


Video: Walterdale Bridge concept from Walterdale Hill

Watch a conceptual animation of the draft road and bridge options for the Walterdale Bridge from Walterdale Hill in Edmonton. Note: This animation, by ISL Engineering and Land Services, was provided to the City of Edmonton and is subject to change.




Video: Walterdale Bridge concept from Queen Elizabeth Park Drive

Watch a conceptual animation of the draft road and bridge options for the Walterdale Bridge from Queen...

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Open letter

Read Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach's open letter

Read Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach's open letter about the 2011 federal election campaign.

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Read: Mayor Mandel's 2011 state of the city speech

Read Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel's 2011 state of the city speech delivered on April 5.

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Audio: 9-1-1 call after toddler injured

Listen to a 9-1-1 call made by an Edmonton foster mother after a three-year-old was seriously injured...

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Officer / subject interaction

Videos: How quickly a gun can be fired

Force Science Institute demonstration videos show how quickly a gun can be fired at a police officer...

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Podcast: Surgery 101

Surgery 101 is a series of podcasts produced with the help of the University of Alberta. The podcasts...

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Riding profile: Edmonton-Strathcona

Riding Profile: Edmonton - Strathcona

In 2008, Linda Duncan stopped the Conservative sweep of Alberta by winning this south side riding for...

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Riding profile: Edmonton Centre

Riding Profile: Edmonton Centre

This riding, one of the poorest in the province, was held for 13 years by Liberal cabinet minister Anne...

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Riding profile: Edmonton-Sherwoodpark

Riding Profile: Edmonton-Sherwood Park

Independent Jimmy Ford came within 1,668 votes of beating Tory Tim Uppal in 2008. Ford, a well-known...

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3D Gait Analysis System

Read Alexa Hassen's 3-D running machine report

Alexa Hassen, the first person to use the University of Alberta's new 3-D running machine, hurt her ...

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Debra Russell

Audio: Racial discrimination in Edmonton

The Journal asked people for their thoughts at City Centre Mall Sunday. Listen to their mixed reactions...

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P.J. White

Read: AMA letter to physicians

Read the open letter from Alberta medical Association president Dr. P.J. White to the province’s 6,...

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Dr. Chris Eagle

Read: Open letter to physicians

Read an open letter sent to physicians by Alberta Health Services on March 16, 2011.

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Covenant Health CEO

Audio: Reaction to missing health information

Hear Patrick Dumelie, president of Covenant Health, answer reporters' questions on March 14, 2011, about...

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Read: McNamee Statement of Defence

Read the statement of defence filed by Dr. Ciaran McNamee

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Read: Dr. Ciaran McNamee's amended statement of claim

Dr. Ciaran McNamee's amended statement of claim filed against the University of Alberta Hospital, the...

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Link: Read MLA Raj Sherman's documents

Documents tabled by Alberta MLA Raj Sherman in support of his health-care allegations.

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Northeast Anthony Henday Drive

View maps and plans for the Manning Drive to Highway 16 portion of the Northeast Anthony Henday Drive...

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Patient Navigation

Read Pamela Fayerman's multi-part series on the challenges of navigating Canada's health care system...

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Scona Road traffic

Video: Plans for Scona Road/99th St.

Take a virtual tour of the planned changes to Scona Road and 99th Street that will shut down the route...

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Shooting investigation

Audio: Shooting on police radio

Listen to police radio audio from before and after the standoff with Percy Walter Davis.

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Nikolai Khabibulin

Read: Nikolai Khabibulin's appeal documents

Read the appeal documents from Nikolai Khabibulin's trial

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Nikolai Khabibulin

Audio: Excerpts of Nikolai Khabibulin's trial

Audio excerpts of Nikolai Khabibulin's trial on impaired driving and speeding charges at Scottsdale...

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Video: The Canada Song

Watch the video of Wilbur Sargunaraj performing The Canada Song.

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Read: Charges laid against Statoil Canada Ltd.

Alberta Environment laid charges against an in situ facility related to water withdrawals between 2008...

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Read: The US Department of Justice's letter about Tahir-Sharif

Read: The US Department of Justice's letter about Tahir-Sharif

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Bob Aloneissi

Read: Cara Rain's public staement about Sayfildin Tahir Sharif

Read: Cara Rain's public staement about Sayfildin Tahir Sharif

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Read: Financial Monitor's report June 22, 2007

Monitor's report into the finances at the Whitefish Lake First Nation in Atikameg where Tamaklo worked...

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Read: Tamaklo's affidavit

Tamaklo affidavit in response to the monitor's report into the finances at the Whitefish Lake First ...

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Walterdale Bridge styles

Read: Possible styles for a new Walterdale Bridge

Take a look at four potential bridge styles that are currently being evaluated by the Walterdale Bridge...

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Sayfildin Tahir-Sharif

Read: U.S. signed complaint against Edmonton terror suspect

Read the US. District Court Eastern District of New York complaint against Faruq Khalil Muhammad who...

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Stadium dancer

Video: Dancing man tumbles

With erratic dance moves and a broom for a partner, an anonymous Edmonton man a became a minor Internet...

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Video: PM Stephen Harper sings "Sweet Caroline"

Prime Minister Stephen Harper sings “Sweet Caroline” at the Conservative Caucus Christmas Party.

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Read the leaked health document released by the Alberta NDP

Click here to read a “Timing and Process Map” for the Alberta Health Act that was released by NDP leader...

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Read: Edmonton City Council's report on the downtown arena

Read the report to Edmonton City Council on the downtown arena.

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P.J. White

Patrick White's letter regarding Raj Sherman

The president of the Alberta Medical Association addresses recent events involving MLA Raj Sherman.

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Alberta logo

Leaked document: Alberta's Health Legislation - Moving Forward

Read the internal government document from an Alberta Health and Wellness presentation,dated July 12...

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Read: Dr. Stephen Duckett's contract with Alberta Health Services

Dr. Stephen Duckett's contract with Alberta Health Services.

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Edmonton/Alberta News


Lougheed says Alberta...

Alberta’s next premier will have to review the province’s tax...


Edmontonian wins Canadian...

Pieces of ice floating down the North Saskatchewan River against...


Survivor Rita Chretien...

The search for a missing B.C. man in the Nevada wilderness had...


Special-needs cut will...

The $100-million government funding shortfall for schools across...


Northern Gateway Pipeline...

Premier Ed Stelmach told ambassadors from India and China on...


Woman strangled by husband...

Dwayne Poirier strangled his common law wife with his hands ...


Alberta extends workers...

The provincial government has extended workers’ compensation...


No complaint filed, ...

Occupational Health and Safety will not investigate the case...


Man charged with assaulting...

Edmonton police have confirmed that a man has been charged in...


Search continues near...

The ongoing search for a missing Edmonton soldier moved northeast...


Edmonton library, social...

Two people will be hired to work in and around Edmonton’s downtown...


Boyle Street residents...

A serious assault on an 80-year-old woman has angered residents...


Lougheed says Alberta...

Alberta’s next premier will have to review the province’s tax...


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