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Turn your trash into a greenhouse

Spencer Soper: Turn your trash into a greenhouse

After the rough winter and all this rain we've had, a lot of you are probably itching to get out in the garden. Fortunately, we have some great tips from Barry Donchez in Bethlehem, a man full of surprises.

More On The Cheap

This Valentine's Day, give your date the Cheapster Test
  • Spencer Soper: This Valentine's Day, give your date the Cheapster Test

  • Did you ever see that mob movie "A Bronx Tale"?

    We don't need no stinkin' sleds
  • Spencer Soper: We don't need no stinkin' sleds

  • Cheapsters sure came through and suggested a lot of ways to reuse those little plastic scoops that come in powdered drink containers.

    Don't waste unused stamps
  • Spencer Soper: Don't waste unused stamps

  • You ever watch one of those crime thrillers, where some cryptic letter sent by a madman on the loose undergoes all kinds of forensic testing in a top-secret lab?

    Never buy laundry detergent again
  • Spencer Soper: Never buy laundry detergent again

  • What if we told you we have a great tip that will save you a lot of money and make you look forward to doing a household chore that many people dread? Seriously.

  • Spencer Soper: Don't waste sesame seeds

  • This week's tip comes from Marie Cimino in Forks Township, who proved that she is one shrewd cheapster by finding another use for something most of us probably just throw away.

  • Spencer Soper: Meet the new King of Cheap

  • The Cheapsters have spoken and Josh "Beer Plane Dude" Newman is our new King of Cheap.

  • Spencer Soper: Make 2011 a year of cheapness

  • Happy New Year, Cheapsters. If one of your resolutions is to try to save money in 2011, here are a bunch of tips from Cheapsters throughout the Lehigh Valley to help get you on the right track.

    How does your store measure up?
  • Spencer Soper: How does your store measure up?

  • Ever go to the supermarket and see a bunch of groceries in a cart on display? There's usually a sign that says something like "All this great stuff costs a lot less here than at the competing...

    Don't waste those leftover candy canes
  • Spencer Soper: Don't waste those leftover candy canes

  • Christmas is over, and it's time to snap out of it.

  • Reader weighs in with savings on produce

  • Mornings are getting cooler and trees are beginning to turn.

  • Cereal box yields a hidden prize

  • Do you like cereal?

    It's time to vote for your favorite Cheapster
  • Spencer Soper: It's time to vote for your favorite Cheapster

  • We heard recently from Ed "Pretzel Salt Dude" Wanamaker, who saves the salt from the bottom of a pretzel bag to sprinkle on tomatoes or put in a pot of pasta.

  • Spencer Soper: Don't waste herbs

  • Has this ever happened to you? You buy such fresh herbs as basil, cilantro or parsley at the market and have a pretty good amount left over after you prepare a dish. So you put them away intending...

    On The Cheap is thankful for free coffee
  • Spencer Soper: On The Cheap is thankful for free coffee

  • Thanksgiving is the perfect time to sit back and take stock of all the things that make us grateful.

  • Spencer Soper: Touch up furniture with shoe polish and save

  • When you're done reading this, take a quick look at the wood furniture and cabinetry in your house.

  • Spencer Soper: Never buy shaving cream again

  • Kintnersville resident Craig Rosen knew how to get our attention immediately when he left a message for us on the On The Cheap hotline.

    A handyman's final project
  • Spencer Soper: A handyman's final project

  • When he was young and his heart and lungs were strong, Ron Marshall built homes, kitchens, bathrooms and additions throughout the Lehigh Valley. He dreamed of using his construction skills to build...

  • Spencer Soper: Save on trash bin liners

  • There are few things in life as enjoyable as getting home from the store, stocking up your closet with a big pack of toilet paper and thinking, now there's something I won't have to worry about for...

  • Spencer Soper: There's nothing good about Goodie Bags

  • Sometimes, it takes a courageous outsider to stand up against the special interests who have an incentive to maintain the status quo.

