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Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry's Hard-Partying Royal Wedding Date

by Tom Sykes Info

Tom Sykes

It’s not their multiple breakups or her father’s tainted millions in Zimbabwe but her first name’s association with track-suited, chain-smoking “chavs”—and her wild nights out—that ensure Chelsy Davy will never follow Kate Middleton down the royal wedding aisle.

If only Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry’s date for his brother’s wedding, weren’t called Chelsy, there might be some hope for the on-again relationship.

That Chelsy’s white African father got rich operating big-game safaris where punters pay thousands of dollars to shoot endangered species like leopards and elephants in Robert Mugabe-controlled Zimbabwe could be brushed under the carpet. The persistent allegation that she is a wild party girl—the pair was recently smuggled out of a London nightclub in the trunk of a car to avoid the cameras—might be accepted at court with little more than a heavenward glance; after all, Harry is a legendary partier himself. Even the bleach-blond hair, miniskirts, and Chelsy’s usual look, like she’s at one end or the other of a four-day bender, might not completely rule her out. I mean, she couldn’t be any worse than Fergie, right?

But Princess Chelsy? Even for the most forward-looking courtier, that might be a modernization too far.

The name Chelsea/Chelsy was intended originally to reflect the old-fashioned class and rich sophistication of the London district of Chelsea, but something, somewhere, went horribly wrong. Now the name Chelsea—or even worse, “Chelce”—is synonymous with the flash but low-rent tracksuit-toting, chain-smoking, welfare-check-cashing lifestyle usually referred to in the U.K. as “chav culture.”

Characters in the soap Eastenders, which charts the lives of cockney Londoners, call their children Chelsea. And if you hear someone bawling the name “Chelsea” in a British supermarket—and it’s one of those names that is always being bawled—the one thing you can say about that person is that they will very definitely not be posh.

And not being posh is still an issue in Britain, especially if you have a shot at marrying into the royal family. For several years, Kate Middleton had to put up with whispers of “doors to manual” and the pointing out of imaginary emergency exits when she entered a party because her mother was an air hostess, not a duchess. But Kate is nice and quiet and inconspicuous, whereas Chelsy is loud and brash and stands out. “She is great fun and a REAL party girl,” writes one friend. “Yes, they are back together, and they are a wild couple together.”

At least Mrs. Middleton had a proper job. Chelsy’s mother, Beverley, is best known in her homeland for having been Miss Coca-Cola Rhodesia. Her picture was plastered all over the company trucks as they delivered the beverage to stores around the bush.

Chelsy’s dad, Charles Davy, was born in South Africa in 1952, and his family immigrated to what was then Rhodesia when he was 9. Davy went into the hunting-safari business with a senior Zanu-PF apparatchik named Webster Shamu around the turn of the century, and the partnership proved mutually beneficial. While white farmers were being evicted from their properties, and beaten or even killed by Mugabe’s “war veteran” shock troops, Davy’s HHK Safaris hunting operation thrived, with five concessions and 15 luxury camps across the country. Wealthy Americans and Europeans were flown in to shoot wildlife on one of the HHK concessions. Clients paid up to £17,000 ($28,000) to kill elephants, lions, and leopards for sport.

“She is great fun and a REAL party girl,” writes one friend. “Yes, they are back together, and they are a wild couple together.”

Article - Sykes Chelsy Davy Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy at the British Army Aviation Center, Middle Wallop, England on May 7, 2010. (Photo: Rex)

Davy himself has said he was not spared land seizure and has given up 140,000 acres to the government. Of his relationship with one of Mugabe’s henchmen, he told The Daily Telegraph: ‘I am in business with Mr. Shamu and have been for five years. We have an excellent and honest business partnership. Why should this change? I am in business not politics. I am in partnership with a person whom I personally like and get along with.’

Davy has since sold his share in the business.

April 26, 2011 | 10:37pm
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11:47 pm, Apr 26, 2011


Man she looks busted.

1:32 pm, Apr 27, 2011


I'm sure the 20 million spanish-speaking illegal aliens in the USA are following all this royal gringo news.

2:04 pm, Apr 27, 2011


Shut up and mow my lawn... that grass isn't gonna cut itself!

