28 April 2011 Last updated at 07:20 ET

Officers may be forced to retireChief Constable Martin Richards

Sussex Police is seeking approval to make some officers with more than 30 years service retire in a bid to cut costs.

Man crushed in funfair accident

A Shoreham man is crushed to death as he moved a fairground ride at a park in Wellingborough.

Protesters in BrightonPolice plea to protest organisers

Detectives call on protesters to contact them ahead of a planned May Day Protest in Brighton on Saturday.


Thursday day weather

White Cloud
  • White Cloud
  • Max: 17°C
  • Min: 9°C
  • Wind: NNE 13mph

Friday day weather

Sunny Intervals
  • Sunny Intervals
  • Max: 18°C
  • Min: 12°C
  • Wind: ENE 10mph

Saturday day weather

  • Sunny
  • Max: 16°C
  • Min: 12°C
  • Wind: ENE 22mph

Last updated at 13:32 BST on Thursday 28 April

Forecast updated 7 days a week


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