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Ground control


Familiarize yourself with your dirt, or lack thereof, before running out to the nursery

Japanese style is a popular theme, but it doesn't mix with English cottage garden or subtropical planting styles.

Japanese style is a popular theme, but it doesn't mix with English cottage garden or subtropical planting styles.

Photograph by: Handout photo, Postmedia News

Look up. See the light in the sky? There is more of it today than there was this day last week. About 26 minutes more. And it's going to keep coming.

This is usually a signal to gardeners to get out of their easy chairs and back to the business of getting the garden in shape: weeding, planting, fixing what's broken and generally doing an all-around tidy-up.

But what if you don't have a garden? You might have a bit of grass, a tree and a shrub or two, but is it a garden?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a garden as a "a piece of ground adjoining a house, used for growing flowers, fruit or vegetables." Not sure a garden needs to have a house, but who can argue with Oxford?

Another definition says a garden is simply "a plot of ground where plants are cultivated, such as flowers, vegetables, fruits or herbs."

What differentiates a garden from a bit of scrub ground with tree and bush is the word "gardener."

To be a garden, the space needs to be cultivated, tended, looked after, shaped and styled, brushed and groomed.

There is nothing accidental about a genuine garden: It is there because someone cared enough to design it and plant it and maintain it. Serendipity may happen in a garden, but there is nothing serendipitous about what brings a garden into existence. There is always a mind with a plan behind the planting.

But what are the basic rules of good garden-making in order for rough ground to be successfully transformed into a place of natural and transcendent beauty?

Well, there is a step-by-step process worth knowing. Follow these steps and you should end up with a work of quality that can last years and years.


Before you race down to the garden centre to buy plants, the first thing to do is to get to know the ground.

Walk the site and take note of where rain puddles, where frost lingers, where the sun shines and which areas are always in shade. Eighteenthcentury philosopher-poet Alexander Pope articulated this truth very well. What he wrote changed our approach to gardening forever. He said: "Consult the genius of the place in all/ That tells the waters or to rise, or fall/ Or helps th' ambitious hill the heav'ns to scale/ Or scoops in circling theatres the vale/ "Calls in the country, catches opening glades/ Joins willing woods, and varies shades from shades,/ Now breaks, or now directs, th' intending lines/ "Paints as you plant, and, as you work, designs."

Yes, gardening is painting . painting with plants and shaping with paths and walls can create a work of art that you don't just get to look at, but can step into and walk around and live in.

Pope also made the point that we need to pay attention to the landscape to see what we get for free outside the garden -the "ambitious hill" and "willing woods."

Look up and around and see what you can incorporate into your garden from your neighbour's garden and what views are worth including and which ones should be screened out.


It takes skill to design a garden. Some people are good at it. If you're not, find a designer to draw up a plan for you. This way, you will have a plan that you can work on piece by piece, year by year, until your garden is complete. It's how many people end up with a beautiful garden.


Your garden needs to look great before a tree, shrub or perennial is planted. Concentrate all your efforts at the beginning on installing quality "bones" -paths, walls, steps, patio surfaces, fences, arches, arbours, pergolas. Use the best materials you can afford. You won't regret the expense. Remember, you are installing foundations that you want to last a lifetime.


Curves, circles, ovals generally look better than straight lines. Try to work into the design curving borders, circular lawns and ponds, round objects for interest.

When you need to create a calm centre between busy, compact borders, straight lines do work. No matter how densely planted the borders, as long as you have a still centre of gravel, lawn, concrete or water, the result will be one of harmony, calm and balance.

Break down spaces into smaller room-like areas. This is an idea pioneered by British design guru John Brookes, but it has been a proven principle for centuries.

Create a sense of mystery and intrigue by not revealing all of your garden in one go. Use arches and arbours, tunnels and screens to keep visitors guessing about what lies beyond.

Changes in elevation always add interest. If your garden is all on one level, find ways to add height or depth. If you are lucky enough to have a slope, create terraces. This is an elegant way of making a slope both attractive and accessible.

Make visitors lift their heads. Don't do all your planting on one level. Send roses and clematis climbing into trees and over arches and arbours to add height and interest.

Send a clear message that your garden is a friendly social place by adding plenty of sitting areas. Patio chairs and benches are always a welcoming sign.


Imagine a man going to the opera. He is wearing a beautiful tuxedo ... but with a straw hat and Bermuda shorts. It's all wrong, right?

This is what happens when we put styles together that don't mix.

A Japanese-style garden draws on a plant palette of maples, azalea, pines, ferns and moss with occasional splashes of colour from irises.

An English cottage garden, on the other hand, is a vibrant, floral freefor-all, featuring a cheerful jumble of roses, clematis and summer flowers, annuals and perennials.

These two styles don't mix. Same goes for the subtropical garden with its monkey puzzle, banana and eucalyptus trees, hardy gingers, spiky yuccas and towering stands of bamboo and tree ferns and the elegant rose garden with its mix of climbers and shrub roses and romantic accompaniment of lavender and delphiniums.

Certain plant schemes go together without clashing. Mixing them up too aggressively causes a major visual disconnect.


Many growing problems are soilrelated. Plants often die because they are in poorly draining ground or soil lacking in nutrition.

Try to ensure you have at least 18 inches of soil before planting most trees, shrubs and perennials.

Respect and protect the soil. Use mulches to protect it from rain and sun. Use organic additives to amend and enrich it with good organisms. This is the way to avoid pest and bug problems and to keep your plant treasures healthy and flourishing.


Your goal in planting should always be to get the right plant in the right place. To do this, you start in your garden, not at the garden centre.

Look at where you want to plant, take note of the light, the soil conditions, and then go and shop for plants that will thrive in those conditions.

- Plant your garden from top to the bottom. Start by selecting your trees -the upper level -and then add easy-care, shapely shrubs. Next, soften walls, fences, arbours and arches with vines. Then descend to soil level to place perennials and ground cover plants. Finally, plant all your spring and summer flowering bulbs.

Build your garden so it has four seasons of interest -something in flower or with great foliage or architectural interest in every season.

- Before buying a plant, ask: Does this have more than one winning characteristic? Flowers are usually good for three weeks, but what then?

- Always buy plants with multiple qualities: great flowers, good foliage, nice shape, disease resistance and easy maintenance.

- Resist the urge to over-elaborate. Instead of planting one of this and one of that, plant in three and fives or in drifts. One plant used repeatedly will have much more impact than a bunch of different plants crammed in a jumble.


Rudyard Kipling was right: "Half a gardener's work is done upon his knees." A garden needs to be maintained. If you have slug problems, you need to collect and dispose of them. If you have weeds, you need to pull them up before they seed and spread. You can have a low-maintenance garden, but there's no such thing as a no-maintenance garden. The key to keeping your garden healthy and attractive is to stay involved: weeding, mulching, watering, deadheading, pruning, dealing with pests and diseases and so on.

Do all these things and you will undoubtedly create a beautiful and enduring place of beauty that we would all quickly recognize and identify as . a lovely garden.

Japanese style is a popular theme, but it doesn't mix with English cottage garden or subtropical planting styles.

Japanese style is a popular theme, but it doesn't mix with English cottage garden or subtropical planting styles.

Photograph by: Handout photo, Postmedia News


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