3 Facebook Mobile Trends to Watch This Year

The Facebook Marketing Series is supported by Buddy Media, Power Tools for Facebook. Have something new to tell 500 million people? Learn the best way to manage multiple brands on Facebook with this webinar.

Facebook CTO Bret Taylor has said that a lot of the company’s focus this year will be on mobile. When Facebook declares an intention in any direction, people take notice, but for marketers, this may mean that 2011 is the “year of mobile,” a designation that has been tossed around every year since 2006 or so.

It’s unthinkable for a marketer to ignore Facebook, but that said, there are a lot of mysteries and frustrations around the platform. Display ads don’t perform very well there, for instance, and a lot of consumer data is kept under wraps. Facebook’s mobile operations are even harder to get a handle on. The company’s mobile app, for instance, doesn’t at the moment provide any opportunities for advertisers through traditional venues, such as display ads.

But things are changing. Eyeing Groupon, Facebook recently expanded its Facebook Deals platform to include local deals in at least six cities. Facebook Places hasn’t been used much by marketers yet, but that could also change. Here are three big potential growth areas for Facebook’s mobile operations this year and some ways that marketers have already capitalized on them.

1. Mobile Friendcasting

Last November, Constellation Wines worked with mobile marketing firm Augme Technologies for a program that offered consumers a mobile site accessible via a 2D barcode or a text message. The site, which offered a party-planning calculator and suggested food and wine pairings, among other features, was designed for consumers who were out at liquor stores looking for a wine to bring home or to a holiday party.

One viral aspect of the effort was a feature that let those users share their purchasing decisions with their Facebook friends. David Apple, the CMO of Augme, predicts that such sharing will become easier this year as Facebook attempts to get retailers to register for Facebook Places. Doing so, Apple says, is going to “allow general grocers like Safeway and Kroger to create on-the-fly inventory deals.”

That would also mean that the deals will be broadcasted across Facebook, opening up a new form of advertising: Mobile to Facebook. Another marketer that sees potential in mobile-to-Facebook is ABC, which is using MMS video messages, distributed every Wednesday, to publicize its new show Happy Endings. Users who get the messages also automatically post them to their Facebook wall. The network is hoping the Wednesday distribution will encourage tune-ins. In this case, the salient aspect about texting is not the ability to reach a consumer in a given location, but the fact that consumers are generally more responsive in real-time to texts than emails.

2. Deals

The combination of location-awareness and time-sensitive deals opens up a whole new area of mobile marketing for Facebook. Facebook got into the market when it introduced Deals as part of its Places service last November, and expanded it in March with Groupon-like deals specific to each city. (The pilot launch is in Atlanta, Dallas, San Diego, San Francisco and Austin, Texas.)

The expansion of Deals, in theory at least, gives retailers more incentive to register with Places. Imagine the following scenario, for instance: A consumer with 150 Facebook friends cashes in on a deal at Kroger, which automatically sends out a status update on her account describing the deal. Assuming 10 friends are shopping nearby that day and checking the Facebook app on their mobile phones, that’s potentially 10 more customers than Kroger might have had if not for the Facebook-broadcasted deal.

Jamie Tedford, CEO of Brand Networks, predicts that a lot of brands will begin exploiting the possibilities of Places in earnest this year. “We will see more marketers building games and promotions on top of the Facebook Places platform delivering ‘check in to win’ and loyalty points as reward for checking in and broadcasting their location,” he says, noting that his firm did something along those lines recently with JetBlue.

3. Phoneless Checkins

Since Facebook is so pervasive, it’s easy to see a day where consumers can access the social network by means other than a computer or mobile phone. For instance, under a program at the Coca-Cola Amusement Park in Israel last summer, visitors were able to update their Facebook statuses via their RFID-enabled bracelets. (See video below.) According to All Facebook, the program netted more than 35,000 updates each day of the program even though the village only hosts 650 teens at a time. Similarly, Vail Resorts last fall launched a platform where skiers could post the amount of vertical feet they traveled on their Facebook profiles. In another program, running shoe brand Asics let friends and family members send individualized messages to runners in the New York Marathon via Facebook. When a runner’s tag was recognized by an RFID reader, the message ran on a video screen.

Mark Roberti, editor of RFID Journal, says phoneless checkins make sense at waterparks or skiing resorts where people might decide to leave their phones behind, but also at an event where connectivity might be a problem. Though he thinks it will take a while for the technology to go mainstream, he says that it opens up a lot of possibilities. “As marketers learn about it, they’re going to find new and interesting ways to use it,” he says of RFID Facebook checkins.

Series Supported by Buddy Media

The Facebook Marketing Series is supported by Buddy Media, Power Tools for Facebook. Have something new to tell 500 million people? Learn the best way to manage multiple brands on Facebook with this webinar.

More Facebook Marketing Resources from Mashable:

- 4 Ways to Set Up a Storefront on Facebook
- HOW TO: Add Social Sharing Buttons to Your Website
- The Future of Social Search
- 5 Creative Facebook Places Marketing Campaigns
- Dog: Man’s Best Facebook Friend, Too? [INFOGRAPHIC]

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  • http://amdwebservices.com/ Adam Dukes

    Mobile and Social Media is the future. Combining them is HUGE!

