Don't duck Whitton debate


Copy of portrait of former Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton.

Copy of portrait of former Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton.

Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen

The City of Ottawa should at least take the time to consult properly the people of this city before it names its archives building after Charlotte Whitton.

The city's first female mayor was an impressive community builder and a role model for women, even today. She also argued, successfully, against Canada accepting about 500 Jewish orphans during the Holocaust. There is an active debate about the extent of Whitton's anti-Semitism. And we should not demand perfection from the historical figures whose achievements we honour, or attempt to whitewash history. But if we're going to talk about Whitton, we must have the whole, difficult conversation.

Why honour Whitton, when other choices might be more appropriate? If we want to commemorate a pioneering female mayor, why not Marion Dewar, who successfully fought to bring refugees to Ottawa? These are questions the councillors should at least take the time to consider and answer.

Normally, when the city chooses to name a building after someone, there's a 60-day period of public consultation. This case isn't technically subject to that rule, because Whitton's name is already attached to a defunct city facility, so this would be a transfer. Mayor Jim Watson could have chosen to consult the public properly, anyway, because of the pain this decision is bound to cause, especially in the Jewish community, if it goes through. He did not. Instead, he wrote a public report lauding Whitton without mentioning her dark side. There were a few public delegates to a committee hearing, but an issue this controversial demands more.

The new council is showing an unfortunate tendency to rush through decisions without taking the time to consult the public. Names and history matter; many Ottawans were outraged at the recent decision to rename Robertson Road, for example.

On May 11, council will consider the name for the new archives building. It does not have to rubber-stamp Watson's plan.

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Copy of portrait of former Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton.

Copy of portrait of former Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton.

Photograph by: Chris Mikula, The Ottawa Citizen


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