Security Flaw Found in Tumblr, Company Says It’s Now Fixed

It started with a tweet Saturday morning, sounding an alarm of a security breach in the popular microblogging platform Tumblr. “OMG… The Tumbeasts are spitting out passwords!,” it warned.

That tweet spread like wildfire, notifying the world of a coding error that opened a security hole with the potential of revealing users’ passwords, server IP addresses, API keys and personal information.

Fortunately, Tumblr reacted, fixing the problem and then issuing this official message about 5 to 6 hours after the flaw was discovered:

“A human error caused some sensitive server configuration information to be exposed this morning. Our technicians took immediate measures to protect from any issues that may come as a result.

We’re triple checking everything and bringing in outside auditors to confirm, but we have no reason to believe that anything was compromised. We’re certain that none of your personal information (passwords, etc.) was exposed, and your blog is backed up and safe as always. This was an embarrassing error, but something we were prepared for.

The fact that this occurred at all is still unacceptable, and we’ll be seriously evaluating and adjusting our processes to ensure an error like this can never happen again.

Please let us know if you have absolutely any questions.”

What caused the error? That’s still under intense discussion at The Hacker News and elsewhere in the hacker community, but many think the culprit was a errant piece of PHP code. Obviously, spelling counts.

Let us know in the comments if you think those who discovered the security flaw were more eager to broadcast its existence than notify the Tumbler coders who might have been in a position to quickly fix it.

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  • sexyprout

    [...] a errant piece of PHP code that instead of starting off with “

    Hmm, ok.

  • John P

    I think the mashable cms saw a <?php and deleted it

  • shotbeak

    Quite ironic.

  • Rohan Pinto

    c’mon folks.. youre impressed that they fixed the issue and the fact that the passwords stored were not CRYPT’ed doesnt bother u at all !!!!

  • John P

    At a guess it was a php raw script that was printed rather than executed and it had in it a database password


    *sips green tea latte* Boy, Mashable sure know how to sensationalize anything social media related don’t they. smh

  • Edward Margo

    sounds good for more info and good deals of course!

  • Gavin Reynolds

    Most probably right

  • Bryan “bytehead” Price

    If you look at the source code, it’s in there.

    But yeah, instead of a < php, it was a ?php

    And I suspect that the preprocessor actually stripped it out.

  • Encontrado fallo de seguridad en Tumblr « COMPUNOTICIAS – NOTICIAS DE INFORMÁTICA Y TECNOLOGÍA

    [...] Vía: Mashable [...]

  • Trisha P.

    Database::set_defaults(array( ‘user’ => ‘tumblr3′, ‘password’ => ‘m3MpH1C0Koh39….55Z8YWStbgTmcgQWJvFt4′, ..

    That password is actually highly secure. But no use if you make it public :P

  • Usman

    Tumblr should really just admit that they cannot handle so much data and let us use external hosting!

  • Usman

    Tumblr should really just admit that they cannot handle so much data and let us use external hosting!

  • Grant Ruxton

    Impressively spun statement from tumblr. Maybe they should allocate more budget to programers and auditors, than PR girls?

  • Anonymous

    Yay! The world would stop revolving without Tumblr!

  • Deep S.

    I have a screen grab. Was fun readin it. Here:

  • way2workfromhome

    I’m using tumblr, but I think blogger is more secure and easy to use.

  • Anonymous

    Wow – glad I don’t have a tumblr! My Marketing company does, but I dont think a tumblr would benefit me as a divorce attorney. Glad they got it fixed!

  • Security Flaw Found in Tumblr, Company Says It’s Now Fixed @ New Techie

    [...] full At Mashable Wow, 0 people read this. Tags: microblogging, Security, Tumblr Category: Internet, Security [...]

  • Matt Humphrey

    Wow! I like the term “bug” in this case!

  • Deep S.

    Yeah seems like they turned off some custom php module by mistake, and its spitting out all the raw output.

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