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Sammy Hagar Answers Fan Questions About Eddie Van Halen and the Future of Chickenfoot


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Uploaded by on Mar 22, 2011

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  • your looks are related to mickey rourge lol 

  • Sammy has a big mouth......but nothing to say...

    most of his songs go: I NEED LOVE...

    he should sing: I NEED LYRICS...

    CHICKENSHIT sounds like a JAM BAND

    on a monday night in some lousy club in the outskirts....

    and....stop bad mouthing VH....they are HUGE....

    Sammy is just.....HISTORY...

    go retire ..you 65 year old wxxker....PERIOD !

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  • Who are the other 2 in the Top 3 Einstein? Hendrix is one I bet and the other?

  • Hey dick, looks like you can tell the future knowing what Satch would or wouldnt be be without Eddie. With that foresight you should go buy a lottery ticket.

  • Thank you, finally someone with common sense around here... these kids this that tremolo picking and dipping the trem bar while you tap is "genius".

    This guys are fucking jokes (the commenters not the musicians).

  • Go say it to anybody who knows anything about guitars? how about myself, whos been playing for 6 years idiot. Satch wouldn't be anything if it wasnt for Eddie making shred what it is. Satriani plays fast and Skrillex makes fast beats, it doesnt make either one a musician. Go actually listen to VH pre hagar, the things he plays are true music, that satch hasnt even scratched the surface of

  • jimmy page, keith? ha! sammy ain't in the same league!

  • Sammy! I listen to ya music every day ! Love ya Brother!

  • Love Sammy. Great singer.

  • Not lost, I'm familiar with the entire works and accomplishments of both. Yes, I've played guitar nearly my entire life, and it was EVH, not Satriani who was my inspiration for buying my first electric long ago.

    I still believe that Satch the more technically skilled of the two. Blow Satch's ass off the guitar map? Shenanigans I say. Shenanigans. *brandishes fists in the air* Eddie on a good day is shit hot, but ever heard Satch on a bad day? Of course not, because he isn't a drunk.

  • I swear people get lost in the tracks made my Satch and Malmsteen , they think OMG this guy is a solo artist with no voice! his guitar is that good!!! yes those guys are legands. But dont tell me that EVH , and guys like Paul Gilbert cant do exactly what Satch does. Cause they all can. Satch is great .... all time great. But! .... nuff said.

  • Your lost buddy.Im gonna guess you play guitar. Every little ax man will say that Satch is better than Eddie because hes basically the underdog of the 2. Eddie Van Halen is a bigger name , a revolutionist of the instrument and a no Doubt a Top 3 All time Rock Guitar player. and the resason why, Is he did it in a Hall of fame Rockn Roll band for 25+ years. You give Him , Wolfie, and Alex a recording of just intrumentals. He would melt Satches Face off. No Dave, No Sammy, No keys. Just EVH.

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