Law Firm Business Center

Lawyer Participation in Community Discussion Boards as Expertise Marketing

Contributing to message board discussions is an effective and manageable expertise marketing tool, a way to stay in touch with the legal needs of the public, and a form of reputation management.

Featured Articles

  • Thirteen Tips For Improving Client Relations

    The most neglected person in any civil or criminal litigation is often the client. We spend so much time preparing for the case and dealing with the other lawyers and the court that we often forget about building a relationship with our own client.
  • Non-Recourse Financing for Money Judgments on Appeal

    Attorneys work hard for months or years to achieve a favorable trial outcome. Clients and attorneys invest thousand of dollars in fees and costs. An appeal entails putting more time and money at risk. It subjects the judgment to reversal or remand. At best, it means another year or two until recovery. In the meantime, there are bills to pay, for client and attorney alike.
  • Why a Down Market is the Right Time to Brand

    Since the markets turned bearish, the first instinct for many law firms has been to clamp down on marketing dollars. We're told that branding -- gaining a place in the minds of buyers -- always takes years and costs tons of money. So now is a bad time to embark on a branding program. Right? Wrong!
  • Are You Leaving Your Clients on the Sidelines?

    Many lawyers leave their clients on the sidelines, on the outside looking in. It may be time for attorneys to replace this strategy with one that educates their clients and encourages them to join the legal problem-solving team.
  • Before Starting to Write: Maximizing the Potential of Bylined Articles

    Article writing is an important business development tool. But to obtain the most value from an investment of time and money in writing bylined articles, lawyers should take a number of steps before the writing actually begins.
  • Managing Team Fireworks

    Watching fireworks light up a summer sky awakens the wonder in us all. When fireworks light up a conference room and team members are ready to explode, it can be the true test of your Project Management and leadership skills.