29 April 2011 Last updated at 23:43 ET

Gaddafi vows not to leave LibyaGrab of Col Muammar Gaddafi speaking on Libyan state TV, 30 April 2011

Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi says no-one can force him to leave his country, while suggesting negotiations with Nato.

Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration after Friday prayers in the Syrian port city of Baniyas on 29 April 2011'Scores die' in Syrian protests

More than 60 people have died across Syria as thousands of anti-government demonstrators rallied in several cities, activists say.

Rafah border to open permanently

Egypt says it will open its Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip on a permanent basis.

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Tornado aircraft bound for Libya take off from a UK baseLibya Crisis

Libya comes under attack from coalition forces

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