Today is Tuesday September 14, 2010

This is the end, as Jim Morrison sang. The end of this blog, that is. I'm hanging up my keyboard. And I'm not happy about it, I assure you. I've had a lot of fun doing this and I think we've had some good back-and-forth among thoughtful people of varying views.

The problem is time. I basically volunteered to do this. When I took it on, my workload wasn't lightened proportionately, and that workload is, contrary to what some people think of the cushy life of the columnist, substantial. A good column requires significant amounts of thinking, researching, and writing. The big-name American columnists turn out two columns a week with the aid of staff and the ability to get almost anyone on the phone that comes from being a big-name American columnist. I have neither staff nor clout and I write three columns a week. In fact, since my columns are longer than most, my weekly production is almost double that of Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, or any other Big Name you care to mention.

It's come to the point where, I think, both my columns and this blog were suffering, the blog in particular. At its best, a blog feels like a fabulous dinner party conversation: It's quick and light, the subject constantly shifts, people chime in with witticisms and deep thoughts and nonsense. But that requires an energetic host with undivided attention, and I haven't been that for some time. As a result, the party has become a little dull and tired. That may be acceptable for some of the regulars -- bless 'em -- but it's not good enough for me. I have standards, dammit. It's time to do the dishes and go to bed.

So now, one last time, let's all sing together. Then everybody get your coat and clear out.



Your Comments

Andrew Norman

I'll miss it.  Please start tweeting soon.  I hope you can bring it like this guy:

June 02, 2010
12:19 PM

I'll miss you.

June 01, 2010
2:37 PM
Daniel I. Harris

I will miss your blog, Dan!  I understand your decision, though, and look forward to reading your columns.  I guess that means I have to bookmark your actual column page instead of just your blog, though.

June 01, 2010
11:33 AM

Really sorry to see this. You are one of the most consistently rational and challenging bloggers I have read. Perhaps some day in the future if the Citizen can see the value of what you are doing here you could return.

June 01, 2010
10:40 AM


I actually discovered you from Charlie Brooker's show, and even though it has been for a short time, I have really enjoyed your blog. I will still hang around your columns though. Nonetheless,  I miss your blog as it was a great complement to your columns. Given the shifting sands of media, it is nice to have someone who can cite real concepts and research upon which you built your points.  Given the tenor and the nature of those whom you rattled their sensibilities,  it is quite clear that you have occupied a space where no one can charge you with the meaningless phrase of "typical liberal" no matter how hard they try.  I do wish you best of luck for your book, and I will look forward to Dan Gardner 2.0 with your ensuing columns.

June 01, 2010
12:03 AM

Sorry to hear that! Thanks for all the useful, thoughtful, and amusing stuff. We'll see you on the Columnists page :)

May 31, 2010
7:46 PM
Brad F

Dan, you are going the wrong way.  The news model is changing from the 'packaged' newspaper model to the real time, on creation, interactive model.  Power is shifting from the large publishers to the trusted reporters/authors.  I followed your blog because of the well thought out opinions you provided along with the great links to other interesting stories and the timely critiques and reviews you provided.  I came to 'trust' your opinion because of your past work, not because you are a Citizen journalist.  It would be regretful if you retract into the old, one way, periodic, broadcasting mode of journalism.

May 31, 2010
6:19 PM

Sorry to hear this...thanks for some great posts.

@Josh - thanks for the Google Reader tip.  I'll have to try that.

May 31, 2010
4:46 PM
nicole martel

your blog will be missed!  All the best and look forward to following on twitter ~ nic

May 31, 2010
12:48 PM

@RealGrouchy: Google Reader can now make an RSS feed out of any URL you give it, so if you put Dan's columnist page into Google Reader, it will notify you when it's updated.

@Dan: I'll miss the blog, too. But I have to say, it bugs me when people abandon their blogs: the nice thing about blogs is that they can be accessed by RSS feeds, and we don't need to keep checking in to see if there's new content. You could let the blog go dormant for as long as you want, and check in just every so often when the fancy really strikes you, if you wanted!

In any case - big fan. Sorry to see it end. Cheers.

May 31, 2010
11:39 AM
Two Hats

Sorry to hear it, but at least you're back in the newspaper.

Good luck on the next book tour.

May 31, 2010
10:51 AM

Well you did a good job hanging on a cross of sorts. Sure will miss checking in on you in the mornings, but I expect to see a standard give em hell Gardner out there in the world doing your thing.

Best of luck at it, dude. A lot of folks will miss you from this particular spot.

May 31, 2010
10:45 AM

Say it ain't so...D'oh!

I too would appreciate receiving links to articles you find interesting. Although I suspect it would be very difficult for you to do that without commenting.

May 31, 2010
9:36 AM
Stan Blakey


Hopefully our loss is your family's gain. Congrats to them.

On the bright side the columns will be better than ever.

As someone else mentioned it would be great to have a read only forum where you could post interesting reading or further details. Using RSS feeds there is no cost to the reader to stay subscribed.

May 31, 2010
7:06 AM

Please no, Dan! Don't get me wrong, I love the column, and if the quality of it can improve, that's wonderful. But this has been such a lovely light forum to encounter Gardner in. And I went through all the trouble of adding the twitter feed of Katzenjammer, where the fella who ran it called me a dyke in your name. Which was more amusing than anything...

