Meeting of the matriarchs: But why was Camilla so on edge when she'd had such a hand in the day?

By Richard Kay and Geoffrey Levy
Last updated at 8:44 AM on 30th April 2011

Her Anna Valentine outfit was champagne and pale blue, but her complexion was decidedly sallow. Not even the huge hat worn by the Duchess of Cornwall could hide her  discomfort at the Abbey yesterday as Diana’s son was married.

She was, of course, in the front row with the Prince of Wales, the Queen and Prince Philip. Thirty years ago in St Paul’s Cathedral, when Diana married Prince Charles, she was sitting anonymously in the sixth row wearing a grey pillbox hat.

The one person who took special note of where Camilla Parker Bowles was sitting was the bride, Lady Diana Spencer, whose eyes started to roam over the congregation looking for her rival as soon as she came down the aisle on her father’s arm. For poor Diana always knew that Camilla would never really let go of Charles.

Keeping things under control: Carole Middleton, the Queen and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall gathered on the steps of the Abbey

Keeping things under control: Carole Middleton, the Queen and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall gathered on the steps of the Abbey

Prince Charles, Prince Phillip, Carole Middleton, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall stand outside of Westminster Abbey after the ceremony

Key roles: The Queen has fussed over the tiniest detail, Carole Middleton has held the fort at the Goring Hotel while Camilla has offered the bride wise words of advice

Yesterday, as Camilla arrived at the Abbey’s Great West Door with her husband, he turned to her and asked if she was ‘OK’. She nodded. But it was clearly quite an ordeal for Camilla to be under world scrutiny at the wedding of one of Diana’s boys.

It didn’t help that her hair was a shade too light. But more crucially, yesterday marked a symbolic, yet deeply important, repositioning for Camilla at the heart of the Royal  Family. The glamorous newlyweds have instantly taken centre stage, relegating Prince Charles and the former Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles to a mere supporting role.

Indeed, Madame Tussauds has already planned the first ‘fitting’ for the new Duchess of Cambridge in a significant reflection of the public view of changes at the Palace.

Camilla was in the front row with Charles, the Queen and Prince Philip.

Leading from the front: Camilla was in the front row with Charles, the Queen and Prince Philip. 30 years ago in St Paul's Cathedral, when Diana married Prince Charles, she was sitting anonymously in the sixth row wearing a grey pillbox hat

There is little that the Duchess of Cornwall can do to prevent her own subtle demotion at the famous London waxwork exhibition — something that has been noted by Diana’s old friends with a certain wry amusement.

But in the real world, Camilla — ever the strategist — is already taking steps to ensure that she and Charles remain the pivotal couple at the heart of the Royal Family.

Indeed, she has used William and Kate’s wedding as the opportunity to expand her sphere of influence. Her fingerprints were all over the guest list — especially in excluding long-standing friends of Diana. She also had a say in the seating plan in Westminster Abbey. And she has noticeably set about making herself ‘indispensable’ to Kate, offering advice on how to handle the culture shock of suddenly finding herself a newcomer in the Royal Family.

Splash of colour: The Queen wore an Angela Kelly-designed yellow primrose coat

Splash of colour: The Queen wore an Angela Kelly-designed yellow primrose coat

Words of advice: Camilla in her Anna Valentine outfit
Mother of the bride: Carole Middleton wore a blue wool crepe coat dress

Wise heads: Camilla in her Anna Valentine outfit while Carole Middleton wore sky blue

An unexpected fillip arrived from the Queen to buttress Camilla’s status yesterday, when Buckingham Palace announced the new titles to be bestowed on William and Kate. While many would have preferred the royal bride to have become simply Princess Catherine, she is now styled as  HRH the Duchess of Cambridge — a title that doesn’t upstage the Duchess of Cornwall.

In palace circles this was seen as a sensible decision by the Queen, particularly since Camilla is understood to have been ‘much exercised’ by constant suggestions from commentators that Kate will become the first ‘commoner Queen’.

In her typically jokey fashion, Camilla has been telling friends: ‘I will be the first commoner Queen.’ The assertion is, of course, accompanied by laughter, but friends say there is an underlying determination behind the joke. After all, Charles wants more than anything when he ascends to the throne for Camilla to be his Queen. Officially, though, the line remains that Camilla will be Queen Consort.

