When conducting an investigation, ensure that investigators are properly trained with the requisite skills to conduct a workplace investigation.
Sometimes, companies have reason to regret their handling of complaints. Such was the case for Kraft Canada Inc.

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The Canadian workplace is not a debating society, nor is it a military regiment. Recalcitrant employees exist in most workplaces; those who challenge employer policies, question their judgment and even...
I've been in this game a long time. When an employer wished to fire an employee for cause, I used to say "Check their expense accounts and their job applications. Many employees gild the lily on their...
What satisfaction often accompanies these words: "I accept your resignation." An underperforming employee is disciplined, warned and finally, resigns, to avoid a firing on their record. But are all ...
If a young new hire signs a noncompetition covenant preventing him from competing anywhere in the world for one year after he leaves, will it be enforceable? What about 17 years later? What if he had ...

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