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The Lonely Island MTV Spring Break '88 - Highlight Reel 1

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Uploaded by on Mar 9, 2011

From The Vault - The Lonely Island at MTV Spring Break '88 Daytona Beach!!!
Highlight Reel 1 of 2.
Features songs "I'm On A Boat" & "We Like Sportz" from The Lonely Island album "Incredibad"

Footage courtesy of MTV.

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  • For everyone who's saying "FAKE" I would just like to say: No shit.

  • 324 peoples names are steve.. haha

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  • Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhh

  • NO ONE WANTS YOU AROUND STEVE! XD The Lonely Island is the best!

  • 1:52 deron williams?!

  • *plastic bag

  • They remade spring break to look lik it was in '88 nd combined tht with some old '88 footage from MTV

  • All that's missing from this is some fuckin lazer cats.

  • @korn2600 FAKE

  • THIS IS REAL!!! they used their epicness powers to open a rift in the space time continuome, and they went back to daytona '88 and sang Jizz in my Pants =)

  • (. Y .)


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