Follow for Good: Mashable’s #FollowFriday Charities

twitter logoEvery Friday, Twitter users recommend friends and favorite accounts to follow on the service in a game called #FollowFriday.

In March, the creator of #FollowFriday explained how the phenomenon began in the Mashable article #FollowFriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend, and we previously produced a short post on FollowFriday for beginners called How FollowFriday Works – it’s a basic introduction to this Twitter game.

But what if we could use #FollowFriday to generate interest in good causes? That’s what we’re doing regularly by suggesting our favorite 5 charities and non-profits to follow on Twitter. Don’t forget to check out our Follow for Good section for more great Twitter charities to follow.

Which 5 “follow for good” Twitter accounts should we recommend next time? Let us know in the comments!

Follow Friday: Recommended Twitter Follows

1. The Association for International Cancer Research

aicr @AICRThe Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) funds cutting edge cancer research projects globally: it is currently funding 233 projects and with your help, could fund even more. Follower count: 302

2. Operation Smile

operationsmile@operationsmileOperation Smile aims to improve children’s lives worldwide by repairing childhood facial deformities including cleft lips and cleft palates. Follower count: 1,246

3. Malaria No More

malrianomoretwit@malarianomore – Did you forget to tweet about World Malaria Day last week? You can still stay up to speed with current developments and events on the Malaria No More Twitter account, which supports the organization’s aim of ending malaria deaths worldwide. Follower count: 3,985

4. David Lynch Foundation Television

dlftv@dlftvThe David Lynch Foundation, founded by the famous film director, screenwriter and producer, aims to teach Transcendental Meditation to 1 million at-risk youths. The foundation uses Twitter to post documentaries and exclusive content. Follower count: 1,996

5. Stamp Out Hunger

stampouthunger@stampouthungerStamp Out Hunger is America’s Largest Single-Day Food Drive, helping to feed the hungry in the US. The drive takes place May 9th, so there’s plenty of time to get involved. Follower count: 191

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  • Jack Cumming

    Many thanks for the #FollowFriday recommendation Pete – we really appreciate it. As we raise money internationally and fund cancer research projects in any country (as long as the project meets the strict quality criteria) we think Twitter is a great way to keep supporters up-to-date with what their donations are helping to fund.

    All the best from a very sunny Scotland,


    PS – we’re big Mashable fans too :)

  • Jack Cumming

    Many thanks for the #FollowFriday recommendation Pete – we really appreciate it. As we raise money internationally and fund cancer research projects in any country (as long as the project meets the strict quality criteria) we think Twitter is a great way to keep supporters up-to-date with what their donations are helping to fund.

    All the best from a very sunny Scotland,


    PS – we're big Mashable fans too :)

  • Follow for Good: Mashable’s #FollowFriday Charities | TechBeat|Gather Tech News

    [...] post:  Follow for Good: Mashable’s #FollowFriday Charities Share and [...]

  • Andrew Robinson

    I think that you should put out a recommendation for @actionaiduk and @actionaidliz. ActionAid is a really excellent organisation. It works in over 40 countries to end poverty and injustice amongst the poorest and most vulnerable people – especially amongst women. They're long-standing twitterers and I've been following them for a while – they always have informative and entertaining tweets! Definitely a charity I would recommend.

  • Andrew Robinson

    I think that you should put out a recommendation for @actionaiduk and @actionaidliz. ActionAid is a really excellent organisation. It works in over 40 countries to end poverty and injustice amongst the poorest and most vulnerable people – especially amongst women. They’re long-standing twitterers and I’ve been following them for a while – they always have informative and entertaining tweets! Definitely a charity I would recommend.

  • GetWeb –

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  • A Thousand Points of Light on Twitter — Mr. Google Alerts (Adam Green)

    [...] Charity, Twitter // Mashable has a great post about using Twitter to help good causes. They list 5 charities you can follow, and hopefully help in some way, but there are many more [...]

