YouTube To Get Curated With Channels [REPORT]

In recent months, we’ve been hearing growing rumors about YouTube adding more curation and original content, and now sources are saying that the video site plans to add “channels” to make itself more viable for Internet-connected TVs.

The Wall Street Journal cites “people familiar with the matter” as saying that parent company Google is planning on altering YouTube’s homepage to focus on subjects such as arts and sports. It plans to add 20 premium channels that would have five to 10 hours of professional programming per week. Other channels would feature current YouTube content (here’s hoping for the “cats running into mirrors” channel).

The whole deal will cost $100 million, according to the WSJ.

This news isn’t particularly novel when you consider YouTube’s recent moves — as well as rumors about its recent moves. In March, Google acquired web video production company Next New Networks with the aim of helping content partners create better videos. At that time, it announced that it was creating a program called YouTube Next to provide grants and training to partners (YouTube Partner Grants program also launched in July to fund talented users).

There were also rumors buzzing around in February that YouTube CEO Salar Kamangar will be building out the site’s recently instated talent program by offering big-name stars their own YouTube channels. Those stars would then fill the channels with original content, while also keeping complete control of those three-minute videos. YouTube, in turn, would rake in the ad revenue.

And let’s not forget sports — YouTube is also apparently in talks with some major sporting leagues to bring even more live games to the site (it has already featured livestreaming Indian Premier League cricket matches).

Adding more curation to the site via channels only makes sense given the direction in which YouTube is apparently headed — and the revenue the site could generate via ad-supported channels.

We’ve reached out to YouTube for comment.

Photo courtesy of Flickr, Evelyn Proimos

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  • Joe Simpson

    Google need to consult the users a lot during this process, however I feel feedback is one area where Google fails, and I don’t want it to be curated 100%. People will move I suppose :)

  • Joe Simpson

    Google need to consult the users a lot during this process, however I feel feedback is one area where Google fails, and I don’t want it to be curated 100%. People will move I suppose :)

  • Joe Simpson

    Google need to consult the users a lot during this process, however I feel feedback is one area where Google fails, and I don’t want it to be curated 100%. People will move I suppose :)

  • Joe Simpson

    Google need to consult the users a lot during this process, however I feel feedback is one area where Google fails, and I don’t want it to be curated 100%. People will move I suppose :)

  • Joe Simpson

    Google need to consult the users a lot during this process, however I feel feedback is one area where Google fails, and I don’t want it to be curated 100%. People will move I suppose :)

  • Joe Simpson

    Google need to consult the users a lot during this process, however I feel feedback is one area where Google fails, and I don’t want it to be curated 100%. People will move I suppose :)

  • James Lawson-Smith

    It does look very much like Google are heading this way, It can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Lets just hope it is not just the big partners that get to decide what is going to happen but let some original talent through. I think that this is what the whole NextUp Competition is all about finding new talent for things like this. I am in the NexttUp competition and I want to make videos on how to use YouTube to the best it can be. Please give me a thumbs up

  • Jonathan Paula

    ““partners” refers to the denizens of the YouTube Partner Grants program, which launched in July to fund talented users”

    Um, no – it refers to Partners – users who share ad-revenue with Google, and program which launched four years ago.

  • Anonymous

    Indeed. I should have clarified that they existed before ( launched.

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    The problem with a “brand” is once its “branded” that is what it is known for. People dont go to YouTube for quality Programming, they go for a clip of some dumb looking baby singing in the back seat of a car, or a dog skate boarding, or Teen Mom Getting in a bitch fight…but original high end content. The train has left the station, its Called ‘Funny or Die’

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    It will be interesting to happens in the future. One of the reasons people like YouTube is that it has the look and use of a non corporate site. This has been ‘our’ channel and not that which has been managed by the men at the top. Slowly, YouTube aka Google has changed the way it operates, and it has had to I guess if they want to make money but will this be at the expense of users visiting the site. So many users/watchers/participants – so maybe not…..until the next thing comes..who knows what will happen…

  • Dan Jones

    I’d recommend people take a look at new iPad app which has a curated video solution already (disclosure: its my app). Interesting step for Google.

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    So where does this sit with the Google off-shoots like Ooyala?

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    So where does this sit with the Google off-shoots like Ooyala?

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    Great idea. Kids need to read more


    Great idea. Kids need to read more

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