Speaking of which, maybe you could wean the populace off onto twitter? 140 characters ain't such a burden, izzit?

May 31, 2010
2:54 AM

I second Peter's statement: this does suck. But I understand.

I've heard from other bloggers that it is time consuming. Maybe the solution is a bureau wherein folks of a given mindset/demeanour/what-have-you write articles monthly for a "blog" but the articles come out as they're available, instead of how monthly magazines currently pump out articles. It would take a load off the authors while also providing authors with a venue for either a piece that may not fit into their regular publications or be expanded versions that wouldn't fit space-wise into their regular publications.

Still a bummer. I always enjoyed coming here. The posts from everyone were always intriguing. The blog and your posts will be missed.

May 30, 2010
10:20 PM

Oh dear. First my favourite restaurant closes, now this--all in one night!

It's a sad shame that this will tip the balance one more notch in favour of those who don't bother checking their facts before laying finger to keyboard.

I guess I'll have to bookmark this page: to check out your latest columns, but I don't think it has an RSS feed. (Yes, I do read the paper Citizen, but I prefer reading your columns on a screen.)

May 30, 2010
10:17 PM

This is unfortunate news, but will continue reading your column and I look forward to your new book.

May 30, 2010
9:26 PM
Vincent Kargatis
May 30, 2010
9:22 PM
The Grey Lady


May 30, 2010
9:05 PM
Jordan Charbonneau

We'll miss you, Dan. You were the first blog to which I ever subscribed, for what it's worth.

Thanks for doing rationality and logic a service, and I hope that someone at the Citizen realizes how important the electronic connection is and gets you back on this at some point in the near future. Thanks for everything!

May 30, 2010
8:46 PM

Well, I'm sad to hear it, too.  For what its worth, I thought your blog was cool and it attracted a chill group of readers.  

Keep your stick on the ice, Dan.

May 30, 2010
7:45 PM
John Fletcher

I enjoy reading your columns, my local paper, The Edmonton Journal,only carries them once in a while so I have to seek them out on the Citizen website.  I have not been going back to the blog so I won't miss it.

May 30, 2010
7:39 PM

Why not use Twitter to continue to share cool links and stories, and to remain in contact with your loyal fans?

May 30, 2010
6:51 PM


Thanks alot for sharing your energy and intellect. And  I must say that I have learned alot from you.  For instance, your fascination with behavioural economics has rubbed off on me.  (I just loved Thaler/Sunstein's "Nudge.")  Your opinions on crime have provided valuable insights into that policy arena as well.  These are just two of many examples.

I graduate from law school this month.   Over the course of that period of study, I found your columns, book, blog and references to academic writing an invaluable resource for debate and paper writing.  It is too late to save myself from becoming a shameless flatterer, but I like the way you think.  In fact, I have come to think of you as "Canada's Bullshit Detector."

All the best, and I am looking forward to your next book.

May 30, 2010
5:54 PM
David Goulet

You're right, the blog has become like a party where the host has gone out to cut the grass and only pops in now and then to replenish the chip dip.

I'll miss the party. But, like you, I will get more real work done now.

And we'll always have Paris.

May 30, 2010
4:58 PM

John 11:35

May 30, 2010
4:54 PM

All good things must come to an end they say. What a shame though. I have found this thoroughly enjoyable and indeed enlightening and educational and have suggested the blog to many. But I'm happy for you and wish you good health, wealth and success...

May 30, 2010
4:47 PM

Lovely party, great column, does indeed make one reflect.



May 30, 2010
4:37 PM

Hey, Dan.

I've been reading, and looking forward to, your columns for about 6 years, i think.  Having left ottawa some 4 years ago, i was pretty thrilled to find your homepage stocked with your columns, even if they were a couple days old; i find they don't spoil all that quickly.

My opinion of the Citizen aside, any chance you'll start achiving your columns on your homepage again?  Not that i'm cheering the death of this blog, but i'm not looking forward to missing your columns.  

Let us know, eh?

Oh yeah, and get Tabitha Soothey pregnant.

Cheers ;)

May 30, 2010
3:11 PM
Yoni Levitan

Even though, as you say, it's probably better to have 3 fantastic columns a week than merely "good" columns and a merely "good" blog, I hope this is one prediction that doesn't come to pass!

Maybe as a public service, since you won't be updating the blog anymore, you can share a few of your own favourite blogs for us readers to check out?

May 30, 2010
3:11 PM
Peter Drake

Well, that sucks.

But I think you've got your priorities straight.  Columns and books have a greater potential to effect change.  And they all pale in significance compared to your own personal generational improvement plan.

I only wish that someone could run the blog for you.  Post links to everything you write.  Post links to the occasional interesting tidbit you might find on the intarwebs.  The quality of discussion here is head and shoulders above than on the main article portion of the Citizen site.

I know from prior experience that a discussion site devoted to the work of a specific author need not actually have regular input from said author.  The Baen books site ( has forums for writers that drop by at some frequency between daily and yearly.  

More generally, my experience with other sites leads me to believe that Canwest doesn't realize what a major resource an engaged fan-base can be.

May 30, 2010
3:08 PM

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