


Canada's decade-old medical-marijuana scheme is a complete mess. The next government can either try to fight in the courts to maintain a status quo that serves no one; or it can fix the problem. In the absence of legalization or decriminalization, the...
Ottawans have learned much from OC Transpo's route-cutting exercise. It's too bad that information had to come from reducing rather than improving the system.
Getting a little irrationally exuberant about the economy these days? Don't get too comfortable.
Bernie Farber And Tanya Marie Lee

Together in persecution

The Canadian Jewish community often talks about the similarities in its history to other faith and ethnocultural...

Elise Von Teichman

Father Joe needs our love

My name is Elisabeth von Teichman, I'm 25 years old, grew up in Ottawa and I work full time for the ...

Renu Mandhane

Prisoners with mental health issues deserve better

The inquest into the 2007 death of Ashley Smith while in federal custody, now set to start in May, could...

Peter Showler

Detained Tamils case exposes Canada's brutal refugee policy

The federal government's rhetoric about the evils of human smuggling has crashed into the twin barriers...

Michael Taube

Harper will go when Harper is ready

There is a growing number of pundits predicting Prime Minister Stephen Harper will...

Andrew Cohen

Andrew Cohen: One dares not speak her name

It wasn’t enough for Stephen Harper to dismiss her from cabinet and expel her from...

Roger Collier

Good parents ignore their kids

I am a world-class ignorer of humans. Say I'm sitting on my couch, a novel in one...

David Warren

What the meek inherit

You wince, and turn away. It is the natural human reaction. "I can't do anything...

Janice Kennedy

Journalism over the line

Like most of my colleagues most of the time, I am honoured to be a member of that...

David Warren

The best prime minister is the one who dislikes politics

Sir John A. Macdonald was not my favourite Canadian prime minister. A brilliant, ...


Trying to make sense of immigration numbers

Today's meeting with Ottawa South candidates (video here) (tweet stream here) was interesting. There...

The Ed Board blog

John Baird rewrites history

Yesterday, the editiorial board met with the candidates from Ottawa West-Nepean, including the Conservative...

The Ed Board blog
Elizabeth Payne

On editorial boards and legacy funding

The Citizen's editorial board is meeting with candidates from 15 area ridings during this election...

The Ed Board blog



The Ed Board

Argue with the Citizen's editorial board.


Outside the box

Writer Aisha Sherazi is reluctant to be limited. She writes ...


The Bulldog

In the early days of journalism, the first edition of the newspaper...


The Ed Board

Argue with the Citizen's editorial board.