Preston given purple flag 'safe' city status

Friargate by night The scheme assessed Preston's crime rates, hygiene standards and range of visitor attractions

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Preston has been officially recognised as one of the safest, cleanest and most enjoyable places for a night out.

The city has been awarded purple flag status - similar to the Blue Flag scheme for beaches - which it shares with Manchester, Oxford and Bristol.

The scheme assesses each area's crime rates, hygiene standards and range of visitor attractions.

It is run by the Association for Town Centre Management, an organisation focused on improving towns and cities.

Flag flown

Preston's Business Improvement District (BID) applied for the award.

Organisation chairman Ken Williams said: "We're absolutely delighted to learn that Preston has been awarded Purple Flag status.

"It's well known across the night time industry that achieving the standard isn't a walk in the park, it's a big job, but we've done it and we intend to make the most of it by shouting from the roof-tops that Preston is the place for a good night out".

The purple flag, which will be flown in the city centre, will officially be presented to Preston at a ceremony in June.

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