  • Joel Farr

    Great post, It’s amazing how fast the mobile industry has taken off. It only makes sense that 2011 will be the “year of mobile.” We’re excited to see the doors this will open up for advertising on Facebook!

  • Joel Farr

    Great post, It’s amazing how fast the mobile industry has taken off. It only makes sense that 2011 will be the “year of mobile.” We’re excited to see the doors this will open up for advertising on Facebook!

  • http://twitter.com/jibemedia Jibe Media LLC

    Great post, It’s amazing how fast the mobile industry has taken off. It only makes sense that 2011 will be the “year of mobile.” We’re excited to see the doors this will open up for advertising on Facebook!

  • http://twitter.com/jibemedia Jibe Media LLC

    Great post, It’s amazing how fast the mobile industry has taken off. It only makes sense that 2011 will be the “year of mobile.” We’re excited to see the doors this will open up for advertising on Facebook!

  • Anonymous

    Great post, It’s amazing how fast the mobile industry has taken off. It only makes sense that 2011 will be the “year of mobile.” We’re excited to see the doors this will open up for advertising on Facebook!

  • http://www.fbisdown.com/facebook-news/3-facebook-mobile-trends-to-watch-this-year-mashable/ 3 Facebook Mobile Trends to Watch This Year – Mashable – Facebook Is Down

    [...] 3 Facebook Mobile Trends to Watch This YearMashableThe Facebook Marketing Series is supported by Buddy Media, Power Tools for Facebook. Have something new to tell 500 million people? Learn the best way to manage multiple brands on Facebook with this webinar. Facebook CTO Bret Taylor has said that a lot …Facebook reaching out to feature-phone usersCNNFacebook Updates Mobile FaceMobilediaFacebook reaches 250m mobile users as site optimised to suit all phonesMetroLakestar Media -3G.co.uk -Good Gear Guideall 15 news articles » Categories: Facebook News 4 April 2011 at 13:23 – Comments [...]

  • http://pintsizeparamour.com/ Laura

    Wow. Thanks for posting that comment three times, from three different profiles.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3224505 Tyler Coffin

    I’ve been calling 2011 the year of the QR Code. Social QR Code allows users to create a “Like” button QR Code. You can also create QR Codes to share content and also create Coupons that are sharable on Facebook and Twitter. Give Social QR Code a try.


  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Patrick-J-Sweeney-II/735798694 Patrick J. Sweeney II

    ODIN is providing facebook ready solution at this year’s RFID Journal Live – photo booth, check-in and like stations for trade show goers. See it at RFID Journal Live in Orlando April 12-15th or learn more at http://www.ODINRFID.com

  • http://profiles.google.com/johnpdoessel John Doessel

    Crazy to think of technologies capabilities…How will we be able to use this to better brand ourselves? Time will tell.

    For ideas in the now: http://www.marketingdose.com

  • http://cmhoose.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/2011-the-year-of-the-mobile/ 2011: The Year of the Mobile? « Chris Hoose

    [...] to Todd Wasserman’s article on Mashable, there are three big potential areas for growth within Facebook’s mobile [...]

  • Anonymous

    Facebook will continue to be the Promiseland for marketers, but users will continue to fight it, evidenced by the lack of performance in the ads. The last thing FB users wants to see is where our friends are cashing in on deals. They will be running for the “hide” key, and if there isn’t one, they’ll start to defect.
    Sure, I understand – hundreds of millions of users aren’t going to leave, but as our newsfeeds become more and more littered with advertising and promotions, the activity level starts to decrease. I see it on my own feed. That’s not what people are there for. Organic word of mouth works, not promotions.

  • Guest

    Sorry! New to Disqus and was just trying to figure it out.

  • http://twitter.com/aDavidCreation David Chism

    I would agree 100% with this post for Retail marketing. However, for the service companies (plumbers, painters, electricians) I don’t see these 3 mobile trends being relevant yet. I think mobile usage will definitely be stronger each month, but for the in home-service businesses, marketers are still scratching their heads on how Social Media will help them.

  • Anonymous

    Phoneless checkins can also take place using picTags technology – 2D barcodes specially customized for Facebook Photography.
    The technology can be used at events and conferences, and is going to be used at the iStrategy Social Media conference this week, see -

  • http://twitter.com/damonlrice Damon L. Rice

    man, this stuff is moving fast! Hard to stay up on the latest, greatest new thing.

  • http://twitter.com/damonlrice Damon L. Rice

    man, this stuff is moving fast! Hard to stay up on the latest, greatest new thing.

  • http://twitter.com/damonlrice Damon L. Rice

    man, this stuff is moving fast! Hard to stay up on the latest, greatest new thing.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_NKQ7WXNMZIYQZYYE6M3VOURNFE megamelfina

    Facebook is definitely expanding rapidly, and I think they are going to see a boom in interest. They are especially going to see people and businesses interested in their daily deals site.

    A great site for consumers to use to save is http://www.dailydealpool.com. They’ll send you a email to you daily, ensuring you won’t miss out on a great deal!

  • Leland

    Why are so many people falling over each-other in order to give away some of their most valuable information to facebook? I’m amazed at how Facebook is able to get people to give more and more data about their personal lives, location and spending habits to a private company.

    Mark was right when he said ““They ‘trust me’. Dumb fucks.” . People just keep giving more and more and he keeps taking. It’s sad.

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