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April 29, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Marlo Thomas

Marlo Thomas


Now What? A Chance To Kick Start Your Life!

Posted: 04/26/11 09:00 AM ET

Every day on TV you can tune in and see a hair makeover, a body makeover, even a house makeover. And, wow, what changes you see! Great. But what does any of it matter when it's really your life that needs the makeover?

One of my dearest friends is -- right now -- trying to do just that. She was a talent manager whose resources had completely dried up. She's on her own and has to support herself. She needed a new dream. She had always loved medicine -- her dad had been a doctor. But it's too late now for med school, so she's in a 15-month course to become a specialist in cardio-vascular technology -- and she's thriving. Talk about a makeover!

I'm in her corner, cheerleading her on, and I'll be in the front row at her graduation. I'm so proud of her for taking this second chance at life. And it made me think of all the women I know, and that I've met, who are stuck in their life and can't find their way out for all the reasons most people get stuck -- after a divorce, kids all in school, in the wrong job, bad financial decisions. You know the list.

So, I talked to my friends at the Today show and asked them if they would partner with me to help women figure out how to get unstuck. And they said "Yes!" (They're good people at the Today show; they do a lot of good things for women.)

We're calling the program "Kick Start Your Life TODAY." Here's how it's going to work: You tell us where you are now in your life, and where you want to go. From the stories that are submitted, we're going to choose three women who are ready to start a new chapter in their lives. If you are selected, I will travel to your hometown to talk with you about how you're hoping to change your life. Then we'll give you a "kick start" by bringing in the best experts to guide you on the next steps to make it all happen. And even if you're not one of the three we choose, our hope is that these women's stories -- which may not be too different from yours -- will help guide you to your own "kick start" life makeover.

I hope you'll take this chance to start over. I really hope you do! Just fill in the form right here: http://on.today.com/kickstartlife. I can't wait to meet you.

Every day on TV you can tune in and see a hair makeover, a body makeover, even a house makeover. And, wow, what changes you see! Great. But what does any of it matter when it's really your life that n...
Every day on TV you can tune in and see a hair makeover, a body makeover, even a house makeover. And, wow, what changes you see! Great. But what does any of it matter when it's really your life that n...
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9 minutes ago (11:34 PM)
It's that girl!
6 hours ago (5:45 PM)
'Some people are born to greatness, some people achieve greatness and some people have greatness thrust upon them'; women who really need a bit of opportunit­y by virtue of their need, can't provide the compelling accoutreme­nts that will likely get them chosen. Where can such an anonymous woman who wants to better herself go?
10 hours ago (1:20 PM)
I too have applied - this is such a fantastic opportunit­y! My question - do we know a timeline of when they might select the three women? When is the last day one can submit their own essay?
12 hours ago (11:48 AM)
I also applied for this wonderful opportunit­y. I feel like I am every women out there over 50. Single, no savings or retirement or college education. I raised my family and then opened a business thinking it would always provide for me as long as I managed it well. The economy downturn that started in 2008 put me in a downward spiral that was so bad, I froze and couldn't figure out how to get out. Now I have lost everything and have moved in with my elderly mother. I have so many wonderful ideas in my head for starting over but need that expertise I'm missing. My goal is to empower women at a younger age to protect themselves using the internet as a income tool. It is a wonderful resource that can be built upon to do what ever you want it to do. But first I need it to work for me. I also know so many over 50 women in the same situation that through divorce and the economy are searching for a way to support themselves­. I want to be an inspiratio­n and teacher to them. I hope Marlo and her team pick someone that is not unique but represents every women as there are so many of us.
14 hours ago (9:55 AM)
I agree we need to constantly reassess our lives.

If you can get what you want individual­ly: bravo!

But 26% of all renters pay over half their incomes for rent. Afro Americans are suffering Depression Era unemployme­nt and such things cannot change by changing jobs as there are no jobs for them to change to.

Increasing­ly the rich take away not just most of the wealth but most of the ability to choose ones destiny. Those of us that can achieve our bliss by learning new skills are indeed most fortunate. However our nation needs collective action much more.

I think if we can achieve real change, real reforms benefittin­g all, these mystery sicknesses which plague us, will begin to disappear. We are in pain because very few of us can affect our lives in a meaningful way.

That does not mean individual action to change is meaningles­s. I hope that by changing myself I can see that perhaps working with others will bring about a fairer society where the nurse is valued more than a CEO. Where the rich not only pay more tax but give up their strangleho­ld on Congress.

So yes I agree we really need to change. We are far too passive. Change careers and join with others to take back our nation from crooks and thieves.
11:34 PM on 4/26/2011
Get away from your plateau. I plateau all the time, it's annoying, frustratin­g, and the boredom along with the self criticism seeps in. I like to follow the old NIKE slogan "Just Do It", no matter what, move, do SOMETHING, so you're not left alone to try and analyze your own self (for me at least) The busier I am, the better off I am. This doesn't mean that you try to do an Evil Knievel over The Grand Canyon, no, just takes small steps every day, eventually those steps add up to lead somewhere.
06:04 PM on 4/26/2011
Great to see you involved with this idea. I would love to see Phil take back the spot he gave up to Oprah. I haven't seen anyone come close to his passion and it is what is missing from our talk shows.
CreativeArchitect, QuintessentialYou Design & The
03:44 PM on 4/26/2011
Marlo ~
Sending you good intentions for your endeavor and your partnershi­p with the Today Show. Above all else, I truly hope that the people chosen and those who become their support system create a container in which true transforma­tion occurs and gives access to the authentic potential that resides in each and every human being.
Cheers to the project!
03:43 PM on 4/26/2011
I applied and wrote:

I am 'stuck' being a daughter, sister, nurse, wife, mother, grandmothe­r, nursing home volunteer, novelist and a member of the new Fourth Estate/int­ernet activist reporter.

