Secret top floor, herbal medicines and a freezer full of goat meat


A resident tries to look into the compound where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was reported to have been killed in Abbottabad May 4, 2011. Bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot and killed him, the White House said, as it tried to establish whether its ally Pakistan had helped the al Qaeda leader elude a worldwide manhunt.

A resident tries to look into the compound where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was reported to have been killed in Abbottabad May 4, 2011. Bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot and killed him, the White House said, as it tried to establish whether its ally Pakistan had helped the al Qaeda leader elude a worldwide manhunt.

Photograph by: Faisal Mahmood, REUTERS

To the villagers of Thanda Choha, a sleepy farming hamlet in the shadow of Pakistan's main military academy, Arshad Khan was a Good Samaritan and a model of Muslim courtesy.

He had a kind word for everyone, bought sweets for children, gave money to the poor and took old ladies to hospital in his red minivan.

To them he was simply Arshad Khan of Charsadda, near Peshawar, a zaminder or landowner, who lived in a traditional extended family with his brother Tareq, their wives, and four children.

Last week, after seeing graphic pictures of his blood-soaked body left behind by American commandos and learning that Osama bin Laden had been shot dead in his house, they realised they had been deceived. The Arshad Khan they knew was in fact Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, lynchpin of al-Qaida, and the kindnesses so many had seen had been a ruse to guard bin Laden while he plotted terrorist massacres from inside his compound.

On Saturday, following the US disclosure that CIA agents had watched the compound from a secret safehouse, it slowly dawned on the villagers that Mr Khan was not the only one who had duped them.

The CIA men, monitoring the compound from another house in the village, were tracking the daily routines of al-Qaida's trigger finger, the man without whom bin Laden could not command.

His name had been mentioned in interrogation reports of Guantanamo Bay detainees as one of bin Laden's trusted couriers who carried his instructions from his hideout to his field commanders.

But secret American cables released by WikiLeaks disclosed his role was far more vital to terrorist operations than that.

According to a memo dated October 30 2008, Kuwaiti had also been instructed to give another al-Qaida operative, Muhammad Mani Ahmad Al Shalan Al Qahtani, computer training to help him become the "20th 9/11 bomber."

The memo contained a note explaining that until 2001, Kuwaiti was a "senior al-Qaida facilitator," operating directly in al-Qaida's Kandahar media centre under the supervision of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-confessed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.

Another al-Qaida "facilitator", Hassan Gul, disclosed that Kuwaiti was one of three trusted aides who regularly travelled with bin Laden. An "analyst's note" disclosed he was among the fighters who helped bin Laden escape when US forces came closest to capturing him at the Tora Bora caves in 2001. From that point on, he played a key role in ensuring the al-Qaida leader's continued freedom, working as a courier in a network operated by Abu Faraj al Libi, one of bin Laden's most trusted lieutenants.

Prior to his own capture in 2005, Libi moved to Abbottabad, the town named after the British colonial officer Major James Abbott, who helped "tame" the fierce tribes along the Afghan-Pakistan border in the mid-19th century. Libi's task was to supply food, clothing, medicines, cash and safe houses for al-Qaida commanders in Pakistan, and Abbottabad, a military supply town, was perfectly placed.

Kuwaiti arrived in Abbottabad at around the same time and hired Nasir Khan, a local property agent, to help find the perfect hideaway. They settled on an empty plot in Thanda Choha, nestled in the plains below Thandiani hill station, in the army cantonment.

Official documents disclose he later obtained planning permission for a two-storey villa with a small rooftop shed known as a mumti to protect the staircase from rain. But al-Kuwaiti had other plans for the "roof". It was to become the third-floor inner sanctum of bin Laden's global terrorist war, and for that he needed a builder who would do what he was told without asking questions.

Last week, while watching television pictures of the bin Laden compound, Noor Mohammad, a construction firm boss, suddenly realised he had been that dupe. He had unwittingly helped the world's most wanted terrorist to "hide in plain sight" of the Pakistan army's most senior generals and the country's main military academy.

He was not alone in being fooled. Pakistan's former military ruler, General Musharraf, disclosed he had jogged passed the compound, while a serving officer, Major Amir Aziz, was bin Laden's next-door neighbour.

Mr Mohammad suffered a minor cardiac arrest last week, which his brothers said was caused by shock and several days of interrogation by Pakistan's feared intelligence service.

"When I heard that Osama bin Laden had been killed in that compound, I felt like the earth beneath my feet had fallen through," Mr Mohammad told The Sunday Telegraph. He would rather have been a beggar than taken the contract, he said.

He had met Kuwaiti, knowing him as Arshad Khan, who told him he was a money-changer from Charsadda, in 2004. Mr Mohammad was told to build extra thick walls, 15ft-high security walls and an illegal third floor instead of the rooftop mumti.

