Online gaffes can affect career prospects


Three out of four (76 per cent) human resources (HR) managers polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.

Three out of four (76 per cent) human resources (HR) managers polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.

Photograph by: Nicholas Kamm, AFP/Getty Images

In the days when "tweets" were bird sounds and a "text" was a book, workplace blunders had a limited audience. Now, however, these missteps can receive broad exposure -with unhappy consequences: Three out of four (76 per cent) human resources (HR) managers polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.

To prevent professionals from falling victim to online gaffes, Robert Half has released a new guide, Business Etiquette: The New Rules in a Digital Age. The comprehensive guide offers tips for successfully minding your manners when using professional networking sites, social media, email, instant messaging, mobile devices and more. The company has also identified five common types of tech etiquette offenders and how to ensure you aren't one of them.

Robert Half identified the top five technology etiquette breachers and gives advice to help workers avoid these labels:

1. The Venter. This indiscreet individual never misses an opportunity to document a bad work situation. Jobrelated gripes and groans get splashed across Facebook, Twitter and her personal blog. Email, too, takes a decidedly negative tone.

Advice: Look on the bright side. To avoid this label, keep the information that you post positive.

2. The Noise Polluter. This person's phone seems to lack a silent mode or an off button. Whether in a meeting or at a colleague's desk, he freely takes and makes calls, oblivious to his surroundings.

Advice: To keep office noise at a minimum, set your phone to silent mode at the office, and hold personal conversations behind closed doors.

3. The Cryptic Communicator. This person relies on texting shorthand for correspondence. Odd or informal abbreviations, poor punctuation and spelling goofs leave people shaking their heads -and pleading for clarification.

Advice: Slow down, and take it easy on the abbreviations. Spending a little more time on your communications can make them easier to decipher.

4. The Pop-Up Artist. While you're trying to complete assignments, this chat fanatic insists on sending you a flurry of instant messages.

Advice: IMs are fine for quick volleys of conversations, but don't go overboard. For many, email is immediate enough.

5. The Conference Call Con. This multi-tasker pretends to pay attention during teleconferences but is so busy checking email he has no clue what's being discussed.

Advice: Although we all multi-task from time to time, pay attention to relevant conversations when on conference calls. It can help to turn away from your monitor so you're not distracted.

Three out of four (76 per cent) human resources (HR) managers polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.

Three out of four (76 per cent) human resources (HR) managers polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.

Photograph by: Nicholas Kamm, AFP/Getty Images