2:16 pm, Apr 27, 2011

David Jewel

Harry doesnt care in reality He is who he is and she is who she is. He wont be King unless a huge disaster strikes the family and quite frankly the whole thing is Harry is more like the common folk in his attitude then the royals. I laugh to make the comparison but if you saw YOUR HIGHNESS this is the modern version William is the worthy Son Heir to the Throne (played by James Franco in the Movie) while Harry is the Danny McBride Character in every aspect of the word. What I find ironic though is Harry was the one kicking ass in the Military while Williams Military service was perfunctory and a joke never in harms way. (cant risk the heir to the throne now can we).. Leave the poor boy alone, and dont be surprised if Harry and Chelsy dont get married honestly they sound like a typical young couple who are emotionally immature but deep down love each other immensely but just havent quite gotten their %^&* together enough to make it work long term yet.. Any couple thats gotten together and split up that many times only to end up back together either are masochists or deep down know they want each other.

2:54 pm, Apr 27, 2011


Why would anyone care if he married her? That would only matter if Harry were actually related to Prince Charles. Since Harry's father is Andrew Hewitt and Harry is the spitting image of Hewitt, Diana's polo-playing famewhore lover, Chelsy would be a perfect match, no?

4:59 pm, Apr 27, 2011


Prince Charles is his father, silly.

5:32 pm, Apr 27, 2011


Why don't you Google some photos of Prince Harry and Hewitt and then get back to me, silly. Hewitt is Harry's father. They look so ridiculously similar that it's become the worst kept secret in Britain despite everyone's denials.

6:39 pm, Apr 27, 2011


Agree that Harry is the spitting image of his cad of a father, JAMES Hewitt.

9:02 am, Apr 28, 2011


BUT he also looks like a lot like diana and has the same coloring as her brother -earl spencer

2:15 pm, Apr 28, 2011


I'd always thought that too, but as Harry ages he does look a bit more like Prince Charles around the eyes, and nose from the front. It can also be argued he has the Spencer family coloring and looks more like Charles Spencer than Hewitt. I still do think he's Hewitt's son, but now I'm not 100%. Also, why would Hewitt, who's known to be a world class cad,keep quiet about this.

2:15 pm, Apr 28, 2011


I have to go with MMS on this one, though you would think someone would have snatched up a bit of Harry's DNA by now. I'm sure a Leftist rag like the Guardian or the Tabloids would pay well for that.

8:53 am, Apr 29, 2011


Harry is a dead ringer for his great grandmother. Google the pictures.

11:27 am, Apr 29, 2011


I always thought Harry was the love child of Princess Di and Donny Most?

11:45 am, Apr 29, 2011


These are the kind of shiftless, inbred hillbillies that give White people a bad name.

9:22 pm, Apr 27, 2011


It's a shame England doesn't have a couple of thousand royal families so that talentless hacks such as author Tom Sykes would never need worry about where to find the next story that even he has sufficient credentials to write. The National Enquirer and Star can only hire so many sensationalist hack writers each, I suppose.

10:21 am, Apr 28, 2011


Her NAME? Seriously? Sykes is concerned about this girl's NAME??? Wow. He spent many paragraphs carrying on about a young girl's name, which obviously she had no control over when she was conceived, birthed and then named by her parents.

Wow. Just wow. "Party girl" or not, I think Sykes was looking for some filler to what is essentially just a short article about Harry's choice of girlfriend.

And while we're on the subject, why didn't Sykes slam Harry for being called Harry? Prince HARRY??? Yeah, a very princely name, for sure. /sarcasm

BTW, Chelsea Clinton, a brilliant young woman by all accounts, seems to manage just fine with her name.

Sorry, I'm still stupefied that this is what passes for a hook in an article.

3:32 pm, Apr 28, 2011


Actually gigigogo, Harry is one of the oldest and most used royal names for English monarchs..

4:53 am, Apr 29, 2011


Actually, CaptSensible, I guess irony escapes you. But, yes, I know "Henry" is a long standing name for monarchs. It's the informal "Harry" that could be as mocked as Sykes chose to mock a young girl who happens to be named "Chelsy." Neither Harry nor Chelsy had the option of choosing their names when they popped out of the womb. But what does Sykes care - it makes for good fodder to fill up the white space here on DB.

8:23 am, Apr 29, 2011


I like her already, looks like a good match for Harry, I hope she's gets a shot.

10:32 pm, Apr 28, 2011
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