The significance of Camilla’s comment is not lost on her circle of friends. They point out that although well-born she, like Kate, comes from a family with no title and, as one family friend puts it, ‘she quite likes the world to see her as a modern, middle-class woman’.

Commoner queens: Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge leaves Clarence House accompanied by the Camilla to travel to Buckingham Palace for the evening celebrations

Commoner queens: Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge leaves Clarence House accompanied by the Camilla to travel to Buckingham Palace for the evening celebrations

As for William, he has been keen for Camilla to show Kate the ropes. Above all, William is a realist and sees his stepmother as a wily figure who has known the Royal Family long enough to be aware of all the potential pitfalls. It was he who encouraged Camilla to take Kate out for a very public lunch at the Berkeley Hotel restaurant in Knightsbridge in February.

This was his way of demonstrating that despite what much of the world still thinks about Camilla’s role in the tragedy of his parents’ marriage, royal life has to go on. And despite everything, he has come to like her.

Perhaps this gave Camilla the confidence to veto some names on the original rough wedding guest list that she preferred not to be invited.

We know of at least three people who would have expected to be near the top of the final list, but were astonishingly excluded. They are Rosa Monckton, socialite Lady Annabel Goldsmith and Madame Lucia Flecha de Lima. All three were close not only to Diana, but to William and Harry.

Rosa, whose daughter Domenica was Diana’s god-daughter, was a particularly close friend who holidayed with the Princess just weeks before her death. She played a pivotal role in finding a suitable memorial in London for William’s mother and has made a point of keeping in touch with the boys.

Like Madame Flecha de Lima, whose husband was the Brazilian ambassador in London and was one of Diana’s closest friends, Rosa gave evidence at the inquest into the Princess’s death. Both women allowed themselves to be put under harsh examination in order to defend Diana’s reputation, especially to make it plain that the Princess was not pregnant — Mohamed Fayed’s central claim was that she was expecting a child by his son Dodi when they died in that car smash in Paris.

As for Lady Annabel, William often spent weekends with his mother at her large and welcoming family home at Ham Common, south-west London. She and Rosa in particular were puzzled and dismayed not to have been invited to the wedding.

Their explanation to close friends is that they believe Camilla, 63, still sees them as enemies because they sided so implacably with Diana in the Waleses’ marriage break-up.

Avoiding ‘enemies’ could also be why the Spencer family were — surprisingly — seated on the bride’s side of the Abbey with the Middletons, when tradition would have placed them on William’s side with the Royal Family.

'Camilla shrewdly sees the best course as making a staunch ally of Kate and offering to be her sounding board to help ensure that the young couple do not encroach more than necessary on Charles’s territory'

There was room, however, for one figure from Camilla’s past — her ex-husband Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles, who had a seat in the nave.

For Camilla, the issue of being in the limelight is central to Charles’s contentment. The loss of it, as William becomes a figure of increasing fascination to the world, will trouble him greatly. In recent times, this strangely insecure man, who became agitated when crowds flocked to see Diana instead of him, has been enjoying something of a renaissance of popularity which he sees as being entirely appropriate for the heir to the throne.

Camilla, who looked awkward  yesterday and occasionally needed reassurance from Charles, is well aware that her husband has agonised over a likely diminution in what he considers to be a ‘proper’ level of public attention now that there is a glamorous, new, young royal couple on the stage.

Of course all this makes life difficult for William. According to a courtier: ‘William would do anything not to upstage his father. He knows that he himself is a future King, but he’s not the next King.

‘That’s his father. So he doesn’t want to take anything away from that. He hates it even more to hear of people suggesting he leapfrog his father to the throne. He sees that as plainly absurd.’ Meanwhile, Camilla shrewdly sees the best course as making a staunch ally of Kate and offering to be her sounding board. This, she hopes, should help ensure that the young couple do not encroach more than necessary on Charles’s territory.

Keeping a close relationship with Kate is one thing, but it does not extend to them all living under the same roof. For several years, William and Harry have shared a bachelor apartment in St James’s Palace, just across the courtyard from Clarence House, the Queen Mother’s former home where Charles and Camilla now live.

