BBC News Widgets and Alerts

This page explains how to add the BBC News iGoogle gadget to keep you in touch with all the latest news as it happens.

Add BBC News to your iGoogle page

BBC News widget screenshot Example of BBC widget on iGoogle

The iGoogle 'BBC News - Official UK Edition' widget is the first one that has been created for, and by, BBC News.

The BBC is the default News provider on the iGoogle UK portal and the BBC News widget will be pre-installed on any newly created UK account.

To add the widget to a new or existing account simply click on the button below and follow the on-screen instructions.

iGoogle and similar applications allow you to set up your own homepage with feeds of content from sites you like best.

Link to the official BBC News - UK Edition gadget

Currently, the BBC News widget is optimised for iGoogle and therefore you will need an iGoogle account for it to work properly.

Please note that the BBC is not endorsing iGoogle in anyway and other similar platforms are available.

We hope to make the BBC News widget more widely available in the near future, technology and resources allowing.

Further information:

BBC News widget blog

Other BBC widgets

iGoogle help

Some alternative platforms:




Features & Analysis

  • Duke and Duchess of CambridgeForging the future

    How the royal wedding will help reinvigorate the monarchy

  • A woman looks at what's left of her belongings in Tuscaloosa, AlabamaTornado's wake

    Picking through rubble in hard-hit city of Tuscaloosa

  • A blue and white part of Earth against the blackness of space. Photo taken from the space shuttle Atlantis in May 2010'Paradise'

    World's first space tourist relives the high 10 years on

  • BugA bug's life

    Why these creatures are being studied up in Ecuador's mountains

Elsewhere on the BBC


  • Landfill site in southern EnglandClick Listen

    The robot that has learnt how to scour piles of waste in search of valuable materials to be recycled navigation

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