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Latest education news/An nuacht oideachais is déanaí

School Budgets 2011-12

The link above will provide summary totals of the indicative delegated budget allocations for all grant-aided schools in 2011/12, calculated under the Local Managements of Schools (LMS) Common Funding Formula (CFF) arrangements.

Attendance at Grant-Aided Primary, Post-Primary and Special Schools 2009/10: Detailed Statistics

The Department of Education has published attendance data for 2009/10 academic year.

DE & DFP Joint Efficiency Review Stage One Report - March 2011

Higher Education Scholarships 2011

The third level scholarship scheme, funded by the Trustees of the JP McManus Charitable Foundation, is available once again for 2011. Information on the scheme is available by clicking on the above link.

Irish language pilot programme in Derry to proceed

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has approved funding to allow a new Irish language pilot programme for primary schools in the Derry area to proceed.

New Tor Bank Special School begins construction

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has cut the first sod of a new school for Tor Bank Special School.

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, pictured with Principal Colm Davis and school children cutting the first sod of a new school for Tor Bank Special School.

Education Minister approves increase in nursery provision in Clough Primary School, Ballymena

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has approved a proposal to increase nursery provision at Clough Primary School, Ballymena from 16 part-time to 26 part-time places.

Traveller children suffer educational disadvantage - Ruane

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has said that children from the Traveller community suffer educational disadvantage, which can have lifetime effects.

Education Minister launches new community relations policy

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has launched a new policy that will contribute to improving relations between communities.

No-one should be bullied or isolated because of their sexual orientation - Ruane

That was the message from Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, when she visited Shimna Integrated College in Newcastle Co Down to hear about how the school is tackling the issue of homophobic bullying.

Minister cuts ribbon at Naiscoil Chill Locha

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has officially opened Naiscoil Chill Locha, Killough, Co Down.

Gearrann an tAire an ribín ag Naíscoil Chill Locha

D’oscail an tAire Oideachais Caitríona Ruane Naíscoil Chill Locha, i gCill Locha Co an Dúin, go hoifigiúil.

Appointment of Members to the Belfast Education and Library Board

The Department of Education has announced the appointment of the following District Councillor members, subject to the completion of the requisite pre-appointment checks, to the board of the Belfast Education and Library Board.

School meals in Northern Ireland 2010/11

The latest annual data collection relating to the uptake of school meals in Northern Ireland schools, commonly known as the School Meals census, has been published.

Ruane announces £6million for sports coaching in primary schools

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has announced funding totalling £6million for soccer and Gaelic games coaching in local primary schools.

Ruane – Children have a right to be safe and happy

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has met with the NSPCC to discuss what can be done to educate children on personal safety issues.

Ruane cuts sod on new £13.4 million school for Strathearn

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has cut the first sod on a £13.4million new-build project for Strathearn School in Belfast.

Work on £14million Bangor Grammar School gets under way

Education Minister, Caitríona Ruane, has cut the first sod on a £14million new-build project for Bangor Grammar School.

Education Minister launches new Literacy and Numeracy Strategy

Improving standards of literacy and numeracy will help young people make the most of their learning opportunities and provide them with the skills they need to achieve their aspirations in life.

Current Issues

Polasaí Gaeilge na Roinne Oideachais/DE Language Policy for Irish

Leagtar amach sa doiciméad polasaithe seo na seirbhísí riaracháin atá le fáil ón Roinn Oideachais i nGaeilge faoi láthair agus cuirtear in iúl do na daoine sin ar mhian leo an Ghaeilge a úsáid an bealach le cumarsáid a dhéanamh leis an Roinn Oideachais sa Ghaeilge.

This policy document sets out the administrative services that the Department of Education (DE) currently offers in Irish and informs those who wish to use Irish how they may communicate with DE through the Irish language.

Polasaí Gaeilge na Roinne Oideachais/DE Language Policy for Irish - Irish and English PDF 47.7KB

DE YouTube Channel

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