


Handling the economy

Prime Minister Stephen Harper with his new majority has an opportunity over the next four years to make Canada a much more competitive nation. He should not miss this chance.



The City of Ottawa has a curious method of "fast-tracking" its light-rail project, as it said it would do this week to have passengers aboard it in 2018.


So people in Ottawa's south end should have a sense of perspective on the whole issue of the outdoor watering ban because a long pipe from the city to the suburbs has malfunctioned. Yes, residents have paid for this service, but sometimes things go wrong. Any homeowner should know that.


Copy of portrait of former Ottawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton.

Don't duck Whitton debate

The City of Ottawa should at least take the time to consult properly the people of this city before it names its archives building after Charlotte Whitton.

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Liberals have a long road back

Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff did the right thing and resigned. Unfortunately, politics and the leader of the Opposition did not make a good fit.

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Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, addresses a press conference in Vancouver BC, March 30, 2011, to comment on being barred from the election leaders debate by TV companies.

One Green shoot

Elizabeth May, the Green party leader, will be an asset to the House of Commons. She worked very hard to win in Saanich-Gulf Islands, and deserves a shot to prove herself on a new stage.

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Conservative party supporters in Calgary cheer at the election night headquarters of their leader, Stephen Harper.

A new political landscape

There’s little doubt this election has changed the political landscape, although the full effects might take some time to appear.

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A win for the good guys

Stephen Harper struck exactly the right tone when he greeted the news of Osama bin Laden’s death with “sober satisfaction.”

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It is the Liberals’ darkest hour

Ten days ago, Michael Ignatieff placed a call to an estranged friend.

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Conservative leader Stephen Harper speaks during a campaign stop in Brampton, Ontario, Friday, April 29, 2011.

The case for a Tory majority

This week Stephen Harper told supporters in Waterloo that what Canadians want is a strong economy, job creation and an affordable public service. Hear, hear. Is his party the one that can deliver on this straightforward goal? We believe so.

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Editorial board election endorsements

Since the beginning of the federal election campaign, the Citizen's editorial board has been busy getting to know the people who have been out knocking on doors and pounding in lawn signs on behalf of their parties in 15 area ridings -the people who hope to represent you in the 41st Canadian Parliament.

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Nycole Turmel

Endorsement: Hull-Aylmer — Turmel edges out experienced Proulx

First elected in 1999, Marcel Proulx has safeguarded the Liberal stronghold of Hull-Aylmer for more than a decade. But he appears to be facing a stiffer test in this election than he has in the past.

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John Robson

What crime statistics don't tell you

A lot of crime takes place in the dark for obvious reasons. That's no reason to conduct the public debate about it under similar conditions. Yet while informed discussion is the cornerstone of self-government, on this central question of the state's duty to protect citizens from crime and public disorder, Canadians are not as well served as they should be.

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