Local News


Vancouver »

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Vancouver Canucks


Canuck flag at Royal Wedding delights fans on YouTube

Hundreds of millions watched history in the making at last month's Royal Wedding, but hockey fans may...

35 minutes ago
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Regina »

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Zoos in the News

Photos: Zoos in the News

Plenty of big cats to feast your eyes on in this week's top animal photos from around the world.

4 hours ago
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Winnipeg »

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Selinger promises extra compensation for flooded properties

Premier Greg Selinger promises a special compensation program for Manitobans whose properties will be...

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Windsor »

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Economic Jolt

Designed in China and powered by Chinese-made batteries,The BYD (Built Your Dreams) E-Bus will be assembled in Windsor.

Vander Doelen: Electric buses to be assembled in Windsor

WINDSOR, Ont. -- Windsor’s automotive industry is about to start growing again with the first new assembly...

36 minutes ago
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