

Canada is expected to "scale back" financial assistance to Afghanistan as it draws down troop levels and winds up the combat mission in that country, according to a confidential cable from the U.S. Embassy released by WikiLeaks.

Dead child

The body of a child found Tuesday on the shore of Riviere-des-Mille-Iles in Terrebonne, Que., is that of Adam Benhamama, who had been missing since April 3.

Postmedia News Columns

Conservative leader Stephen Harper

Tories need to free their inner conservative

As a staunch ideological conservative, I should be content. Everything seems to ...

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Postmedia News Blogs

Christy Clark waves to supporters after she was voted the new party leader during the BC Liberal Leadership Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia February 26, 2011.

B.C. in for wild ride with young, charismatic premier

For Christy Clark, it was a win for the ages — and a win against the odds.

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Experts divided on whether climate change played role in Quebec flooding.

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F1 prodigy Robert Wickens (L).


Canadian could be in line for Formula One seat.

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Fatal black bear attacks mostly likely work of predatory males, study finds

North Americans killed by black bears over the last century overwhelmingly encountered a predatory male hunting for food rather than a female protecting her cubs, according to a new study from the University of Calgary.

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Movie-making murderer Twitchell to appeal conviction

Mark Twitchell, the Edmonton filmmaker convicted of first-degree murder in a sensational case that centred around the line between movie violence and real life, is appealing his conviction.

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No new mortgage rule changes: Flaherty

There has already been "some softening" in the Canadian real-estate market so there is no need for further tightening of mortgage rules.

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Ford Ranger

Manitoba couple escape without injury as sinkhole gobbles truck

A couple got the scare of their lives when a large puddle that concealed a sink hole swallowed their Ford Ranger, completely submerging the truck.

3 hours ago
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Edmonton/Alberta News


Lougheed says Alberta...

Alberta’s next premier will have to review the province’s tax...


Edmontonian wins Canadian...

Pieces of ice floating down the North Saskatchewan River against...


Survivor Rita Chretien...

The search for a missing B.C. man in the Nevada wilderness had...


Special-needs cut will...

The $100-million government funding shortfall for schools across...


Northern Gateway Pipeline...

Premier Ed Stelmach told ambassadors from India and China on...


Woman strangled by husband...

Dwayne Poirier strangled his common law wife with his hands ...


Alberta extends workers...

The provincial government has extended workers’ compensation...


No complaint filed, ...

Occupational Health and Safety will not investigate the case...


Man charged with assaulting...

Edmonton police have confirmed that a man has been charged in...


Search continues near...

The ongoing search for a missing Edmonton soldier moved northeast...


Edmonton library, social...

Two people will be hired to work in and around Edmonton’s downtown...


Boyle Street residents...

A serious assault on an 80-year-old woman has angered residents...


Lougheed says Alberta...

Alberta’s next premier will have to review the province’s tax...


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Elizabeth Withey

An adoptive grandma eagerly steps forward

Newspaper journalists have grown accustomed to direct electronic feedback from the public. The letters page was the original avenue for readers to lambaste or praise editorial content, accountably, but people now seem to favour cosily anonymous web comments and personal e-mail messages. Our inboxes fill up with nice and nasty and everything in between. The smug ones point out our spelling mistakes, grammatical bads. Some tell us in all-caps that we suck and deserve to be fired. Exclamation marks are used generously.