Since the dawn of VHS and the birth of the rental industry, the direct-to-video film has existed. This fresh new world more or less replaced the second-run theatrical grindhouse market dominated by Roger Corman and other filmmakers and producers like him. The direct-to-video market was now the new playground for exploitation, bad movies, low-budget kids films and experimental pictures.

In recent years, however, the direct-to-video (or DTV) market has evolved quite a bit. Even the term direct-to-video has changed somewhat. What was once a market made up of cheaper, usually mediocre films built specifically for video, is now also filled with movies that just didn't find an audience in theaters. And studios like Magnolia Entertainment change the game even further, offering VOD, DVD and theatrical releases almost simultaneously. In fact, some films hit the On-Demand market before ever even seeing the inside of a theater or video store (Hobo with a Shotgun, for example, is one of these films).

This flood of fresh, new, and arguably better-made films has forced the standard DTV filmmakers to improve their pictures. While some studios still churn out bottom-barrel DTV titles, and most DTV titles are far from flawless, others are clearly upping their game. That being said, the genres still remain limited largely to action, fighting pictures, horror and the occasional comedy.

This "Best Of" list compiles a collection of our favorite direct-to-video titles. Included are some classic DTV hits, but also a hearty collection of new films that have helped shape and evolve the DTV industry as well. Please be advised that this list does include some films that have received theatrical releases, but not one film here earned more than $300,000 during its first U.S. theatrical run. And also note that while some films on this list are really great, not every film here is an out-an-out masterpiece of cinema. Regardless, each of these low-budget pictures does have something fascinating and worthwhile to offer audiences.

If you have any more titles you'd like to bring to our attention, or the attention of our readers, feel free to comment on our forum below and share your thoughts. Naturally, there's a sea of DTV goodness out there, but finding all of them is like searching for a needle in a haystack. At least direct-to-video movies are improving. And I suspect that, one day, the DTV market will be just as highly regarded as indie cinema and mainstream movies. In the meantime, here's a look at some of the best out there:

Critters 3 (Science-Fiction, Horror)
Available on DVD. On-Demand at Amazon, iTunes and VUDU.

Critters 3 was the first genuinely passable DTV sequel I'd ever seen (just ahead of Tremors 2, which has seen a decent DTV franchise itself). For starters, Critters 3 melds your standard Die Hard-like action characteristics with the quirky sci-fi/horror story introduced in the first two Critters movies. Add a young Leonardo DiCaprio and some decent, though limited, effects and you've got a pretty straight-forward, enjoyable little DTV B-movie. Just be sure to skip the dreadful fourth film that followed. It's not bad per se, but it's not nearly as off-the-wall and fun as this one, though it does feature Brad Dourif and Angela Bassett in the cast.

Arena (Science-Fiction, Fighting)
Available on VHS. On-Demand at Netflix.

While there aren't many golden DTV oldies on this list (most of the older DTVs are pretty terrible), I felt the need to include Arena. It's a bad ass sci-fi fighting movie where a man named Steve Armstong (subtle, I know) must face-off against a swarm of nasty alien monsters in a sort of intergalactic fighting competition that determines who's the strongest creature in the universe. Not only does the film boast terrific set design and a fun story, the practical alien effects are actually pretty great (for the budget), and the fights are engaging. If you can track Arena down, you're bound to love its slam-bang sense of style and Grindhouse charisma.

Tunnel Rats (Drama, War)
Available on DVD. On-Demand at iTunes.

Yup, Uwe Boll actually made one good movie a few years back. And he even made some solid, cheeseball DTV exploitation pictures (Sanctimony, an American Psycho ripoff and Heart of America, Boll's wayward take on the Columbine massacre) before turning to crappy video game adaptations. But Tunnel Rats, a Vietnam war thriller, really is his crowning achievement. It takes the viewer on a haunting, atmospheric ride that rarely lets up once it gets going. It's not the smartest movie ever made, but Boll manages to drive quite a bit of tension into his narrative, particularly once our heroes find themselves trapped in the Vietnamese tunnels – unaware of the booby traps and villains awaiting them. If you're in the mood for a good war drama, give this one a look.

Free Enterprise (Comedy)
Available on DVD. On-Demand at iTunes.

Free Enterprise is what happens when a bunch of long-time Trekkers get together and make a movie – the results are pure cult meta genius. Part Swingers, part Trek homage, the film boasts a great cast of hilarious up-and-comers (some of which, sadly, never quite made it beyond this movie), not to mention the man himself, Mr. William Shatner, in a dubious self-aware role that's one of the many highlights of his illustrious career. The film's theatrical failure, but ultimate direct-to-video success paved the way for movies like The 40-Year-Old Virgin and TV shows like Chuck and The Big Bang Theory, proving that – yes – the geek really can get the girl. Also be sure to check out the "special edition" of the film which adds additional CG effects, an amusing reference to both Star Trek and Star Wars special edition re-releases.

The Tinker Bell Franchise (Kids)
Available on DVD and Blu-ray. On-Demand at Amazon, iTunes and VUDU.

Disney's made some pretty terrible DTV films over the years, from recent titles like Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 to the that awful Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie, the first Aladdin sequel and so many more, I've lost count. But their CG-animated Tinker Bell franchise is actually pretty darn great. Not only does the series uncover the world Tinker Bell inhabits pre-Peter Pan, but it also explores exciting new characters while fleshing out exactly who (and what) Tinker Bell really is. I know some might think this franchise is sacrilege, but factoring the junky entertainment that's spoon-fed to children on a regular basis, this franchise is practically Oscar-worthy by comparison. It teaches good values, has some decent action and entertains audiences of all ages all that the same time.

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