Google: Social Media Success Will Determine Employee Bonuses [REPORT]

Google has reportedly applied a new multiplier to staff bonuses for 2011. According to a leaked memo from Google CEO Larry Page, the company is making its social efforts a top priority and will reward all employees if those products are a success — or dock everyone’s bonus if those efforts fail.

Google’s +1, which just launched last week, is the search giant’s most recent and perhaps most relevant social product. Since it’s tied to Google Web Search, +1 has a better chance than most Google social products.

Now we’re hearing that Page is betting heavily on +1 and is staking employee bonuses on that bet, as well.

Business Insider is reporting that Page “sent out a company-wide memo … alerting employees that 25% of their annual bonus will be tied to the success or failure of Google’s social strategy in 2011.”

Even Googlers not involved in building +1 and other social products are asked by Page to test products, give feedback and spread the word about these products to their families and friends. And if this word-spreading and feedback-giving pays off for Google as a whole, each employee’s bonus gets increased by 25%.

Competition in the social space has long been fierce, and given Google’s losing streak (Dodgeball, Wave, Buzz, need we continue?) and its to-the-death battle with Facebook (which doesn’t want to give Google an inch of social ground), Google definitely needed to put some urgency and incentive into its fight for a winning social media product.

But is asking for an all-hands whisper campaign the way to go? We welcome your opinions and comments on the subject.

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  • Anonymous

    This is a great idea. Hold employees responsible for company policy they have no input on and results they can not possibly control. Can you hear the search engines crank up with the sound of Google employees looking for new jobs. Or maybe they’ll just go down the street to facebook and apply with the Google mole and get a pay raise they way. #Thatisall #Funnythat

  • Anonymous

    This is a great idea. Hold employees responsible for company policy they have no input on and results they can not possibly control. Can you hear the search engines crank up with the sound of Google employees looking for new jobs. Or maybe they’ll just go down the street to facebook and apply with the Google mole and get a pay raise they way. #Thatisall #Funnythat

  • Anonymous

    This is a great idea. Hold employees responsible for company policy they have no input on and results they can not possibly control. Can you hear the search engines crank up with the sound of Google employees looking for new jobs. Or maybe they’ll just go down the street to facebook and apply with the Google mole and get a pay raise they way. #Thatisall #Funnythat

  • Anonymous

    This is a great idea. Hold employees responsible for company policy they have no input on and results they can not possibly control. Can you hear the search engines crank up with the sound of Google employees looking for new jobs. Or maybe they’ll just go down the street to facebook and apply with the Google mole and get a pay raise they way. #Thatisall #Funnythat

  • Anonymous

    This is a great idea. Hold employees responsible for company policy they have no input on and results they can not possibly control. Can you hear the search engines crank up with the sound of Google employees looking for new jobs. Or maybe they’ll just go down the street to facebook and apply with the Google mole and get a pay raise they way. #Thatisall #Funnythat

  • Anonymous

    This is a great idea. Hold employees responsible for company policy they have no input on and results they can not possibly control. Can you hear the search engines crank up with the sound of Google employees looking for new jobs. Or maybe they’ll just go down the street to facebook and apply with the Google mole and get a pay raise they way. #Thatisall #Funnythat

  • Arthur Chambers


  • Arthur Chambers


  • Arthur Chambers


  • Arthur Chambers


  • Arthur Chambers


  • Arthur Chambers


  • Arthur Chambers


  • ★ Toby Andrews

    This is a pretty interesting. The staff at most organisations would be hard pushed to name their firm’s number one priority. If this is what it takes for Google to get their employees behind a core growth platform then why not. So many organisations fail to recognise the need for focus and clarity, and make their strategy a compass upon which their employees can base their decisions. Yes, Google may come under fire for throwing money at another social initiative, but there will be few doubts as to what is important to the company.

  • ★ Toby Andrews

    This is a pretty interesting. The staff at most organisations would be hard pushed to name their firm’s number one priority. If this is what it takes for Google to get their employees behind a core growth platform then why not. So many organisations fail to recognise the need for focus and clarity, and make their strategy a compass upon which their employees can base their decisions. Yes, Google may come under fire for throwing money at another social initiative, but there will be few doubts as to what is important to the company.

  • ★ Toby Andrews

    This is a pretty interesting. The staff at most organisations would be hard pushed to name their firm’s number one priority. If this is what it takes for Google to get their employees behind a core growth platform then why not. So many organisations fail to recognise the need for focus and clarity, and make their strategy a compass upon which their employees can base their decisions. Yes, Google may come under fire for throwing money at another social initiative, but there will be few doubts as to what is important to the company.

  • ★ Toby Andrews

    This is a pretty interesting. The staff at most organisations would be hard pushed to name their firm’s number one priority. If this is what it takes for Google to get their employees behind a core growth platform then why not. So many organisations fail to recognise the need for focus and clarity, and make their strategy a compass upon which their employees can base their decisions. Yes, Google may come under fire for throwing money at another social initiative, but there will be few doubts as to what is important to the company.

  • ★ Toby Andrews

    This is a pretty interesting. The staff at most organisations would be hard pushed to name their firm’s number one priority. If this is what it takes for Google to get their employees behind a core growth platform then why not. So many organisations fail to recognise the need for focus and clarity, and make their strategy a compass upon which their employees can base their decisions. Yes, Google may come under fire for throwing money at another social initiative, but there will be few doubts as to what is important to the company.

  • iCheap Marketing & Design

    Jolie, i can call it “Breaking News” just because it is from a leaked document i think it is going to be a good competition among employees. I think now Google wants to check thier workers ideas and productivity to launch new ideas about social space and off course if their employes are going to produce more innovative ideas they will have acces to their incrased 25% bonus, and this idea i think came from Klout and PeerIndex

  • iCheap Marketing & Design

    Jolie, i can call it “Breaking News” just because it is from a leaked document i think it is going to be a good competition among employees. I think now Google wants to check thier workers ideas and productivity to launch new ideas about social space and off course if their employes are going to produce more innovative ideas they will have acces to their incrased 25% bonus, and this idea i think came from Klout and PeerIndex

  • iCheap Marketing & Design

    Jolie, i can call it “Breaking News” just because it is from a leaked document i think it is going to be a good competition among employees. I think now Google wants to check thier workers ideas and productivity to launch new ideas about social space and off course if their employes are going to produce more innovative ideas they will have acces to their incrased 25% bonus, and this idea i think came from Klout and PeerIndex

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