Is the AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Good for Consumers? [POLL]

AT&T just made an agreement with Deutsche Telekom‘s T-Mobile USA, buying the company for $39 billion in cash and stock. AT&T insists that the U.S. wireless industry is “one of the most fiercely competitive in the world, and will remain so after this deal.”

Maybe you think otherwise. Let’s take a poll and see how Mashable readers feel about this enormous and shocking new deal:

Is the AT&T deal with T-Mobile going to be good for U.S. consumers?survey software

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  • Gustavo Feliciano

    In a way it will be good since it will provide great coverage across the U.S. but hopefully they stay competitive if not then it will be bad

  • Kristen J.

    Only if I (as a new T-Mobile customer who just switched a few months ago from over 6 years of service on AT&T) get to keep:

    - Ease of use with billing and customer service
    - Same data plan
    - Same network

    Otherwise, no — this will be a bad deal for me and any other T-Mo USA customer. I have just been able to talk on the freaking phone for the first time since the iPhone came out. Horrible timing for me.

  • D_Town96

    I don’t know. But if I can get the TORCH now with 3g speed I will be a happy TMO customer.

  • Anonymous

    Great, so now the only US provider with reasonable pricing got bought up by the one with the most bizarre pricing. How is that possibly good for the US consumers?

  • Mike Shelby

    Well I guess I don’t need to unlock my iPhone anymore…

  • John Hicks

    How is this even a topic for discussion? There is no way imaginable that a deal like this benefits consumers in any way, shape, or form.

  • Meredith Allison @RockTique

    I’ve been a tmobile customer since the very beginning. The ATT customers should be thrilled & the tmo should be pissed! Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, who knows what they will do in this merger, but I know that I am too angry to think about it…REALLY angry

  • John Salcido

    You will be grandfathered in. Besides, it will take at least a year before network conversion starts.

  • Odin KENT

    iPhones work on T-Mobile?

  • Edwin

    This is not good! From what I heard AT&T is sucky and T-Mobile is the best. I bet you AT&T is then going to say they teamed up when they really just bought it.

  • Foghorn Leghorn

    I have been with T-Mobile since the VoiceStream days. Awesome customer service, the best family plan. We will NOT be staying with AT&T-Mobile!! Guess Verizon is the lesser of two evils now. Sad…

  • Odin KENT

    Really surprised at the number of people voting yes. Wowzers.

  • Anonymous

    It’s a TERRIBLE deal for T-Mobile customers. No doubt our prices will soar to AT&T levels, we’ll get slower 3G with broadband caps ala AT&T, and T-Mobile’s service will be replaced with AT&T’s “we’re the phone company, you have to do what we tell you” approach.

    I’m also skeptical that the antitrust authorities would allow this merger to go through — it would give AT&T something like 46% share of the mobile telecom market in the USA.

  • Foghorn Leghorn

    Those are most likely AT&T customers. I can’t imagine very many T-Mobile customers will appreciate the merger.

  • Fred Thomsen

    This deal brings to the forefront a misconception that exists about the wireless industry in the US, which is that the industry here is more competitive than Europe because of a lack of regulation, which is completely untrue. Since carriers here can choose between a vast array of radio standards, then phones only work on one service provider thus locking you into that service provider just for the ability to use that phone, even if you haven’t signed a contract. This deal takes the bad US wireless environment and just makes it worse.

  • Fred Thomsen

    This deal brings to the forefront a misconception that exists about the wireless industry in the US, which is that the industry here is more competitive than Europe because of a lack of regulation, which is completely untrue. Since carriers here can choose between a vast array of radio standards, then phones only work on one service provider thus locking you into that service provider just for the ability to use that phone, even if you haven’t signed a contract. This deal takes the bad US wireless environment and just makes it worse.

  • Fred Thomsen

    This deal brings to the forefront a misconception that exists about the wireless industry in the US, which is that the industry here is more competitive than Europe because of a lack of regulation, which is completely untrue. Since carriers here can choose between a vast array of radio standards, then phones only work on one service provider thus locking you into that service provider just for the ability to use that phone, even if you haven’t signed a contract. This deal takes the bad US wireless environment and just makes it worse.

  • Scott Fitsimones

    Yeah. Competition is needed.

    Blog For Teens

  • Diana

    Joke is on us. All these years getting treated pretty fairly with a mobile company that had low prices and decent coverage.

    I just went on a contract again, so I could get the Mytouch4g. Not once when I was with Tmobile did I have issues with customer service or even coverage.

    In the past I had AT&T and I got screwed, They didn’t bill me then 6 months later I get this huge bill and collectors (yet I still had service on the phone) I paid it down, Then it repeated and another 6 months later they said I owed them for the whole year, despite paying before. 3 years of fighting with them, about this and I had proof. WHY would I go back to a company like that, and I’m stuck with no choice in the matter. We no longer have a choice if we are with T-mobile we will be stuck with AT&T and I didn’t agree to that!

  • C. E.

    AT&T messes up everything they buy. This is terrible for T-Mobile customers. HORRIBLE!

  • Odin KENT

    I’m an AT&T customer! My iPhone is my *only* phone and my phone service has the occasional dropped call (I had a two hour conversation with my family yesterday, for example, and the call dropped once -I’m okay with that, but I’m easy) and I haven’t had a bad customer service experience…

    All that said, I still think the merger is bad for consumers.

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