Edmonton - Millwoods - Beaumont


Originally Edmonton - Beaumont the riding was renamed Edmonton - Mill Woods - Beaumont in 2004. It is made up from the majority of Southeast Edmonton, a part of Wetaskiwin and a part of Elk Island. The seat was originally held by David Kilgour who retired in 2006 as the longest serving MP. Since then Mike Lake has won by landslides of over 17,000 votes in both the 39th and 40th general elections.

41st General Election Candidates

Mike Lake - Conservative (Incumbent)

Michael Butler - Liberal

Nadine Bailey - NDP

Christa Baxter - Green

Brent Schaffrick - Pirate

Naomi Rankin - Communist

Riding profile

Population (2006): 112,919

Electors (2006): 80,250

Neighbourhoods: Richfield, Lee Ridge, Tipaskan, Beaumont, Tweddle Place, Michaels Park, Kameyosek, Meyonohk, Satoo, Ekota, Menisa, Greenview, Hillview, Tawa, Meyokumin, Flynn Dell, Minchau, Weinlos, Bisset, Daly Grove, Pollard Meadows, Crawford Plains, Larkspur, The Meadows, Wildrose, Ellerslie, Wernerville, Meadows, Sakaw, Jackson Heights, Kiniski Gardens,

Landmarks: Mill Woods Town Centre, the Grey Nuns Community Hospital, Mill Woods Recreation Centre, Mill Woods Golf Course.

40th General Election Results

Median Household Income

Immigrant Population

Education - Bachelor's Degree or Above

Sources: Elections Canada, Statistics Canada, GeoGratis. For the map above, in the polling areas where there was a tie for first place the area was given to the winning candidate.

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