  • MrGoogleAlerts

    Great idea. Twitter is such an equalizer. Small charities and causes can gain attention that they’d never be able to do on the Web at large. Here’s a simple Google search that is currently listing another 350 charities on Twitter: intext:”bio * charity”, and I’ve written a post with searches for over a thousand Twitter accounts representing good causes:

  • MrGoogleAlerts

    Great idea. Twitter is such an equalizer. Small charities and causes can gain attention that they'd never be able to do on the Web at large. Here's a simple Google search that is currently listing another 350 charities on Twitter: intext:”bio * charity”, and I've written a post with searches for over a thousand Twitter accounts representing good causes:

  • Raycent Edwards

    Good morning –Thank you for your posts as they’re on point and informative! My 5 recommends for “follow for good” Twitter accounts are those I support — @12for12K (per my Avatar); @FoodBankNYC; @LLSusa; @MLFNOW; and @NCBFoundation

    Thank you, Raycent [@JAsunshine1011]

  • Raycent Edwards

    Good morning –Thank you for your posts as they're on point and informative! My 5 recommends for “follow for good” Twitter accounts are those I support — @12for12K (per my Avatar); @FoodBankNYC; @LLSusa; @MLFNOW; and @NCBFoundation

    Thank you, Raycent [@JAsunshine1011]

  • Nancy White

    Recommendation for Follow for Good:

    The Women’s Center, Vienna, VA – Non-profit providing 35 years of psychological, career, financial, and legal services for women and families based on their ability to pay. Services include assistance to victims of domestic violence and leadership training.

  • Nancy White

    Recommendation for Follow for Good:

    The Women's Center, Vienna, VA – Non-profit providing 35 years of psychological, career, financial, and legal services for women and families based on their ability to pay. Services include assistance to victims of domestic violence and leadership training.

  • Fiona McLaren

    This is a great idea – loads of our followers are already generous enough to use their #followfridays to promote @AmnestyUK and other great non-profits. If I had to pick five I’d suggest @actionaiduk @dogstrust @shelter @whizzkidz and @countersuicide! (Although there’s so many people doing great work that list could be much longer)


  • Fiona McLaren

    This is a great idea – loads of our followers are already generous enough to use their #followfridays to promote @AmnestyUK and other great non-profits. If I had to pick five I'd suggest @actionaiduk @dogstrust @shelter @whizzkidz and @countersuicide! (Although there's so many people doing great work that list could be much longer)


  • Jared

    @globalrebirth is a great charity bringing advanced nutrition to orphans and children in need all over the world! :D

  • Jared

    @globalrebirth is a great charity bringing advanced nutrition to orphans and children in need all over the world! :D

  • Ryan Graves


    Great post, I just wanted to make everyone aware of another awesome charity called (
    Working with BigBrotherMouse to fight for child literacy in rural Laos we’ve already raise enough money for 1000 books with near 75 donations.

    Please help out with a donation or at least Tweeting the link!
    Thanks for the help!

  • Ryan Graves


    Great post, I just wanted to make everyone aware of another awesome charity called (
    Working with BigBrotherMouse to fight for child literacy in rural Laos we’ve already raise enough money for 1000 books with near 75 donations.

    Please help out with a donation or at least Tweeting the link!
    Thanks for the help!

  • Ryan Graves


    Great post, I just wanted to make everyone aware of another awesome charity called (
    Working with BigBrotherMouse to fight for child literacy in rural Laos we’ve already raise enough money for 1000 books with near 75 donations.

    Please help out with a donation or at least Tweeting the link!
    Thanks for the help!

  • Ryan Graves


    Great post, I just wanted to make everyone aware of another awesome charity called (
    Working with BigBrotherMouse to fight for child literacy in rural Laos we’ve already raise enough money for 1000 books with near 75 donations.

    Please help out with a donation or at least Tweeting the link!
    Thanks for the help!

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