There have been intensive talks about where William and Kate will make their base when they are in London (they will continue to live in their rented Anglesey cottage for the next two years while he completes his tour of duty as a search and rescue helicopter pilot with the RAF).

Various royal palaces have been mooted, including Diana’s former apartment at Kensington Palace. However, when Clarence House (her and Charles’s London home)  was mentioned recently, a laughing Camilla declared: ‘There’s no room here.’ But now more than ever, Camilla will find herself doing what she has done for the past 30 years — consoling, comforting and reassuring the Prince of Wales.

So will the glamorous newlyweds inevitably shunt her and Charles out of the spotlight? Don’t bet on it. Camilla has taken on a young and glamorous woman once before, and won.


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@ - Maggie, USA, 1/5/2011 21:54 - why say it 3 times? It wasn't worth saying once!

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Continued....... I thought the wedding of Charles and Camilla was one of the sweetest that I have seen because two people in love were finally allowed to BE in love. I am sure that William accepts her because HE now understands the choices that you have to make when you are going to one day be kKng. I am just happy that he waited until he found someone that he actually loved and wanted to be with. He learned a lesson that it is too bad his family didn't learn much earlier. It would have saved a lot of bother and tragedy. Also really? Does anyone actually believe that these people supposedly snubbed were favorites of William? Yeah, I am sure that William and Kate wanted them there and mean old Camilla with very little standing just marked them right off? Yeah, whatever. Perhaps their anger is better aimed at Prince William and his lovely bride instead of such an easy target as Camilla. Naah, they are much too timid for that.

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Continued....... I thought the wedding of Charles and Camilla was one of the sweetest that I have seen because two people in love were finally allowed to BE in love. I am sure that William accepts her because HE now understands the choices that you have to make when you are going to one day be kKng. I am just happy that he waited until he found someone that he actually loved and wanted to be with. He learned a lesson that it is too bad his family didn't learn much earlier. It would have saved a lot of bother and tragedy. Also really? Does anyone actually believe that these people supposedly snubbed were favorites of William? Yeah, I am sure that William and Kate wanted them there and mean old Camilla with very little standing just marked them right off? Yeah, whatever. Perhaps their anger is better aimed at Prince William and his lovely bride instead of such an easy target as Camilla. Naah, they are much too timid for that.

Click to rate     Rating   2

Continued....... I thought the wedding of Charles and Camilla was one of the sweetest that I have seen because two people in love were finally allowed to BE in love. I am sure that William accepts her because HE now understands the choices that you have to make when you are going to one day be kKng. I am just happy that he waited until he found someone that he actually loved and wanted to be with. He learned a lesson that it is too bad his family didn't learn much earlier. It would have saved a lot of bother and tragedy. Also really? Does anyone actually believe that these people supposedly snubbed were favorites of William? Yeah, I am sure that William and Kate wanted them there and mean old Camilla with very little standing just marked them right off? Yeah, whatever. Perhaps their anger is better aimed at Prince William and his lovely bride instead of such an easy target as Camilla. Naah, they are much too timid for that.

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@ Why, why, why drag that Diana into this wedding? No, she was not "everywhere" as you suggest. Much better to put that unfortunate episode behind us and look to the future. Of course the Duchess of Cornwall was involved with arrangements, she is stepmother to the groom and quite rightly takes her place at her husband's side. It makes good sense for her to befriend and advise the new bride, welcoming her into the family, so don't make snide remarks about it. - Furious and Frustrated, Richmond, Surrey, 1/5/2011 20:34============================================== She's not his stepmother, the heir to the throne can't marry in a civil ceremony so their coupling is not legal. Why do you think Edward VIII abdicated? Be as 'Furious and Frustrated' as you like, these are facts (and William seemed to want his mother 'dragged into this wedding', didn't he? Otherwise why give his wife her ring etc.? CPB 'befriended' Diana I seem to recall ... I wouldn't trust her an inch!

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Why, why, why drag that Diana into this wedding? No, she was not "everywhere" as you suggest. Much better to put that unfortunate episode behind us and look to the future. Of course the Duchess of Cornwall was involved with arrangements, she is stepmother to the groom and quite rightly takes her place at her husband's side. It makes good sense for her to befriend and advise the new bride, welcoming her into the family, so don't make snide remarks about it.

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