Baldwin is a bourgeois dog walker

I feel I must pass this snippet of intelligence, brought to us by  my colleague Boris Johnson in his column today. It concerns Tom Baldwin, Edward Miliband’s communications guy, who will no dou... Read More

April 2nd, 2011 9:00

The Tories must not be frightened by Ed Miliband's orgy of shroud-waving

Mr Miliband launched the Labour local election campaign a day early on Thursday March 31. It would have been much better a day later on All Fools’ Day. A launch it may have been called, but I do... Read More