29 April 2011 Last updated at 01:10 ET

Office boosts Microsoft profitsMicrosoft badges

Technology giant Microsoft reports a sharp jump in quarterly profits, thanks in part to strong sales of its Office applications.

Samsung Galaxy tabSamsung earnings plunge by 30%

Samsung Electronics says profits for the first three months of the year have fallen by 30%.

S Korea factory output rebounds

South Korea's industrial production rebounded in March after a surprise dip the previous month, latest data shows.

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Last Updated at 01:36 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 12763.31 Up 72.35 0.57%
Nasdaq 2872.53 Up 2.65 0.09%
S&P 500 1360.48 Up 4.82 0.36%
FTSE 100 6069.90 Up 1.74 0.03%
Dax 7475.22 Up 70.27 0.95%
BBC Global 30 5063.32 Down -0.13 -0.22%

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