    Here's how to make your own Ziploc baggies
  • Spencer Soper: Here's how to make your own Ziploc baggies

  • Do you ever put something in a plastic bag?

  • Spencer Soper: Don't waste money on glass cleaner

  • Do yourself a favor when you're done reading this.

  • Spencer Soper: Tales of Extreme Cheaptitude

  • We went to the Allentown Fair this week looking for "Tales of Extreme Cheaptitude." It was a beautiful day, and it's always fun to meet people at the fair. Especially Cheapsters.

    An old sock can save you a bundle
  • Spencer Soper: An old sock can save you a bundle

  • We here at On The Cheap don't have much use for fabric softener. It's one of those unnecessary extravagances like cable TV or a car with a working air conditioner.

  • Spencer Soper: Take your children bowling for free

  • There are still a few weeks left before school starts, so we wanted to share another installment of our "On The Cheap Summer Survival Guide" featuring ways to keep the kids occupied without going...

  • Amusement park excitement on a Cheapster budget

  • What if we said you could get all the fun of Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom for free, and without all the lines and parking headaches.

    Don't waste money on cleanser
  • Spencer Soper: Don't waste money on cleanser

  • OK, Cheapsters. You might want to sit down before reading this. We're about to blow the lid off of a major scandal that has been bleeding budgets for generations to pad the profits of household...

  • Spencer Soper: Reader's inspiring feedback keeps us cheap

  • Probably the coolest thing about writing On The Cheap is the great feedback we hear from readers.

  • Readers offer ideas for plastic bags

  • A few weeks ago we sent a shout-out for tips to help Mary Lou Deemer in Allentown figure out what to do with those zippered plastic bags in which sheets are packaged. You can always count on...

  • How to make a Musikfest Beer Baby

  • It's that special time of year again, when Cheapsters from around the Lehigh Valley quietly and discreetly engage in our own form of civil disobedience.

  • Clean your eyeglasses, On The Cheap style

  • About a year ago, we told you about Irene "Toilet Lady" Zalutsky, an amazing woman whose homemade concoction for clearing a clogged toilet would make any mad scientist jealous and could save you...

  • Empty beer cans good as model planes

  • A few weeks ago we told you about our On The Cheap Challenge, where we pitted Budweiser against Pabst Blue Ribbon in a blind taste test among randomly selected beer drinkers. The low-cost PBR won in a...

  • On The Cheap: How to save on watch batteries

  • If you have a watch and ever had to buy a battery for it, you're going to love this tip from Barbara Hobson in Orefield, who shows how you can be a Cheapster and a well-accessorized fashionista at the...

  • Here's a sweet tip for leftover pickle juice

  • We've got a special tip on what to do with all of that juice left in the jar after you eat the last pickle. No bonafide Cheapster would just pour all that good stuff down the drain.

  • Hand lotion can be good to the very last drop

  • It's getting cold out there. If you spent the weekend raking leaves or rushing to and from stores, your hands might be getting dry and cracked.

  • Dads: Take the challenge to save on suds

  • We've got something special today for all of you Dads out there: The gift of thrift.

  • Say 'boo' to high cost of Halloween treats

  • What if we told you we had a plan to get you through the next six Halloweens for $1?

  • Here's an idea you'll be dyeing to try

  • This one's for the ladies. And for 15-year-old boys named Daniel who like jet black hair and Metallica.

  • The King of Cheap


  • Salt-saving tip is worth a shake or two

  • What if I said you may never have to buy table salt again?

  • Reader's tip will help you bag some savings

  • Most people wouldn't want to think that their worldly possessions suck.

  • Give your toothbrush a trim

  • We've got a great tip this week from Ed Hall in Easton, who learned a few money-saving techniques while raising his three children.

  • Sweating the economy? No need to show it

  • Today, fellow cheapsters, we delve into that deep secret hiding in the corners of many homes that few have the gumption to discuss, let alone acknowledge.

  • Put the squeeze on toothpaste waste

  • If you're reading this column, you've probably already got some method of getting all you can out of that tube of toothpaste.

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