Google Chrome Gets Updates: New Interfaces, Faster Browsing

Google announced Tuesday a few changes to Chrome, its engineered-for-speed web browser.

The super-fast beta version that was announced a few weeks ago has already been updated to a stable version. For the Googlers working on Chrome, speed entails not only faster code (the latest version of Chrome boasts a 66% improvement in JavaScript performance) but also easier-to-navigate interfaces.

With that in mind, the company is rolling out a new Settings interface for all Chrome users. One major change is that Settings are now presented in a Chrome tab rather than a dialog box — a change that will seem familiar to those using Google’s Cr-48 notebooks, which run Chrome OS and present absolutely everything in a browser tab.

Settings are also searchable, which many users will likely find extremely helpful.

Here’s a brief demo video showing Chrome’s new Settings pages in action:

Google has also extended its sandboxing features to Chrome’s Flash player.

Interested parties can download the latest version of Chrome now. Be sure to check back with us in the comments section to let us know what you think of the new browser.

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  • tonyknuckles

    This is good news…

  • mrnoe

    her voice is so robotic..

  • David Reid

    Meanwhile the world is still waiting for Firefox 4…

  • Gudipudi

    Guys, i am an huge fan of google and its products, but i should admit that chrome is not an longer a great product. i never pass a day without having issues with chrome ( either it gets stuck or i get a popup kill pages and list continues..) . Some times though i am connected to internet, i still cant open the pages. Would love to know if any of you are facing such issues ?

  • Amitash

    New interface for settings is awesome and it has been there from the developer version.

  • Daina Thomas

    There are issues with each and every browser .. they all can fail at times ..I was a die hard fan of Mozilla firefox .. but faced so many issues with it like .. it crashes automatically or hangs which was hampering things .. finally I tried chrome, wasn’t much impressed with it in the beginning, but I started liking it and used it for its lighting fast speed, and soon after Chrome extensions was launched, which was an amazing thing done by Google.

    I Guess you should uninstall the browser and try reinstalling it again, this will help.


  • SusieQ

    I did the download as instructed for the latest version of Chrome, via your link & nothing at all happened! I know very little about software(?) & the Google Chrome help menu is of none to little help as instructions are far too complicated & lengthy with having to “hunt” for the right subject. For someone like me, with basic if not limited knowledge a better “user friendly”, of both the Help menu & help when the links given don’t work is needed. I have had no satisfactory reason why Google has no on-line customer service or at least a phone number, including international help. Even if I happened to find a help topic I still would not be able to follow instructions. I have used Google since the start but with “aw snap” happening every day & now this I am finding it increasingly harder to stay with Google. I may have to “Bing & Decide”!
    Please see link for same problems –

  • Prasanthi Talluri

    Thats really great…!!! Chrome – Proved as Worlds Fastest Browser..!! :)

  • Josh Thompson

    Sounds epicly Irish…

  • himanshu

    i think firefox will be soon face bad days coz of chrome

  • Tinh Tran

    I love this update and it looks awesome too. Thanks

  • Tinh Tran

    I love this update and it looks awesome too. Thanks

  • msieor

    I used to only use ie, but I mostly use Chrome for web surfing now. Why? It’s fast!

  • Google Chrome Gets Updates: New Interfaces, Faster Browsing – Mashable | Facebool-Login

    [...] from: Google Chrome Gets Updates: New Interfaces, Faster Browsing – Mashable Categories: Google News Tags: chrome-gets – complete – faster – faster-browsing – faster-speed – [...]

  • David Nield

    already very good – keeps getting better.

  • Anonymous

    i love the search box!

  • Juan Pablo Lozano

    This is old news!

  • dima

    it is very fast and is loading very quick.

  • Nuevo Chrome ajusta mejor

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  • Fahad Waraich

    A very good browser but it doesn’t seem to work with Mac. I gave it a try twice but every time it had issues in refreshing, despite being connected to internet. So, I’m back to Safari now.

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