Man dragged from car in Pontefract theft and assault

A man was dragged from his car, assaulted and robbed before his vehicle was burnt out in Pontefract, police said.

The driver, 45, reported that two men stopped his Nissan Almera on Wakefield Road, Pontefract, on Tuesday night.

The men opened the door, dragged the driver out and assaulted him before taking his money and mobile phone. They drove off and set the car on fire.

The incident happened at about 2310 BST on Carr Gate-Wakefield Road junction.

The car was found two hours later, burnt out, on Dicky Sykes Lane in Ackworth.

Both suspects have been described as white, under 25 years old and of medium build. One was wearing a light-coloured hooded top and the other was wearing a dark-hooded top.

Anyone with information is urged to contact the police.

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