28 April 2011 Last updated at 10:49 ET

Teacher guilty of indecent images

A deputy head at a Lancashire grammar school pleads guilty to possessing indecent images of children.

Friargate by nightPreston given 'safe' city status

Preston is officially recognised as one of the safest, cleanest and most enjoyable places for a night out.

Crews rescue men stranded in boat

Two coastguard crews and a police helicopter are scrambled after a group of people dialled 999 to say they were stranded between Lytham and Southport.




Friday day weather

Sunny Intervals
  • Sunny Intervals
  • Max: 17°C
  • Min: 9°C
  • Wind: ENE 15mph

Saturday day weather

  • Sunny
  • Max: 18°C
  • Min: 8°C
  • Wind: ENE 20mph

Sunday day weather

  • Sunny
  • Max: 18°C
  • Min: 8°C
  • Wind: E 19mph

Last updated at 01:36 BST on Wednesday 27 April

Forecast updated Monday to Friday only


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