

Ma.Fe Jackson and her baby daughter Angelique Jackson born Feb. 24 pictured at their home.
We asked four women about to become first-time moms and taking prenatal classes at the Northeast Community Health Centre if they planned to have a drug-free delivery or have an epidural. And then, after they’d had their babies, we checked back to see what actually happened. Here’s what they said.


Ma.Fe Jackson didn’t want to miss any part of the birthing experience, so she refused to have an epidural in hospital even when the pain was so intense she couldn’t speak. “Childbirth is very, very painful, but that’s normal and it’s only for a short time,” says the new mom who gave birth in February to first baby, Angelique.
Hospitals may be doing up to twice as many CT scans as they need to on children who hurt their heads, exposing children to potentially harmful radiation instead of just keeping a watchful eye on them, new research suggests. The study, based on more than 40,000 children in the U.S. found that waiting a period of time in the emergency room to allow a child’s symptoms to potentially improve before rushing to scan can reduce the use of head CTs by as much as half — without increasing the risk of missing something important.
2 hours ago
In the United States, companies selling peanut butter are allowed to decide the size of the jar. In Canada, they’re not. And American shoppers can buy dairy products that tout certain health virtues of probiotics. Here, you can’t sell a product making the same ambitious claims.
3 hours ago
Several years ago, Helen Griwkowsky sought a listing in the Yellow Pages as a registered massage therapist. She was horrified when she discovered her name listed under “escort services.”
3 hours ago

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Bruce Ward

Bruce Ward column: Trash talker survives coffee shop ‘horror’

One thing I can’t stand is losing my allotted legroom on a flight because the jerk in front of me cranks back his seat too far.

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Susan Sarandon hams it up as the evil stepmother Queen Narissa in Enchanted; Florence Henderson’s Carol Brady was much nicer.

Wicked! Stepmothers in pop culture

Mentor, outsider, friend, aunt. These are some of the “roles” that can be taken on by stepmothers.

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