Rescue teams search for swimmer in River Thames

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Rescue teams have been searching for a man who disappeared when he went swimming in the River Thames.

According to onlookers, the man disappeared below the surface of the water in Kingston, south-west London, at about 1730 BST.

A man from a passing boat got into the water but failed to find the man.

Two lifeboats were launched and police officers and ambulance crews were involved in the search for the swimmer, which has now been ended.

London Fire Brigade also despatched its fireboat and other vehicles to help look for the man.

Matt Leat, London Coastguard Operator, said: "Swimming across the River Thames can be extremely hazardous.

"It is a very busy waterway and has a strong tidal flow. The water temperature is about 10C (50F), and the effects of cold water immersion can soon take effect."

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