Kuwaiti was so softly spoken and friendly that he agreed. The building was for his wife and two children, who occasionally accompanied him on site visits, but Mr Mohammad never saw her face. She sat in Kuwaiti's red Suzuki minivan at a distance in a full burka. "He could mix with anyone. When the labourers sat down in the dirt to eat their lunch, he would sit and eat with them," Mr Mohammad said of Kuwaiti.

The security of the fortress was breached by the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, which destroyed part of the walls and delayed Kuwaiti's plans to move in. The ensuing chaos and collapse of local government caused by the quake offered perfect cover to spirit the world's most wanted man into his new HQ.

According to one US intelligence veteran, the Navy SEALs who killed bin Laden recovered evidence that he'd made several trips outside the compound, staying in other garrison towns, throughout Pakistan's tribal areas and across the border into Afghanistan. The source did not believe it would have been possible without help from Pakistan's intelligence agencies.

Pakistani security officials, who entered the house to pick over the wreckage early last Monday, said they found giant drums of cooking oil, industrial quantities of flour, sugar, and a chest freezer full of goat meat. There was enough to survive for months without leaving the building.

There were Arabic reading and writing books for infants, schoolchildren's bags, and a range of medicines and prescriptions from local doctors. Some were from a pediatrician, Dr Mehr Dil Wazir, who has since disappeared, while others were herbal medicines for liver and kidney complaints and for treating hepatitis.

Some officers took trophies — one boasted of having found a "beautiful army dagger, one foot long" from under bin Laden's mattress on the third floor. Another claimed to have taken away a large dog kept for security. They also took into custody three women believed to be bin Laden's wives, as well as 12 children, eight of which are believed to be bin Laden's. There was also four dead bodies: Arshad Khan, his brother Tareq, a young man believed to be bin Laden's son, Khalid, and an unidentified male, who may have been called Nadeem. Many villagers spoke of a "Nadeem" giving rabbits as gifts to local children.

According to Pakistan intelligence sources, several of the children may have been born in the house or at a clinic in Charsadda, which issued prescriptions found in the compound.

This discovery hints that Kuwaiti may have had family roots in Charsadda as he claimed, despite confirmation from Pakistan's database that his ID card was fake.

A picture emerges of a top-floor haven of quiet terrorist planning where bin Laden drafted orders to be couriered by Kuwaiti away from the chaos of 12 cooped-up children and family below.

The compound's sectoral security design - the house was at the centre of a maze of high barbed wire walls and iron gates — kept even those occasionally allowed into a central interior driveway well away from the real business inside. And with bin Laden and his family shielded, Kuwaiti played the front-of-house manager.

The mystery is why no one questioned it. The answer for several influential analysts, retired Pakistan army generals, and, it seems, Leon Panetta, the CIA chief, may be that elements of Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI, were complicit.

That rogue element has been blamed for aiding the 2008 Mumbai attack in which 166 were killed and two bombings of the Indian embassy in Kabul. Why would they do that? One analyst gave a one word answer: "Jihad." Many in the ISI's current and semi-retired ranks still support the militancy encouraged under General Zia, the former dictator, during the CIA-backed war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Art Keller, the former CIA agent who hunted bin Laden in 2006, said many ISI agents were hostile to the US, while one Pakistani officer had told him Islamabad benefited more from the hunt than the capture, receiving generous funding for any help given.

"It's impossible that he was not under protection of elements of ISI and army," he said. The alleged head of that "rogue" ISI, its former chief Hamid Gul, denied the claims and ridiculed the idea of complicity with al-Qaeda.

"If they were hiding him, why was there no proper protection for him? There would be anti-aircraft guns on the roof. Inside the compound were only goats, chickens and hens." He denied suggestions that he was connected to bin Laden, and said he met him twice in the mid-1990s at conferences in Khartoum, but that then he was on a "different plane."

"He was in Afghanistan the days of jihad and the CIA dealt with him," he said.

Other retired Pakistani officers did not share his bluster. Lt Gen Talat Masood said he felt a sense of shame at likely complicity of some elements of the army.

Brigadier Mahmud Jan, who fought with the Eighth Army in north Africa in the Second World War and lives in Major AbbottÕs colonial cottage, said he was shocked bin Laden had been living in the heart of his garrison town. "This is something we can't live down," he said.

A resident tries to look into the compound where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was reported to have been killed in Abbottabad May 4, 2011. Bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot and killed him, the White House said, as it tried to establish whether its ally Pakistan had helped the al Qaeda leader elude a worldwide manhunt.

A resident tries to look into the compound where al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was reported to have been killed in Abbottabad May 4, 2011. Bin Laden was unarmed when U.S. special forces shot and killed him, the White House said, as it tried to establish whether its ally Pakistan had helped the al Qaeda leader elude a worldwide manhunt.

Photograph by: Faisal Mahmood, REUTERS


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