I have been to Israel Palestine 7 times since 2005 and when I went online 3 weeks after my first trip I began to dream of serving my state in the US House of Representa­tives and I am now looking for a District in Florida to serve.

However, I am STUCK because I am neither democrat nor republican­, but I do share common ground with both as a fiscal conservati­ve with libertaria­n leanings and foremost I am a citizen of conscience­.

Before THAT DAY we call 9/11, I was apolitical and knew nothing about the Middle East, but THAT DAY changed my way of thinking and that changed my life.

I am seeking to change my life again, but I need HELP to make my DREAM of serving in Congress a reality.

Most Sincerely,

Eileen Fleming, A Citizen of Conscience for House of Representa­tives

Founder of WeAreWideA­wake.org
Staff Member of Salem-news­.com
A Feature Correspond­ent for Arabisto.c­om

Producer "30 Minutes with Vanunu" and "13 Minutes with Vanunu"

Author of "Keep Hope Alive" and "Memoirs of a Nice Irish American 'Girl's' Life in Occupied Territory" and "BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu's FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010"

04:25 PM on 4/26/2011
Bravo, Good Luck!
15 hours ago (8:29 AM)
Good luck Eileen,

You a tireless fighter and would be a great representa­tive for the working class.
Barbara Graham
03:34 PM on 4/26/2011
I could use a kick-start­.

Or a boot to the butt...
03:10 PM on 4/26/2011
Good luck with this project! I just met a friend for walk/coffe­e this morning and know how important good advice can be. In her case, she has family members who are encouragin­g her to give up her current career and aspiration­s for another line of work. What they are not realizing is that her problem is being an "underearn­er", she doesn't value herself enough, doesn't ask for what she's worth in the marketplac­e, so she doesn't earn her worth and this is a pervasive problem and will likely follow her into a new career (especiall­y if she feels or is told she needs experience or has a lot to learn). Her family doesn't seem to understand her problem, so she's getting bad advice (on top of feeling demeaned and unsupporte­d!) ...

So good luck with really helping people get to the source of their problem so it can be solved once and for all!
06:57 PM on 4/26/2011
Your comment really resonates with me. Except that I don't have a friend like you.
I don't even know what else to say - there's so much. I really am stuck. Stuck as in needing reinventio­n, and stuck in the negative cycle of underearne­r: currently unemployed and, despite lots of education and successful work experience­, feeling unemployab­le (from the lack of response I get), too old (not that they say that), too much experience­, too little experience­, etc. etc. etc.
07:53 PM on 4/26/2011
@Deminoc - I understand that predicamen­t quite clearly. An author to recommend is Barbara Stanny - she wrote extensivel­y about Six Figure Women and Under-earn­ing. Google her - she also has a website and conducts free telesemina­rs on mondays.

And, dont feel unemployab­le, there are so many applicants these days that very few get responses. Be thankful in reverse, they are not wasting your time. The key to getting around feeling too old is demonstrat­ing how all your experience­s tie together for the position you are applying for. Employers have a way of making people feel "not right" (especiall­y in this market) because they have to give a reason not to move you forward. That said, your feelings are justifiabl­e, its a very tough time.

Wish I could offer more practical advice. And, wish I could be your friend when you need one. All the best to you.
03:02 PM on 4/26/2011
What an excellent idea. In this economic climate more than any other in my own lifetime, women need this sort of assistance­. It's nice to see people helping people.
02:03 PM on 4/26/2011
Marlo as one who worked with you in LA on one or more telethon type specials in years past, I think you are the perfect person to be at the center of this new series for the TODAY Show.

I might inject one thought for widening the perspectiv­e...what about including men?

Want help with it? I'm good to go.

All my best.
Peter Bright
05:14 PM on 4/26/2011
Agree wholeheart­edly---see my previous comments. This could even be approached by looking at it through a couples perspectiv­e and including couples who are at a point in their relationsh­ip and lives where a change is needed.
12:56 PM on 4/26/2011
Good idea, Marlo, and kudo's for starting a visible movement. Well done!!

Hopefully, and this is where real hope for change will be seen in action, more support groups like this will spring up (pun intended). What is really in need of a makeover (to start) is attitudes and open-minde­dness, as well as willingnes­s to let go of old patterns and modalities of living that no longer serve us.

Traditions can be re-invente­d too. Just because we've 'always' or 'only ever' done something doesn't mean that it's the only way. Habits of thought need to be reviewed first, in order to re-evaluat­e actions, values, job/career­/work options. New possibilit­ies will emerge like rabbits breeding; that's the nature of creative, non-linear thinking.
08:47 PM on 4/26/2011
A detail: "kudos" is a singular noun, from Greek.
51 minutes ago (10:53 PM)
Hi McCauley, and thanks!
Michael H Ballard
I help people take more responsibility for where t
12:44 PM on 4/26/2011
Great idea Marlo!


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