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May 1, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Neil Pasricha

Neil Pasricha


8 Awesome Things You Should Be Appreciating Right Now (PHOTOS)

Posted: 04/28/11 08:49 AM ET

Adapted from "The Book of (Even More) Awesome" by Neil Pasricha by arrangement with G.P. Putnam's Sons/Amy Einhorn Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc., Copyright © 2011 by Neil Pasricha. Illustrations by Monsieur Cabinet (www.monsieurcabinet.com).

Hi Huffington Post readers,

My name is Neil Pasricha and I'm a no-name 31-year-old guy who started a tiny blog called 1000 Awesome Things back in June, 2008 with the goal of writing about one awesome thing every weekday.

I did this as my world was falling apart. In addition to all the bad news about melting ice caps, swirling hurricanes, and raging wars, like many of us I also had personal issues. My best friend very sadly took his own life and my marriage crumbled like crackers. We sold our house, I moved to a tiny apartment, and I tried to get things back on track by talking about one simple, universal little joy every single day -- like snow days, bakery air, or watching "The Price Is Right" when you're at home sick.

When I started 1000 Awesome Things, I got excited when my mom forwarded it to my dad and the traffic doubled. Then I got excited when friends sent it to friends and strangers started sending me suggestions like stepping on dry crunchy leaves on the sidewalk, finally peeing after holding it forever, and landing on a round number when you're pumping gas.

Over time, the site started attracting millions of visitors, winning awards, and landed a book deal. Last Spring The Book of Awesome came out and stuck on bestseller lists for a year straight. Support from The Huffington Post community helped my blog and book grow and I'm massively flattered, thankful, and appreciative for your amazing support.

The Book of (Even More) Awesome comes out today and I wanted to share some excerpts from the book. Hope you enjoy them.

Thanks for reading and have a great day,


Coming back to your own bed after a long trip
1 of 9
Power-napping on bumpy airplanes, crashing on a flabby futon or jabby mattress, sleeping in a rainy forest in a leaky tent, you've had your fair share. Bad sleeps, sad sleeps, sack-pillow heaps, weird alarm clock beeps, and through it all you enjoy long, fidgety nights of groggy pillow turns and fuzzy blanket burns.

But after those killer sleeps in nightmare paradise, it's always a great feeling to return to the warm and cozy comfort of your sweet, heavenly bed. Yes, you're like a bear scraping together filthy leaves and warm mud for a long winter of hibernation or a soaring eagle swooping home from the windy treetops to the twiggy goodness of your comfy nest.

Your dented pillow, warm flannel sheets, and preset alarm clock wait for you.
So welcome home, baby.

You made it.

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Adapted from "The Book of (Even More) Awesome" by Neil Pasricha by arrangement with G.P. Putnam's Sons/Amy Einhorn Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc., Copyright © 2011 by Neil Pasricha. Ill...
Adapted from "The Book of (Even More) Awesome" by Neil Pasricha by arrangement with G.P. Putnam's Sons/Amy Einhorn Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc., Copyright © 2011 by Neil Pasricha. Ill...
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roota, voota, zoot!
1 minute ago (2:27 PM)
'happy sigh'...wh­at a great article about treasuring great moments! how wonderful to get to read a positive article and all the happy comments- woo hoo!
5 hours ago (9:47 AM)
Taking an old book I haven't read in years down from the shelf and finding something between the pages -- a receipt, a ticket stub, a leaf -- that reminds me of a time I'd have otherwise forgotten.

Achieving the perfect coffee:cre­am ratio.

Finding a coin from the '30s or '40s in my pocket change. Maybe JD Rockefelle­r once gave this dime to an apple seller; maybe Jimmy Cagney used this quarter to pay for a shoeshine.

Freshly sharpened pencils.

Slipping into a shirt still warm from the iron.

Coming upon a Hirschfeld drawing I've never seen before.

A snowy morning and the mayor is on TV urging me to stay home from work. Snow day!
18 hours ago (8:22 PM)
Glad to learn about your blog. It's awesome!! What an inspiratio­n to anyone struggling to overcome adversity. Kudos on becoming published.
23 hours ago (3:15 PM)
I really like this list. I truly appreciate the sound of a steak hitting a hot grill, and getting the whole weed at once is quite satisfying­.
24 hours ago (2:44 PM)
Pulling a dandelion out, root and all, is a pleasure second only to sex.
24 hours ago (2:29 PM)
I appreciate the first taste of a good Brandy.
02:13 PM on 4/28/2011
The day after the 2004 election was a great day. I went out to dinner with colleagues from work to celebrate. Of course in 2008...not so great.
02:01 PM on 4/28/2011
There is nothing better than the day you are returning home from a vacation to think....a­hhh, I will be sleeping in my own bed tonight. I always put fresh sheets on my bed before I leave and when I come home., it's just lovely.
01:54 PM on 4/28/2011
This made my day.
I was just going through it, then I reached the shower one, and boom, goosebumps
Loves Pie
22 hours ago (4:03 PM)
that is the majestic power of Chewbacca
01:53 PM on 4/28/2011
"Contraban­d candy tastes better"

Aaaaayyyyy­men!!!! LOL
Miss Ann Thrope
23 hours ago (3:03 PM)
And I love how when the previews start you can hear the **tssst** of various contraband soda cans being opened....

Pandoras Folly
released thousand of years ago by foolish mortals
01:50 PM on 4/28/2011
oh man i just had the play dough moment this last weekend. was putting my daughters first ball of play dough up and it hit me in the face like a big ol blue blanket with pink bunnies on it. like someone cuddled my soul. it was just awesome.
01:46 PM on 4/28/2011
Roll in to work on a lousy, rainy day, and someone brought doughnuts!

Extra points if there's still a maple bar when you get there!
I'll look to like if looking likng move
01:05 PM on 4/28/2011
this article is so goofy. LOLOL
12:40 PM on 4/28/2011
so cute!
12:29 PM on 4/28/2011
A lot of those were great, I especially love the Play-Doh and the Kids Table...
